The Boy with The Blue Eyes

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Sabrina was still, her mind in absolute chaos. She couldn’t even think straight without her thoughts going back to him. After what seemed to be an eternity alone in the living area, Marcus had finally strolled in and apologized for the cold welcome they had bestowed upon her. It wasn’t that cold; the troll had been charming. It was his master that made her question everything. After brief polite banter between Marcus and her, the troll had shown her to her quarters where she would stay. The room was warm and inviting, with a king-sized bed and a few ornaments, tables, and chairs lying around. There was a fireplace that burned brightly on the farthest left of the room, a bay window on the right. The place had an almost French appeal to it. Sabrina felt a familiar feeling building within her; the room reminded her of home. Sabrina didn’t expect Finn Wilde to meet her that fast; she also didn’t expect the vampire to be so remarkably handsome. At first, she hadn't noticed the vampire walking, but when she did, it was like her whole world was flipped, and an illusion had been shattered; those deep blue eyes made her tremble. She struggled to find her words. Something stirred, something that she hadn't felt for the longest time. It came in like sparks digging into her flesh. It made her tingle with excitement and consumed her mind, making her want something, making her want someone. "No, Sabrina, not now. He's your target." Finally giving up the futile attempts she made to get Finn Wilde off her sexually frustrated mind, she decided to take a nap. Maybe that would cool her down a bit. Sabrina dropped herself onto the old king-sized bed and let out a sigh of relief as the pressure on her feet was lifted. She was tired, and her feet were sore, regretting her decision to wear heels to this godforsaken place. She sighed, wiggling her toes a little bit to make her feet slightly more comfortable. Damn it! Why didn't Jane tell her? It was no secret that her servant valued practicality over fashion. The woman had enough money to buy herself anything her heart desired. Sabrina had made sure never to take advantage of her servant and give her everything. She was more of a sister than a servant, though she’d never tell the proud shifter that. Unfortunately, the woman decided that comfort was the best way to go, always buying mildly expensive things and the most conservative clothes the human world had to offer. Jane always chose comfort, and as a result, she balanced Sabrina’s overly flamboyant ways with a touch of modesty and reasoning. So why the hell did she not tell her that wearing heels to this hell hole was a bad idea? No, she was sure that the woman knew everything. Maybe she wanted Sabrina to suffer. "Yes, that must be it. Jenny wants me to die with aching feet." Maybe it was Jane’s twisted, demented way of taking revenge. But it was not on purpose, honest to God. Sabrina had just a few months ago and completely and undoubtedly by accident lit Jane's garden on fire while she was drunk. The poor roses were burnt to a crisp, and Jane was beyond mad. She hadn’t talked to Sabrina for a whole month, even though Sabrina had paid a hefty amount to a gardening company to restore the garden to its original glory, and they did. The place looked almost the same. “That girl can keep a grudge,” she smiled. Sabrina wondered if Finn kept grudges. Maybe he does. There had been rumors that the man was as ferocious as they came. Before he had gotten the crown, he had a reputation for being the most vicious creature in existence, a man who could command the darkness to flow through the lands. Damn it! She had thought about him again. Having had enough of it all, she pulled her pillow over her head and tried to fall asleep; perhaps that would stop her from thinking about Finn. **** There was a voice calling out to her; it sounded so familiar. It made her stand on edge a bit, yet she lay on the ground still, gazing up at the dark green tree canopy and the bright blue of the sky peeking through. The forest was beautiful. She felt so relaxed, despite the biting cold of the snow beneath her body. This place would always be magical to her. “Oh, thank the gods, there you are, you silly little girl. Stand up this instant; you’ll catch a cold,” a woman said. Sabrina stood, and the woman began brushing the snow away from her now almost soaking wet dress. She was beautiful, her fiery red hair the same as her own, only she had a few white hairs here and there. She still looked young and in her prime. “Come now, dear; you need to help me with a few chores. Your father has invited the chief and his son. They are talking about selling the land west of here. They'll be staying for a while.” Sabrina's eyes lit up at the thought of seeing him again. He was here, and she hadn't even known it. Her face betrayed her excitement, and her mother smiled knowingly. She knew that her daughter had fancied the chief's son for a long time. Ever since she was born, the girl had grown attached to the boy. But it hadn't been clear to her until she was only but two years old and had refused to leave the boy's side, crying and begging. She even cut her hair and dressed up in her brother's clothes just to be by his side. "It must be a union intended by the gods; how else would that girl come out of the womb already in love and so determined." They walked through the forest in silence for a while. Sabrina had been bursting at the seams with excitement. She was dying to know how long he would be staying. This time it will be different. This time he will look at her, not as the girl who was his friend's sister, but as a woman. Sabrina had finally come into her prime. Two harvest seasons ago, she had experienced her first blood. At first, she had been scared, but then her mother explained everything in the way only a mother could. She had become a woman. The only sanctuary she found with the news was the fact that he may notice her. She’d be glad to be wedded to him, for him, she’d give up her dream to travel the lands and oceans for a family, to give him sons he could be proud of, for him, she’d change everything. It was by the last harvest that she noticed the change in her body, and so did everyone else in the village. In just a few short months, she had had eighteen suitors coming to her father for her hand, but she refused. She’d also noticed how her body reacted whenever she thought of the boy, the unbearable heat and dull thumping between her thighs, how hard her breast swelled up, and how absolutely sensitive every part of her became. She knew what her body craved for, despite being sheltered away and living in the farthest corner from the village; she'd often snuck about in places a decent woman would not dare to go. She knew what happens between a man and a woman. "Can she even call him a boy? He had joined the hunting group three summers ago, and now he was a warrior, the best in her village. Women and mothers were struggling to propose marriage, but they were all turned away. It gave her hope. The more he refused to take a wife, the more time she has to pursue him, and she won’t fail. After all, she had been waiting for him for the longest time; she deserves him." "I’m the only one who knows him." Her mother opened the wooden door to the house and walked in. The house was unlike any other in the village. Her father had been the town blacksmith for a while. He bought land and picked up farming; he later bought horses and, after a while, he had become one of the most powerful men. Their house was large. They had five slaves, but her mother loved to do everything herself. Her brother had left to search for wealth. He succeeded, and now he lived an hour away on his land. She sometimes snuck out to go there in hopes of seeing the boy there, but every time she’d missed him, her brother would always laugh, ruffle her hair and send her back home. “Ehm,” A voice was cleared, as the mother and daughter made their way through the living area. She hadn’t noticed the three large men sitting around the fireplace trying to keep warm. It had been a cold day today. The cold never bothered her. It was only then that she noticed that her mother had been covered in a quill, her father had pure white skin along with the rest of the men who wore gray and black and white fur skins all around their bodies. She had only had on a thin now wet dress, and her hair was heavy with the weight of melting snow. She had been outside for so long. He was staring at her, this time not the normal I'm unfeeling, unseeing stare that he'd always given her. This one was different; this one was a bit wild. His deep piercing blue eyes stared at her as if she were his prey. She tried to hold back the growing feelings within her, but she was failing; it felt like she was burning, every place his eyes lingered on was scorching. Her heart beat grew faster; those eyes looked so familiar yet so foreign she couldn't breathe now. She held her left hand to her chest, trying to will her heart to still. It didn't work. It kept beating and beating and beating until she shot up with a jolt of adrenaline, her consciousness returning as the haze of sleep dissipated slowly. "What the actual f**k!"
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