The Samurai episode 2 Enter Touka

4979 Words
Kenshin falls asleep... Saya-So now that your no longer a samurai, does that mean I get you all to myself? Kenshin-Is that really what you wanted to ask Saya? Saya-What do you mean? Of course it is, silly! Kenshin-No you wanted to know if I was done killing. Saya-No! I love you Kenny!  I know you had...  It’s just I’m tired of waiting up for you to come back.  Wondering if you’ll come back.  I’m tired of... Kenshin puts his hands over Saya’s lips. Kenshin-Marry me Saya!? Saya-WH What? Kenshin-Marry me Saya...  We can settle down be a family, live a normal life.  So marry me.  You’re the only person I want to spend my life with.  Marry me, I’m done fighting, I’m done with living on the battle field.  All I want is to be your husband, grow old together.  Maybe even start a family.  So what do you say? I’m asking you to be my wife, to marry me? Saya’s cheeks become blood red. Her eyes watery. Saya-I I don’t know what to say! Kenshin-Then say YES. Saya-Of course I’ll I mean of course yes!  YES!  Kenshin YES!  YES! She says while smiling so happily. She looks up at Kenshin and wipes a single tear from his left eye. Kenshin I’ve never seen you cry before. Did I do something wrong?  Is it because I didn’t answer you right away?  You caught me by... Kenshin-No dear.  It’s because you made me the happiest man ever. They kiss. Kenshin looks down at her. There is blood everywhere and his blood seems to pouring onto her lifeless body!  Then he wakes up and grabs his sword!  He looks around...  ..A dream it was just a dream. He begins to remember where he is.  The wife looks at him with a bewildered expression. The husband speaks out. Husband-Whoa there partner sorry if we startled ya. But easy now. Wife-Your eyes! Your eyes!  Did you see his eyes? Husband-What about his eyes darlin?  Wife-You didn’t see it?  His left eye was white, it was glowing white! Kenshin-Your seeing things lady.  My eyes are hazel after all they tend to change colors. Wife-No it it was glowing I swear it was! Kenshin-Your seeing things lady! Husband-Yeah it could have just been the glare from the sun.  But who is Saya? Kenshin-Don’t say that name.  Don’t you ever say that name again! Husband-Whoa didn’t mean to rile ya all up.  I was only asking ya cuz ya say it a lot in your sleep is all.  Bad dreams I suppose. Kenshin-That’s where your wrong!  My nightmare occurs while my eyes are open.  That’s why I travel alone so I don’t get woken up... Traveler-Well we’ll be getting on our way.  We got a long road ahead of us.  Ya take care of yourself ok Samurai. Wife-Be careful.  And goodbye. Husband-Farewell Samurai! Some time later… Kenshin has made his way all the way from the hilly mountain side down to the coast. It’s about noon he is standing motionless in waste deep water, with his sword in his hands holding it above his head. A flicker of shinny silver flashes from below.  (SWOOSH!)  Then the red flow of blood and scales clouds the water as Kenshin strikes a large fish piercing it with his sword killing and catching it at the same time. Stranger-WHOOOAA!  NOW THAT’S SOME TRICK THERE MISTER!  Wow!  You’re a Real Samurai No doubt! The stranger clapping her hands in aw. Kenshin looks to the shore and sees the lady clapping and looking. Kenshin-Go away there’s plenty of beach so find another spot! Leave me alone! Stranger-But please there’s got to be something I can do I’m hungry sir and that’s a big fish. Kenshin looks at the young lady again she is beautiful, very beautiful long black hair with red ends and a red bang hanging above her right eye.  Then he notices fishnet and daggers. She’s a ninja!  -A Ninja! He shouts out to her. -Ninjas don’t go hungry!  Your looking for something?  Police hire ya’ll to dig up what they can’t.  Well there is nothing here.  I’m afraid your in the wrong place missy. Ninja-Yeah you’re the real deal alright. Thinking to herself.  Ninja-Good eyes you got there!  And your information is accurate.  I would like to know how you came across such information. You seem to be well informed.  Well since you seem to know so much about me and what I do, we can skip the pleasantries and small talk. Kenshin begins making his way back to shore out of the water.  As he gets closer to the shore.  (SWOOSH!) A dagger flies right past his face.  (THUD)  (SPLASH) It hits the water.  He clutches his sword tight and quickly turns towards the ninja.  (BUBBLE BUBBLE) The water behind him bubbles. He turns back around to see a fish floating to the top of the water dead with a dagger in it.  