Chapter 1: The job

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Married life with my mates’ was pretty great, the kids were in school and Anita was enjoying her special school for her needs, but just recently in the last two months there had been a change between me and my mates’. I was climbing into bed with Romulus again when he asked, “you’re sleeping in here again? That’s the fifth time this week, what’s going on with you and the other two?” I shrugged and mumbled, “nothing, I just want to be with you right now.” The truth was pretty stupid between me and Jax, we had fallen out over something so ridiculous I couldn’t even remember what it had been about, just that it had been something to do with who’s turn it was to wash up. I knew I had been right, but he was so stubborn, he refused to apologize. As for Fenris, I’d tried spending time with him and being intimate with him, but he kept turning me down with excuses of being busy with work or tired from the kids. The only one who still had time and a high s*x drive was Romulus, as a ladies man I guess it was natural he’d have a high s.ex drive considering how many females he had slept with in the past! There was a time I didn’t believe he could possibly be loyal to anyone, let alone want me when he’d been so cruel, yet here we were married and with kids. Ha! I cuddled up to him and even after these last years I was still shy and more nervous when it came to him because of our past. I pushed my nerves away and put my hand down his boxers and started touching him. “Mmm, what’s this for?” He murmured. He started kissing me slow and sensuously, and it felt so good as he danced his tongue around mine. Romulus had always been an amazing kisser. I felt him growing hard and thick in my hand, and just feeling that made me so wet. “I need you,” I whispered. “You need me, or my c.ock?” He smiled seductively. “Your c.ock,” I admitted shyly. Grinning, he climbed on top of me and gave me what I wanted. He f.ucked me so hard and rough the bed shook and creaked, and I worried it would break. Romulus was usually the gentle and sensual lover to me, I knew he had a very dominant side, but with me, he liked to be gentle and sweet, making sure I tasted and experienced every bit of pleasure there was to be felt, maybe it was because of our past, and he still felt guilty, I didn’t know, but lately, I’d needed him rough and hard, I craved that dominance I’d been lacking from Jax and Fenris lately, and I was surprised at just how good Romulus was at it. I had decided Jax was my favorite for wild, passionate and kinky s.ex, Fenris was the best at anal s.ex while Romulus was my favorite for rough and dominant s.ex. He brought me back from my thoughts pounding into me harder, and I knew we were doing it werewolf strong right now. I hadn’t even known it was a thing, but werewolves, because of our super strength could f.uck hard enough to damage or even kill a normal human, and Romulus was f.ucking me like that right now. I found out they’d never told me about the werewolf s.ex because they didn’t think I’d ever enjoy it that rough and they didn’t want to hurt me, that was until Romulus found out just how much it turned me on. It had been years since I’d lost my virginity so I didn’t get as sore these days and even with the werewolf rough I didn’t get anymore sore than I would from normal s.ex because I wasn’t human. It felt great. He pinned my wrists above my head and asked, “you like me f.ucking your tight little c.unt?” I nodded panting, he was so incredibly hot when he was in full alpha and dominant mode, I really wasn’t used to him being like this and found I couldn’t stay away since I’d experienced it. He gripped my chin and forced me to meet his eyes. “Be a good little omega and come all over my c.ock.” I blushed, like I always did when he made me keep eye contact, and he moaned, “I f.ucking love it when you get all shy and innocent. I’m ready to come, you going to be a good girl and take it all?” I nodded, and he said, “good girl, you better come on my c.ock right now.” He f.ucked me hard again, and then I was screaming my pleasure to the world, so loudly he had to put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. When I was lying in his arms, he laughed breathlessly, “you really enjoy the hard core stuff don’t you?” “With you yes, you are really good at it Rom,” I blushed and hid my face against his chest, making him laugh. Even more shyly, I asked, “is it as good as you used to imagine?” “What do you mean?” “You said you used to fantasize about me because I’m an omega, you wanted to know how it would feel to dominate someone so submissive.” “Oh, f.uck yeah, even hotter in reality.” He leaned down to kiss me and climbed on top to give me more rough s.ex. When morning came, we got up and did our usual routine. Romulus would go down and make the kids their breakfasts, Fenris would make sure they all brushed their teeth and washed their faces and I would make sure they all got dressed properly. At eight years old now, they sometimes still liked to pretend they couldn’t find their clothes or didn’t know how to do the buttons, suspiciously they had no problems getting dressed when it came to fun trips. Anita needed more help than the other two because of her autism, but she was getting there slowly, she was still non-verbal and it used to really worry me and get me down, but I’d slowly