Chapter 20: Jackie, Harry and Louis

8734 Words

Jackie So I was going to share a room with Louis, Harry and Lindsay. I didn’t mind sharing with Harry, he was my boyfriend, but I think Louis and Lindsay had something going on and I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable in case they would f**k during the night. I knew Louis and Harry were comfortable with shagging in the same room, but I wasn’t. “Well this is going to be fun ey?”, Harry asked scratching the back of his neck and awkwardly smiling. “I hope they have separate beds.”, Louis mumbled and I frowned, but Coach Duff butted in. “AND yes, there WILL be separate beds in some rooms, but I don’t own the hotel. Now can we all please CAREFULLY and CALMLY get on the bus? NO PUSHING!” He moved away from the door and everyone got in line to enter the bus. I noticed Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Cl

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