Ninja-Look!  I don’t need to ask you for some of yours after all!  Seeing as I got my own and all!  Would you be interested in maybe sharing a fire?  Kenshin calms down then smiles.  I have a camp just up ahead My Lady.  I would be honored.  But you must tell me your business here.  Do we have a deal? Well ninja? The ninja smiles and shouts out. -You got yourself a deal mister.  And the name is Touka by the way. -Touka huh, that’s a nice name I like the sound of that Touka.  (THUD) Touka hits him in the back of the head. -Mind your manners I introduced myself it is impolite of you not to do the same!  So... (THUD) she hits him again.  She goes to hit him once more, but he grabs here hand and gives her a glare.  -My name is Kenshin. I was getting to that before rudely interrupted me!  Touka-Oh haha ha Oops! Sorry! Kenshin releases her hand. -Those where free next time its gonna cost you. Touka pouts and looks to the ground  Touka-You’d hit a lady?  Still pouting. Kenshin pats her on top of her head. Kenshin-Lets go eat! Touka smiles and replies... -Yeah lets go! The fires crackling as the sun begins to set on Kenshin’s camp. The fish skewered and now roasting on the fire.  Kenshin-So ninja, I mean Touka what is your business way out here? Touka pulls something out of her bra. It’s a medallion. She shows it to Kenshin.  -Have you ever seen one of these before?  She ask him.  Kenshin looks down at it, there’s a skull that’s on fire with a snake going into the mouth and back out the eye. On the back it has FS on it in bold letters. It appears to be some sort of cheap ornament. He speaks -What of it? A kids toy no doubt.  But Touka noticed his reaction when she first opened her. She acts, as if she didn’t see. -No  she proclaims. -This is what you carry if your in The Flaming Skulls Gang.  A notorious group that has been causing chaos and reeking havoc in a wide spread area. They were quickly growing in numbers as they expanded there reign.  They were very dangerous and sinister with a ruthless leader.  He would force young men to enter his ranks our watch there families and village burn. They terrorized nearby towns and villages.  Those who imposed suffered.  The police force couldn’t handle the wide spread chaos they were causing.  It seemed the Flaming Skulls where on the verge of taking over, so I was called in. I was to slip into the ranks and catch the leader, so he could pay for his crimes, so he could be brought to justice!  I wanted to get to him so he could be punished for forcing so many to obey so he could pay for all his crimes.  I wanted to avoid needless casualties.  The foot soldiers never killed to our knowledge they were more like bullies and thieves. Kenshin-So you were called in to get to the leader to avoid causing more of a panic.  So I guess you saw me with a sword and automatically thought I was a suspect.  Or is it you hoped I was a foot soldier and I could be your way in? No No that’s not it.  You have a medallion which means you’ve already infiltrated.  So what are you doing?  Just taking a day off?  Touka-No I’m not taking a day off!  For your information I was just following a lead. You see the hunters ended up becoming the hunted.  Yes I finally found one of there hideouts.  So I set up camp a ways off and waited for the cover of night.  I went back to it to try to gain access slip into there ranks. But what I came across, I came across death.  The foot soldiers where dead. Not just dead butchered. Slaughtered.  It was a gruesome sight.  Kenshin-Well sounds like someone did you job for you.  So... Touka-So weren’t you even listening to me? The foot soldiers weren’t killers.  They deserved some jail time yeah. But to be butchered like that like animals.  They didn’t deser... Kenshin-You’re a ninja aren’t you?  Aren’t you used to being exposed to that kind of thing? I mean you have no doubt killed before right? Touka-As a ninja you only kill will deemed necessary.  The looks on those dead bandits faces where as if the devil himself came to execute them.  It was horrible and the way the bodies some cut almost in half , one had a sword run through his skull. None of them were even armed they were ambushed.  They were killed before they even knew what was happening.  Kenshin-That still doesn’t tell me what your doing here.  Are you actually trying to track down the killer of the bandits? Touka-Killer? Killer? What makes you think it was just one? Do you know something I don’t?  