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"So, when shall we pick you up for Lana's party?" David asked me when we were packing our bags to leave the college. I raised my eyebrows at him. I barely slept last night. Overtime can be hard at times, especially when you have college in the day to attend in the day and work in the night. It can be hard. Really hard. "When is the party?" I asked my friends. It's funny how I call them my friends, but we rarely meet outside college. It's funny how they don't know anything about my life, but we all pretend like we know each other well when all we are doing is wearing our masks well. "Tonight." Johnathan was the one to answer and I let out a sigh, shaking my head, slinging the bag on my shoulders as I took a step forward, to leave for the diner. I can't afford to be late every day. My boss will fire me. He won't think twice. "I'm sorry, I can't make it to the party tonight. I am busy. Maybe some other time?" I said and David was quick to block my way. His lips were jutted out in a small pout, making me chuckle softly. Was this boy really in college? Pouting to convince me to come to the party I wasn't even invited? "Come on, don't be a spoil-sport, Russell. It's going to be fun. And you can get free alcohol there. What's more important than partying where you can get free drinks?" David asked me and I shook my head. My chuckles had died into a soft smile that made my face look ironic. What's more important than drinking? Maybe to pay my bills and loans. Sleeping is more important than drinking when I have to work continuously for the rest of the following day and night. But how do I explain all of these to him? Or to any of them? I didn't knew. Neither did I ever try to know. "I had to work overtime yesterday. I really need sleep today, David. I promise, I'll attend another party with you all. But this time it won't be possible. Hm?" I said, before leaving the classroom. I heard David sighing from behind and guilt surged inside my veins. But I reminded myself I had work to do. And partying all night would mean taking a day off. And I can't afford any deductions on my salary at the moment. "Lazarus!" "I'm sorry, Johnathan. I can't come. Really. I'd pass out if I did. I am really sleepy, dude." I said, turning around to give an apologetic look to another friend of mine. He laughed at my words that came out as a soft murmur as he shook his head. "You look really tired, Russell. Come, I'll give you a ride." Johnathan said, and David nodded his head. My heart swelled at the affection they were showing me, but my self-esteem was quick to shake its head. So did I. "Or maybe I can walk. It's good for my health and you don't have to take so much pain for me." I said and David rolled his eyes, snatching the keys from Johnathan's fingers as he walked past us, making me sigh. These people won't listen. "You can serve us a cup of coffee and some muffins as well? We were planning to complete our assignment today." David said, opening the door of Johnathan's car, taking the driver's seat himself, leaving Johnathan rolling his eyes. The bond Johnathan and David shared was a unique one. "I am not a waiter. My work is to take care of the counter and walk-in deliveries. Sometimes, I make coffee as well. But I don't serve. But yeah, I'll serve you the coffee and muffins. But can we get going now? I can't be late again. My boss will have my head on his tray." I said, taking the back seat, and David nodded his head as he started to drive. .... Have you ever felt the heat of summer hitting you while others are chilling on the beach? Have you ever felt like God has given you extra to suffer and fewer dollars to live your life? I felt worse than this when I saw my room-mate Hades Black sitting in the last booth, sipping what looked like a coffee. He was busy typing something on his laptop vigorously. The customers around looked at him for creating a disturbance but no-one dared to do him anything. After all, he was the owner's brother. One thing that made him stand out in the crowd was his sense of styling his clothes and attire. He was dressed elegantly, nothing special, but he looked like the most handsome man sitting in the diner. A white t-shirt and dark jeans that had iron chains around its pocket. His dark locks were combed back. And his skin shunned under the lamp. He was gorgeous. Like a man carved by God himself. Like an author, sitting at the expense of time, creating and describing every feature of his body and face with time and effort. It would be embarrassing but honest to admit that I was staring at him. And not because I was shocked to see him. But because, he was simply the most eye-catching person in the diner. But then my heart stopped beating for a millisecond and I blanched back, like a student caught cheating in an exam. His eyes met mine and I was caught staring at him. His lips curled up in a mischievous smile and I knew I was facing my doom if not my utterly misfortuned fate. What did I do so badly to