
1018 Words
"What were you doing at my college, Mr. Black?" I asked him again when he didn't answer me the first time. He slowed down the speed of the car, just a little bit, to make me hear him better. "How about we continue this conversation when we reach home? I am sure. I would be able to explain it to you a lot better in the kitchen while cooking dinner for us." He said and I pressed my lips into a thin line. The idea that he would be cooking dinner for me, again, made me feel a little uneasy. "I can cook my own dinner, Sir." I said after a minute and he laughed, picking up the speed and my fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt when I jerked forward. "Nonesense, Lazarus. You had a tiring day. I can cook dinner. And I love cooking. Helps me brush up my culinary skills as well. What do we have in our kitchen?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrows when he referred to my kitchen as our kitchen. But then, as long as he is paying the rent, it's his kitchen as well. Especially when he cooks food there. When he cooks the food for me. "No, it's just that you also work. I am not the only one who gets tired. I think we should divide our work. Especially when you are going to stay with me. It's not fair to make you do all the work." I said, and his laughter faded with the wind slapping me on my face. But it was still audible. Audible enough to send my heart beating a thousand miles in just a few seconds of his laugh. Hades Black was indeed a very dangerous man. Who can tell by looking at his beautiful face that he murders people for a living? Certainly not me. "We can discuss that later on. Do we have vegetables in our kitchen?" He asked me again, and I licked my lips. When I tried to retract my fingers, he increased the speed of the bike again. "Maybe? Like you'll be able to find a couple of them. Which one do you want?" I asked him curiously and he laughed, shaking his head, taking a turn. "Anything will do. Were you planning to walk home if I did not have stayed for you, and would have forced you to take the ride with me?" He asked me, parking his bike. He waited patiently as I got off the bike and looked away from him. It was hard to maintain eye-contact with his beautiful gray eyes. Especially when his eyes intended to rake me open. "I always walk home, Mr. Black. Besides, walking is good for our health. And it saves money, so it is healthy for my pocket as well." I said, looking at him as I took the stairs. I could feel his burning gaze on the back of my head, making my breath hitch. No! No, please don't stare at me. You're too beautiful to resist. But too dangerous to consume. He didn't speak anything back. The silence between us reigned for minutes as I opened the door and walked inside and Hades Black followed me inside. "We have reached home. Now tell me what were you doing at my college?" I asked him, turning back and he raised his dark eyebrows at me, smiling faintly as he snorted at my desperation to know the reason why he was at my college. "Take a breath, Lazarus. And I believe both of us need to get freshened up first. And I want to use the bathroom first." He said, making me narrow my eyes at him. It's my bathroom. But he pays the damn rent! "Because I have to cook dinner also. I will only take a couple of minutes, Lazarus. Why don't you start making your report on the recession?" He asked me and I froze, not wanting to ask him how he knew what my topic for assignment was. I knew he had great stalking skills. But I didn't know he was this talented. These stalking tendencies of his scare me shitless. "f**k the bath. How the hell do you know what my topic for the assignment is? And the hell were you doing at my college? In my f*****g classroom?" I asked him, anger surging inside me and his eyes flashed at the tone I used with him. He took a step forward and then many more before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and jerking me towards him. My eyes widened at his unforgiving grip on my shirt. The sudden whim in him made my heart stammer like never before. And this time I wasn't quivering because he was gorgeous or hot. But this time it was because I was scared of him. Like never before. "One, get your tone changed with me, Lazarus. Because you won't be able to bear what I would offer you for using this f*****g tone with me. And two, do not forget who I am, Lazarus, and what I am capable of doing to you. So, behave, Lazarus." He said, taking a few steps back, leaving me trembling. I gulped as I quickly nodded my head and rushed inside my room before locking it from within. Hades Black was dangerous. And no matter how well he has been behaving towards me, I know there's a side of him that barely takes disrespect from anyone. And this side of him makes my heart quiver with fear. In the fear that one day he would kill me without blinking an eye. I pressed my nose into my pillows as I heard the noise of water running. So, he was taking a bath. Probably to calm himself down. Maybe I also need a bath. To calm my fear as well. Soon the noise of water stopped. And I knew I had to face him now. For dinner. Or maybe I could just skip dinner tonight.
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