Something you wanna tell me? No, no way! Your no killer! Yeah you may have a few moves, but your no real samurai! You’re a fancy fisherman at best.  But to get to the point I was trying to make before you rudely interrupted Mr. Kenny. In one night, one single night. The entire gang was wiped out. Someone or someones wiped out every last one of them in a single night. It seemed to be the work of some kind of demon or something. The craziest thing I have ever run across in all my years of being a ninja.  Kenshin-You know what lady I think you need a break. Sounds to me like your job is starting to get to your head.  Your telling stories about a boogy man.  That story is fiction a fairytale to scare little kids.  Maybe its time for you to retire. Touka-Retire? Retire and do what?  Rely on my stunning good looks to get me money?  Why I never! I would never stoop to that level. How absurd! Kenshin-What? What are you going on about? Your pretty and all but stunning!  Give me a break lady your telling more fairytales. And don’t ever call me Kenny again you got that? Touka pouting -Why I never!! Hmph! She grabs the bigger of the two fish the one Kenshin caught and quickly takes a big bite out of it. Kenshin-Hey! That’s mine! AAAAHH! Nevermind.  He grabs the other roasting fish and the two eat. -AAAAAHHHH... Touka yawns. -I’m tired! Then she subtly scoots closer to Kenshin. Kenshin-Hey what’s the big idea? But gets no response Touka is already fast asleep. Kenshin glares into the flames of the fire.  -The work of some demon huh?  He whispers. He continues to stare off into the fire… He awakes to the crackling of the fire. Its getting close to nightfall. He finishes off the last bit of rice left to him by the traveler.  The gauze bloody and falling off his now healing wound. He gets up and tucks his sword into his belt and kicks the fire out. -Tonight is the night finally! He says to himself. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the medallion he took off the bandit. It is dark as he makes his way through the wooded area.  A hut comes into view just ahead up the trail.  He grabs his sword.  Then he stops. -No maybe this isn’t the way. Revenge vengeance is wrong.  It won’t bring her back…. HER! THEY KILLED HER! OR HAVE YOU ALREADY FORGOTTEN!? THEY STOLE HER FROM US! THEY DESERVE TO… They deserve to die! Suddenly his eyes become white and glowing like the moon.  But this night there is no moon.  Its dark and its quite.  The only thing visible in this dark night are those eerie white glowing eyes slowly making there way towards the hut. Thug 1-Man the boss is pushing us hard right now. Thug 2-Yeah!  No kidding I’m ready for some time off.  I’m tired of smelling you idiots.  Thug 3-Did they ever find out what happened to the four he sent up into the hills? Did they ever return? Thug 4-That’s above our pay grade.  They had some kind of special mission.  Boss owed somebody a favor.  Somebody more scary than him. Thug 1-Yeah they botched the mission I hear they burned in a fire they accidently set to the house while... Thug 2-Shut your damn mouth.  What the hell is wrong with you? Ya damn fool! Running your mouth about business you shouldn’t even know about! Thug 4-Wait what? No waa... (SLICE!) A glance of something catches the light, but quickly vanishes... Thug 3-What the hell was..  Then he notices the eyeball on the floor…  -WHAT!? Then the sudden collapse of his partner followed by the raining blood gushing out the back of the hole in his skull. Thug 2-s**t you i***t! You put the fire out!  Thug 3-He’s.. he’s dead!  Thug 1-What? What happened? Dead what do you mean?!  Thug 2-I can’t see a damn thing relight the fire!  Thug 3-What! What is that!?!  Kenshin walks into the doorway eyes glowing white, reflected of the bloody blade of his sword. Thug 2- Were being... (SWOOSH!) Before he can finish his sentence the blade of Kenshin’s sword slices through his body cutting almost in half as his body falls splitting open it rain’s blood everywhere. (SWOOSH!) Thug 1 top falls away from his legs instantly killing him in one single clean swipe of Kenshin’s sword.  His torso remains standing as it rains blood again.  Thug 3-Turns to run away, but before he can he move... (SWOOSH!) He too is cut in half, his nerves twitch there last time ever as his the front of him seems to slide off from the back a gruesome death revealing his insides while raining blood everywhere. There would be more blood shed to come that night much more. A Demon has been set free and He is hunting down the Flaming Skulls hideout by hideout. Until finally reaching the the leaders hideout quickly killing the guards making his way inside killing the ones posted inside now making his way to the leader. Leader-What! Who the hell are you!  