have him my room-mate, first? And then what else did I do badly to attract his attention enough to make him smile impishly at me? Like he was planning something against me? And my heart caught fire at the mere thought. "Hey, you, get me a Corretto." He said, and my eyes widened at his order. But we don't serve Corretto. We don't serve alcohol mixed with caffeine. "He's calling you." David said in awe, and I looked at him with my eyes narrowed in displeasure. Why did everyone around me find him charming? Can't everyone see what's behind that face? A coldblooded murderer, someone who didn't once think before shooting people. But then how can I deny the fact that he was charming! "I just came here. I am sure he is calling someone else. Sammy! The customer's calling you." I said, trying to rush away from Hades Black as fast as my long legs allowed me, but he stopped me before I could've taken my place. Bloody hell! "I was calling you, young man. Come here." The last two words were spoken with such intensity and authority that I barely had the courage to oppose him. Even if the rebel side of my soul wanted to protest, his brother, who was my boss, was looking at me. Like one mistake and he would fire me. And with a defeated sigh I walked near him. His eyes were on me, like a lion eying his prey. Waiting to attack it. "What can I get for you today, Sir?" I said lowly, trying to keep my answer within me and his eyes twinkled in amusement as he leaned back on the only table that had a sofa for a chair. When I say this man lives like he is the main character of his and my life, I wouldn't be lying. "Corretto coffee and banana nut bread. Make it quick. And make the coffee yourself." He said and I gritted my jaw, trying to keep all the colorful words inside my dictionary only. Because his attitude was hard for me to control my own temper. I can only be as quick as the recipe allows me to. How can he expect me to make him coffee at a time when water won't even boil? "We don't serve Corretto, Mr. Black." "I prefer the word Sir." And I prefer for you to leave the diner. "I thought you told me to not call you that." I said smartly and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Fair enough. And get me a Corretto. Be quick, Lazarus. Time is ticking." I raised my eyebrows at his words. Time is ticking? What was he trying to say? Just when I was about to ask him what he meant, his brother walked towards us and I understood what he meant when he said that my time was ticking. "What are you doing here, Landan? You shouldn't be taking too much time to note down an order. Be quick at your work." He scolded me and I curled my fingers into a fist to keep my anger at bay. These brothers didn't leave a single chance to piss me off. "My name is not Landan, Sir. It's Lazarus. And I am not slow at my work. Your brother is demanding Corretto— espresso mixed with alcohol. We don't serve it." I said, as patiently as I could and he looked at Hades Black, raising his eyebrows, as if silently asking him if I was lying or not. When Mr. Hades Black nodded his head, his brother felt at ease, making me roll my eyes mentally. I wasn't lying, Sir. "Do you know how to make Corretto, Landon?" f**k you! Why can't he simply call me Lazarus? It's not that hard to remember a damn name! Especially when that freaking person is your damn employee! "Landon?" "I am Lazarus, Sir. And yes, I know how to make Corretto." I used to work in bars before. But I didn't add that. "Then what's the problem? Make it for him." He said, making me realize where Hades Black got his attitude from? Seems like it runs in the family. This attitude of not hearing a damn NO from anyone. Especially from me. Great! "The problem is that we don't have brandy in our diner. And Corretto is usually made with the help of espresso and brandy," I said, and he looked at Hades Black again. Just polish his damn shoes as well! "Then get the brandy from outside. It's not too hard, isn't it?" "Just like not remembering my name." I muttered under my breath and he raised his eyebrows at me. "What did you say?" He asked me and I looked at Hades, who was looking at me with raw amusement. My misery was his entertainment. I was glad to see that. How caring my room-mate was for me. "I was saying that even the nearest alcohol shop is fifteen minutes away from the diner, Sir. I am sure the gentleman would understand the non-availability of brandy. I can make him something else from the menu. Absolutely free. On me." I said. My eyes were already drooping from lack of sleep and he was being stubborn about having a damn spiked coffee! "Are you in need of this job, Lazarus?" Hades Black asked me this time. I raised my eyebrows at his daring words. He was playing dirty. Using my helplessness to make me do work that wasn't even legit. But I was helpless. So helpless that I nodded my head and took several steps back to get him a damn brandy to make him his freaking Corretto. "And be quick, Lazarus!"
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