The Library Within the Vault

1593 Words
Morning came too quickly for her liking. Sabrina hadn't gotten a decent amount of sleep. Her mind simply couldn't let her rest, the memory of last night's events replaying over and over again in her mind. Finn had kissed her. He had leaned over and captured her lips in the sweetest kiss. It made her heart soar and her feet tremble, unable to sustain her weight. The vampire made her blood boil, his skin slightly cold, but his touch burnt her like the scorching heat of a furnace. She shouldn't be hiding inside her room like this, she was powerful and had gone through life with a good head on her shoulder. She had lovers before, countless many to even think about, Finn should not be any different from the rest. When was the last time she had s*x? The last person she had been with had been a random human she had met on a boat although it had been eighty years ago. Her s*x drive had taken a hit after the wild night, she had been too focused on finding Finn. The manor looked better in the daylight, the wood glowed a beautiful dark brown. This time she didn't sneek about. Sabrina was sure she would not run into Finn. Vampires are nocturnal in nature. Although Finn could be considered different from his kind, the daylight didn't irritate him the way it did the lower spawns. She was sure that the vampire would be sleeping soundly by now. The smell of fresh bacon and eggs filled her nostrils and she could feel her mouth watering with the promise of breakfast. Marcus must be awake by now, trolls can go long periods of time without rest, sometimes even days. The large doors creaked as she opened the door, revealing a pale figure dressed in a casual grey shirt and dark jeans. Marcus looked odd, he wasn't wearing the butler's uniform that he had just yesterday, instead he had settled for the most mundane looking clothes she had witnessed humans wearing. "Ah there you are. How did you sleep?" the troll enthusiastically said as he noticed Sabrina walking into the kitchen. She took a seat next to the middle of the counter, trying not to remember what had happened in that very seat last night. Marcus had placed a plate stacked full of bacon, eggs and pancake in front of her with a smile, sitting on the opposite side with a plate of his own and a smile on his face. "You look different?" Sabrina said as she eyed the troll more keenly. Was he wearing jewelry? she thought as she noticed the necklace dangling softly on his pale skin. "Ah yes, I only dress like that in specific cases, mostly when we have normal guests," he said as he took a bite of his pancake. "Normal guest?" "Yes. Do you like the food?" "It's amazing, how did you learn to cook like this?" "Millenia of practice." he laughed. It had to be a joke, but Sabrina couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy about the way the conversation was going. Was she not a normal guest? "What do you mean by normal guests? Do you often have guests around?" She gently pressed on. "No, we don't and if we do, then it's mostly by accident. They don't like coming over here, the energy scares them off." "What energy?" " The house." He said in a matter of fact way, "The master will be waiting for you in the corner library, I'm to take you there after breakfast." "He's awake?" She questioned.Finn Wilde facade was supposed to be a human suffering from either dementia or hallucinations. She hadn't bothered to read the file. That was her mistake and now she had made another one, but luckily, the troll only smiled and shook his head as if he had thought her words to be irrelative. "Master hardly sleeps, he's had a hard life and the past torments him too much. He's mostly awake throughout the night and day with bits of naps here and there. The strangest thing did happen today though. I found him asleep this morning in the living area. I don't know what changed." The elf gave an audacious grin. He knew what had happened between his master and his mistress. His master had burst into his room, going on and on about how it was her and he was so sure of it. He also knew that the mistress had not slept after her encounter with Finn. He had missed her so much, but now that she was here the curse would be taking full effect soon, a downside to all of it. This time they'd win, they wouldn't lose her again. Everything would end differently. "Do you want more?" he asked when he noticed that she had calmly finished the food he had given her. In the past, his mistress never loved to eat, but this time she had cleared the plate before he even did. He couldn't help but smile at that. "No, I couldn't possibly eat another bite." "In that case, why don't I show you to the library. The master must be waiting by now. He's not known for his patience, I'm afraid." Sabrina followed as he led her up to one of the many winding staircases. This level of the manor was filled with oddities galore. In the middle of the checkered black and white floor was a statue of a man with a harp. There were also a few suits of armour holding onto medieval weapons, ten vases with poison ivy growing within them separating the armour, a sculpture of a white giant moose to the left, a table full of bells, and snowglobes, a dead oak tree incased in a glass chamber and a large old book placed quietly in the farthest coner on top of a podium. Sabrina's eyes wondered onto the large book. The intense feeling flooded her senses, even in a room like this its power stood out. The leather looked worn and the pages old. It was the book of shadows, the Dark Grimoire itself. Her former coven had been looking for the book for a very long time. It has been lost throughout the ages. It's wearabouts unknown. It was said that the spells within the book were sacred and could alter reality in itself. If she could get her hands on the book, she could break the blood oath and be done with all of it. She would be free from the last shackles, she wouldn't have to kill the vampire. She could just run away and be free. Wasn't freedom the only reason why she was here? It was time for a new plan. "Here we are," Marcus was in front of a large metal... No wait, this wasn't a door of any kind she had seen. That large titanic structure of metal before her was a vault door! "It's a vault?" "Yes indeed it is. Marvelous, isn't it? It's one of the last five remaining in the whole world." "And he's in there?" "He should be," Marcus said as he moved the revolving bars and with a large click the door opened to reveal a quiet little study, there was an old globe of the world on a desk littered with books and parchments. "You're here," a deep voice spoke and Sabrina felt the ground beneath her shift, she struggled to keep her composure as she watched the dark-haired blue-eyed vampire lying lazily on a large red couch. "Good Morning," She spoke quietly as she walked towards where he was lying. Marcus had left almost immediately, leaving the two alone. She sat on the black leather seat next to him, a note book and pen placed neatly on the coffee table separating the two of them. "I believe these are mine," she said as she leaned over and took the notebook and pen in her hands. "Before we begin," he spoke, "I have to apologise for what I did last night, it was very rude of me. I understand you must think of me as some sort of perverted man, but I assure you that's not the case. I simply had too much to drink that night." That was a lie. He hadn't been drunk, she hadn't tasted any alcohol on him . Finn was just trying to politely reject her. Sabrina had to admit it did sting a bit. Maybe the vampire wasn't interested in her. That must be it. Finn Wilde had no doubt been with women much more beautiful than her. Women who were tall, beautiful and refined. She had tried to be that way in the past. But not even human fashion and cosmetic products could help her. Her hair was too red and curly, she'd tried to straighten it but it would always revert back to the way it was. Her skin was the color of burnt olives and her eyes... no, if Finn didn't like her, then that was his problem. There are plenty of men and downwalkers who would give their lives for a night in bed with her. "It's okay Mr Wilde, I ..." "Please call me Finn." "Okay. You don't need to worry. Everything's forgiven. Let's just start now, shall we? Tell me about yourself." "Well, in order for me to do that I must tell you what I am." "What you are?" "Yes, Miss Frey, what I am." "Then what are you?" "I am a vampire."
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