gotten used to it and had been so happy when she’d managed to say mama to me a few times. When they were all ready for school, Jax grabbed his car keys, ready to drop them off. Even when I was mad at him, I couldn’t deny how incredibly hot he was. I really tried but failed not to stare at him and all that muscle. He was wearing a dark blue muscle fit t-shirt with jeans tucked into his doc Martin boots that were loose, the style was hot, his golden blonde hair was tousled sexily, and I knew by now that with Jax it was usually natural and not anything he’d really done to it. I dragged my eyes up to his face, thinking it would help, but it didn’t. He had a beautiful face, all my mates’ did, seeing as they were triplets. They all had chiseled jawlines, high cheekbones, full lips, the only difference was their eyes and Jax’s was the most unusual with one piercing blue eye and one piercing green, they had flecks of gold running through them with a rim of gold around. He brought those stunning eyes up to meet mine, and I blushed hard. He knew I’d been checking him out, damn it. He didn’t react, his eyes were cold and neutral, so I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and I hated when he did that to me. Anita ran up to Jax distracting him and tugged on his top. “Dada.” “Come here darling,” he grinned, picking her up in his arms. She was eight, but she still liked to be held a lot, and we sometimes still needed her special pushchair. People were mostly understanding, but occasionally, you’d come across rude and cruel people who would stare wondering why she was in a buggy still, or worse, if we ate out, and she was doing her usual happy arm flaps and making noises, we’d had one or two people mock her and imitate her behavior or scoff in annoyance and whisper how she should be better behaved. I ignored it as much as I could, but it really did hurt to think of anyone viewing her in such a horrible way when she was so innocent. Jax had been with us one time when it happened. A group of people were behind us in the restaurant and didn’t like how she was making noises and flapping her arms, the guy had imitated her mocking and laughing while the rest joined in the laughter. When I’d explained she was autistic, he had frowned and said everyone said that about their kids these days and that she was just undisciplined. Jax wasn’t one for sitting back, and certainly not when it came to his daughter. He had got up and without a word went over and smashed his fist into the guys face, making him fly back off his chair and crash to the floor. When he’d snarled to everyone else if they wanted to make any more comments about his daughter and her disabilities, everyone had shrunk back in terror and shook their heads no and apologized. It had been very satisfying, even though we got kicked out for it. I shook myself from my thoughts and went over to kiss her on the cheek, as well as Lucas and Elena. When they had left, I got ready for work. I’d come a long way from working in the lovely Chinese shop with my best friend Ren, now I was working for an organization that was run by supernaturals to hunt other supernatural criminals. It had started off me finding out about it and thinking it would be great for Jax and his…urges, but then I’d found myself really enjoying the thrill of it too. I was still an omega through and through and always would be, I was still clumsy and silly, but with the years of training from Romulus, I had become a good fighter at least, and I used it to help others. Right now, we had been given a new case about a serial killer werewolf ironically, but he was nothing like Jax who only killed evil people and monsters, this guy was truly evil and depraved. He had a thing for young blonde women or red heads and liked to violently s.exually assault and r.ape them before either killing them quickly or taking his time to draw out their suffering. He was definitely the most dangerous and terrifying supernatural we had been asked to find. They wanted him brought back alive. There was no proof he r.aped or assaulted them but we knew he did kill them and when rumor spread about the r.apes we didn’t want to take any chances so we treated him as if it was all fact, it probably was, why else would he be taking pretty blondes and red heads. I’d been stunned when I’d been shown his picture, he didn’t look like a killer or r.apist. He looked around the same age as me at thirty-one, which didn’t mean much, we still looked like we were in our early twenties thanks to the slow aging of werewolves. This guy was called Nick Darke, and he had dark blonde hair with lighter tones running through it, as was usual with the wolves, his hair was messy and tousled and almost, but not quite fell into his piercing green eyes, I didn’t dare say anything, but like my mates’, he had the same gold flecks running through with a gold rim. Only Jax had the same gold rim around them. This Nick looked muscular and strong, he was sexy as hell and that baffled me as to why he wanted to hurt women when he could just easily have them. It was more unnerving him being so attractive, and definitely more dangerous to females. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing leggings, a plain white t-shirt and white trainers, with this job it was a good idea to be comfortable. I looked at my brown eyes and dark caramel skin tone, I was a black woman and with how much I still blushed around my mates’ I had never loved my skin tone more. My hair was black tight curls that had three streaks of blonde running through as a symbol of my mates’ and our bond. I didn’t want to risk it getting pulled or anything, so I put it into a low ponytail, added some very light makeup and was ready. Ok, not quite, I picked up my glasses which I hated to wear, but I couldn’t stand putting anything like contacts in them. I ran back down the stairs and asked Romulus if he could drop me off to work. “I’m sorry, love, I have an appointment that I’m already late for, Emily’s finally gotten the courage to open up to me about something and I don’t want to let her down.” Emily was a submissive wolf, and I thought it was sweet that Romulus didn’t share any of the pack’s private problems, he was perfectly confidential even with me. I dragged my feet towards Fenris’ office and asked, “could you take me to work?” He looked up from the computer and said, “now?” “Duh, yes.” He frowned at me and muttered, “don’t be so sarcastic, can’t Rom take you?” “No, he has an appointment with Emily, never mind, I don’t want to be such a burden to you, I’ll walk.” It was an hour’s walk, but I was stubborn and I could do it. I couldn’t help but feel hurt by how dismissive Fenris was these days and as if sensing that, he got up and came over to me. “Don’t be silly, I’ll take you.” Clearly I couldn’t hide my sulking very well because he pulled me in to his arms and held me. “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately, and I don’t mean to make you feel unwanted. I love you.” “Do you?” I huffed. He pulled back to look at me. “Yes, I love you so much, look, I have stuff to do obviously, but how about tonight me, and you spend some time together just us, watch a movie or whatever you want to do?” I grinned and nodded. “Ok!” Laughing softly, he kissed the top of my head and said, “let’s go babe.” When he dropped me off, I went to climb out, but he pulled me back and kissed me. “Give me a kiss before you go,” he murmured, and deepened the kiss, his tongue claiming mine, so passionately I was giddy and breathless after. “It’s been forever since you’ve kissed me like that,” I laughed. Putting his hand on my leg, he smiled softly, “I know, and I’m sorry. You’re coming to my bed tonight, I’m fed up with Rom always having you these days, it feels like you’re only married to him.” “That’s your fault,” I teased and pushed him playfully. He was always more serious than his brothers, but slowly over time, he had gotten more relaxed and playful with me, and he pushed me back. “I know, I already said sorry, get your sexy arse in to work before I bend you over and take it.” I blushed hotly at his words, it had been around a month since we had slept together, and he knew I loved anal with him, he was really was gifted and amazing with anal s.ex. Jax managed to be here before me, but as usual, the last few weeks he gave me the cold shoulder. Yep, we had been at this for almost a month, it was childish, but I still wasn’t budging anytime soon, not until he said sorry. Matilda, our boss, came over and dumped the file on Nick in to my arms. “Find out where he is, we know only that he is in this city currently, but we don’t know his whereabouts yet. Jax, you can work with Rose on this one.” “F.ucking can’t wait,” he muttered.” “Watch your language around me,” she snapped, and I snickered, making him give me a dirty look. He grabbed the file out of my hands and shoved past me over to his desk. I went over to my own desk when Darryl, another work colleague came over to me. He was a werelion and for some reason he liked me a lot. His hair color was literally the same shade of color that lions were, and his eyes were dark Brown with flecks of red running through them. My mates’ were big and muscular, but Darryl had huge muscles, he was around 6,4 too, towering over my 5,1. He was very attractive, not that I dared to tell Jax that. He had sexy messy hair and I tried to ignore him and his flirtatious ways as he dropped himself on the edge of my desk and grinned, “hey sexy, you still married?” I sighed as I sat down and said, “yes, Darryl, I’m still married, you’ve been asking that for the past year.” “Just checking, you don’t seem so loved up with Jax these days, I could give you the love he’s not providing right now,” he winked. Jax overheard him and even though we weren’t talking, he was still crazy protective of me. “F.uck off Darryl, leave my girl alone.” I gave Jax a dirty look. “Pfft, your girl?” “You’re still wearing my f.ucking wedding ring I gave you, aren’t you?” It was probably petty, but he was driving me nuts with all this silent treatment lately, so I took it off and smiled sweetly at him. “Not anymore.” Jax took his off too, and said, “fine, two can play that game.” “Can I have her then?” Darryl grinned. “F.uck off, don’t even think of touching her,” Jax snapped. Darryl, still grinning, said, “I’m a patient guy, I don’t mind waiting. I’m going to marry her one day.” “You’re so f.ucking weird, f.uck off,” Jax muttered. Darryl was going to kiss my cheek, but Jax grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away. “Back off, what the f.uck Is wrong with you? You need to w.ank or something?” “I’d much rather Rose w.ank me off.” I blushed so hard at that, and Jax dragged him away from me.
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