Hey!  You damn fools, we got a breech!  What the hell?!  Hey are you idiots sleeping!  I said... Kenshin-SHUT UP!  No one is coming, there all DEAD!  Its just you and me now!  This is the end! The leader goes to grab his sword. (SWOOSH!) He watches his arm go flying into the sky.  Then once again it rains blood from the sky..  -AHHHH!  LOOK MY MY ARM YOU DAMN FOOL!!!  AAAHH!!! DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? WHO I WORK FOOR?!  YOUR DEAD DEEADD!! (THUD!) Kenshin kicks the leader down. Kenshin-That’s where we disagree. You’re the dead one!  You picked the wrong house!  You killed YOU KILLED MY WIFE... NOW YOUR GOING TO DIE, BUT IM GONNA ENJOY KILLING YOU! I HAVE ALREADY KILLED ALL OF YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS AND NOW IT'S JUST ME AND YOU!!! Leader- You were supposed... your supposed to be... THUD! Kenshin’s sword runs his sword right in the middle of the thugs skull. Right in between his two eyeballs slowly pushing it through and through.  Leader-AAhhh!!!  Ughghhh!!! -YES!!!  BLOOD!!!  -No, he was saying something... -THERE WAS NOTHING MORE HE COULD TELL US HE WAS JUST PLEADING FOR HIS MISERABLE LIFE.  WE AVENGED SAYA AND HAD LOADS OF FUN IN THE PROCESS WHATS THE PROBLEM? Kenshin-Your right its done its finally over with. So no more killing.  I’m done with killing. I will live out the remainder of my days on the coast. Far away from war far away from everything.  -WHAT? HOW BORING!  WHY NOT GO TOWARDS THE WAR!? THERE COULD BE SO MUCH MORE BLOOD TO SHED MORE KILLING MORE RAIN!  Kenshin- No!  I will never allow you take control...  NEVER!!! Kenshin makes his way down to the coast and sets himself up a little hut. After working all day he sits by the fire resting ready to eat the fish he caught. He eats then doses off. Saya-Kenshin! Hey Kenshin!  Kenshin-What Saya? Saya- What are you doing spacing out on me again?  Come do you really expect me to believe that!  So you think there is something in you?  A dark version of you?  That’s the silliest thing I have ever heard! Nice try, but if you think your gonna scare me off with some monster story.  Well it isn’t gonna work!  Besides you really expect me to believe that there is a monster hiding behind that pretty face? Kenshin-Will you stop calling me pretty.  And I’m being serious Saya, that’s why I can never stop training.  I can never allow him to take over again.  You don’t know what it was like during the war. All the lives I took.  Saya-It was a war babe.  Kill or be killed!  So stop it!  Besides weren’t we gonna to the market today? You promised me Kenshin!  Kenshin- Yes, yes I did. But I’m being serious Saya I can’t keep slacking on training. Saya-Why not? HE! HE!  Your just gonna watch me die anyway! Kenshin jumps up knocking Touka to the side.  Touka-Ouch!  Hey what’s the big idea you jerk?!  Kenshin-What!  What are you still doing here?  Touka-I was sleeping!  Gees!!! Aren’t you the romantic one!  Sure you may be pretty, well beside that scar. How did that happen any...  Kenshin-It’s none of your business!  Touka-Gees grumpy much? I was just trying to make small talk. What’s your deal anyways? Kenshin-Don’t you have a mission to get too? Touka-Didn’t I tell you they where all dead? Were you even listening to me or did you just invite me over, so you could gawk at me all night. Perv!  Besides there’s a killer in the area doesn’t it seem best to stay together? Kenshin-Ohhh!  Your scared that’s what it is! Scared of the boogey man! Touka-Am not! I may be a beautiful lady.  But you saw me with my dagger yesterday. Kenshin-Yeah and?  That doesn’t mean your not afraid! No wonder you were getting so close last night.  And here I was think... (THUD!) Touka hits Kenshin.  Touka-Gross pervert! Keep dreaming.. Besides you’re the one that should be scared. Your just a simple fisherman that’s all. A wanna be samurai that uses his sword to catch fish.  You’re the one that should be asking me for my protection.  Kenshin-Ok, Ok whatever you say. Stay, go I don’t care just shut up!  Touka-Hmph! Your such a jerk! She turns around pouting. Kenshin laughs. Kenshin-Ahh what the hell! I hate being alone anyways. It wouldn’t hurt to have some company for a little while, as long as your quite. Besides your kind of cute, at times.  Touka-You think I’m cute?! She instantly stops pouting turns around and faces Kenshin smiling. Kenshin-I said kind of cute, don’t let it go to your head.  