The Vampire With Blue Eyes

1563 Words
Her mind was moving too fast; she felt everything all at once—fear, dread, curiosity, confusion, and pain. The pain part was foreign. Why did she feel like she had just been through a breakup, and why was she crying? She wiped the tears away with her left hand. It was only after the tormenting feelings died down that she noticed the darkness around her. She had been asleep for far too long; it must be nighttime. Her stomach growled a bit, a clear reminder of the fact that she had not eaten anything the whole day. She leaned over the side of the bed to turn on the lamp next to her, only to feel something moist. Her hand retreated immediately, then, reluctantly, Sabrina bent over again to switch on the light, this time avoiding the warm thing. Light flooded the empty room, revealing a medium-sized plate filled with food. The smell of mashed potatoes, green peas, and grilled meat made her mouth water. Someone had left it here; no doubt it was Marcus. She noticed a note by the side of the bed. "What’s this? Dear Anna, You slept so soundly. I just didn’t have the heart to wake you. Enjoy your meal. Marcus." The troll was so kind; Sabrina couldn’t help but smile at the note in her hand. Maybe when she kills Finn, she might take him with her. Her mood shifted at the thought of killing him. The images of what she had seen in her dream came back to her. The woman in her dream with the same hair as her, the boy, and everything in between. They all felt so real, like it was a suppressed memory of some sort. Sabrina knew how to tell the difference between dreams, illusions, and memories. She had to learn it the hard way when she had spent decades trying not to relive the past. Sometimes it would take over without her knowing, but this time, this time it felt different. Either way, she has enough on her mind; to obsess over a thing like this would be futile… unless. She stilled and gazed around her room. This wasn’t right; the place did not feel right. How could she not have noticed it before? Despite the fact that the manor was old, it had a warmth to it that simply could not be. Sabrina hadn’t noticed it at first; she had to admit seeing the troll answer the door and meeting Finn Wilde for the very first time had distracted her. But now here in these four walls of the small yet cozy room, she sensed it. It was not a warmth that could be found through a blazing fire or a heater. This was old and magical. The magical aura of the place was so potent in the air that it warmed everything up; it made things shine just a bit brighter and things smell just a bit sweeter. For a downwalker, something like this could be easily spotted, but for a human, a house is just a house; they wouldn’t be able to tell if a place was enchanted or not. Was this house enchanted, or was she so desperate to find a rational answer to her dream that she wanted it to be true? Sneaking around hadn’t been on the table, but Sabrina was restless, and she couldn’t get herself to sleep no matter how much she tried. It didn’t help that she was dying to move around and see what the manor had to offer; she was inquisitive in nature and needed an escape plan if anything went wrong. The hallways were dark and eerie; the cold hardwood floors creaked ever so slightly when she walked. It took Sabrina only a few steps to realize that the place had nothing other than character; every hall and every room was different, despite her room having an almost French appeal to it. The rest of the house was as mixed up as the pages of a history book; late 18th-century flooring in some places, Greek wall designs in another, she even found two small libraries both having designs almost centuries apart. Everything felt so familiar; there wasn’t a lamp she passed or even a painting that didn’t make her feel a certain way. Sabrina, after getting herself completely lost, had finally wound up in the kitchen. The house had stairs almost everywhere; peculiar as it looked, it did serve its purpose. That is if you know where you want to go. The kitchen was modern. It looked like it was the only thing that was from the present time; a long white countertop, six-burner stove, see-through cabinets, a toaster, a large fridge, and even décor that screamed millennial living. This wasn’t Finn Wilde. Somehow, Sabrina knew that this place had nothing to do with the vampire but with the troll. Marcus had been the one to sneak into her room to leave some food in case she woke up hungry, meaning that it was Marcus who cooked and not the vampire. This must be Marcus’s sanctuary, his own little place. Marcus had his kitchen, Jane had her garden. “Miss Smith?” She jumped, the man behind her giving her a fright. Oh, how she hated being surprised. She turned around, hand still on her chest, ready to declare a verbal war on the newcomer, only for her mouth to turn dry and her mind to turn absolutely blank. Finn Wilde was staring down at her, now only inches apart. Those blue eyes, those piercing blue eyes looked soo… Her eyes trailed down the man’s figure shamelessly. Finn was standing there with only but a long grey pajama bottom, his smooth, broad chest exposed; she bit her lip. God, why is the man so irresistible? “Mr. Wild,” she said almost in a gasp. Dammit, her voice betrayed her; she had wanted it to sound indifferent, calm, and aloof, but it had come out as if she was flustered and aroused, which she was, but he didn’t need to know that. “What are you doing here?” Finn said as he took a step back from Sabrina, finally letting go of her gaze. “I couldn’t sleep, so I came for a glass of milk to calm my mind,” she lied and tried to pull down her nightgown discreetly, hoping that the vampire wouldn’t see and he wouldn’t smell the arousal on her. She had picked the wrong nightgown, now regretting her earlier decision to wear the shortest nightgown she had, which was black lace that covered almost nothing. She really did want to dress more decently, but her room was too hot, and she hadn’t thought about the whole meeting Finn in the kitchen; she just wanted to walk around. “Okay… I’ll leave you to it then,” Finn said. She wanted to tell him to stay, maybe to talk to him or just be beside him. She wanted to be close to the vampire. “Would you like some?” She asked a bit hesitant, “Would I like what?” “Some milk? I was going to have a glass; would you like a glass?” “Okay,” Finn said as he sat down, his eyes meeting Sabrina’s, causing her to tremble. That gaze was so different; there was something there. She didn’t want to go any farther with her thoughts; the more she thinks about those blue eyes and the more she thinks about the half-naked vampire seated on the counter, the more her body came to life. The time slowly ticked back; both of them sat in silence, each in their own mind. To Finn, this was the most relaxed he had felt in the longest time. Although the redhead in front of him was extremely tempting, the beast within him was still, which hadn’t happened in the longest time; he missed being able to feel again. “So…” Sabrina began, “This place, it’s quite unique; what’s its story?” “It’s nothing grand; I made it as a gift for someone very special once,” “Once? You didn’t give it to them?” “No, I didn’t, but let’s talk about you,” The words caught Sabrina off guard. He wants to talk about me? “Yes, you, do you have someone,” He asked, his eyes trailing her figure, her soft curves illuminated by the soft glow of the farthest lamplight; she bit her lip ever so gently, just the way she used to. It made him want to bite it too, to see if the taste of her lips were exactly how he remembered it. She was so tempting; just a shift in the way she sat would reveal everything. He leaned in closer; she didn’t move, her gaze flickered from his eyes to her hands on her lap. “No, it’s not easy finding someone,” she admitted in a soft voice. He felt the heavy weight slowly lift. He hadn’t noticed how much he had been anticipating her answer. What if she had another? “Good,” he said, and with that, the few restraints of sanity broke within him, he held the silk strands of her hair and pushed her unrestrictedly close to him, his lips on hers.
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