Touka-A compliment no matter how small. I’ll take it! And she thinks to herself. -Besides it really is better too stick together our lives could be in danger!  There’s something sinister lurking nearby. And so the story begins... Touka-Hey Kenshin are you coming or what?  Hurry up slowpoke I thought you were a samurai? Kenshin-I’m coming! I’m coming!  But remind me again, why do I have to come with you on your mission?  Why do I have to come watch you do your silly police work?  Hey, couldn’t you get in trouble anyways for bringing me?  Touka-Oh hush would you!?  Besides you promised me she says pouting... Kenshin-Ok, ok I’m coming Saya just hold on!  Touka-Saya who is Saya?  Your girlfriend?  You two timer!? Well it's not like I liked you anyways.  But, but who is Saya?  Is she really your girlfriend? Kenshin-I’m sorry what was it again?  Touka?  Was that it? (THUD!)  Touka hits Kenshin in the back of the head.  Touka-Your such a JERK! You can’t even remember my name. She says pouting while running back ahead of Kenshin.  -Just who is this Saya person anyways and how come you don’t have any trouble remembering her name? No fair!  Kenshin-I’m sorry Touka. I guess you remind me of her.  Touka-You jerk she really is your girlfriend!  So what was the last few days and how you snuggled up close to me the first night by the fire.  What what was that?  Huh?  You... you two timing perv! Kenshin-Wait!  What?  You’re the one that came by me and you’re the one that chose to stay.  You practically begged me to come with you on your stupid mission.  Touka-You REALLY ARE SUCH JERK!!!  That’s not the point and besides I didn’t see you pushing me away as far as I can remember. Well not until that morning anyways...  Of course that’s it!!!  You pushed me when you remembered about her.  About your girlfriend Sally.  Well I doubt she’s as beautiful as I am.  So you can just go back to her...  Your assistance isn’t needed! I AM A FULL FLEDGED NINJIA! After all.  Nice knowing you...  JERK! Kenshin-I’m coming with you.  And her name is... Her name was….  It was Saya.  She was my wife.  Beautiful and smart.  She was an amazing woman.  In some ways and none of the one’s already mentioned.  You remind me of her...  -Your such a jerk!  I am too beautiful and amazing..  But she was?  She was your wife Kenshin?  Wait did she leave you and break your heart? Kenshin-Did the smart part even register to her? He thinks to himself. Touka- Well were gonna show her!  That’s it well show her you got a new girl one way more beautiful.  Lets go Kenshin!!!  The mission can wait! Kenshin- Pipe down would ya!  Did the smart part even turn a light switch on in your.. I doubt it...  Nevermind... Touka- What are you saying... I’m dumb?  Well look who’s talking.  She left you, you big dummie.  So, I should be smart and do the same thing. Kenshin- Suit yourself.  But your wrong.  Yes she did leave me.  She even broke my heart.  But her memory never leaves.  She’s always here haunting me.  Reminding me.  Touka- Reminding you of what?  Whatever lets just drop it.  I can’t take this gloom and doom.  So where is she though? If you want to get a little pay back I could let you kiss me in front of her. NO TOUNGE AND KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF.  But other than that I’ll help you Kenny! Kenshin- Don’t call me that!  Touka- Whatever! Kenshin-She’s dead Touka.  She’s gone from this world.  Touka- What?..  She’s dead?..  What?..  How?..  No, I’m sorry. Kenshin- She’s dead because I let her get killed. I just watched her die. Unable to move. Touka- No way!  That can’t be?!  You tried to save her you fought for her!  That’s how you got that scar?!  You... you... Kenshin- Touka it’s bad enough I have to be haunted by visions of her every time I close my eyes.  Please, I beg you don’t make me relive them with my eyes open to... Touka, With tears rolling down her face... -I’m so sorry I had no idea.  Then she wipes her tears away and looks up at Kenshin forcing out a smile. Kenshin looks down at her and he smiles, the real smile he has smiled since that horrible night.  Then he looks up at the setting sun.  Touka looks up at his face with her tears still rolling, but now her smile deep and true.  She notices a single tear rolling down the scar on his left cheek. Her tears fall more and she embraces Kenshin even tighter.  She thinks to herself... How horrible Kenshin must feel to lose his one true love.  She then becomes sadder not ever knowing the feeling of true love herself. She sobs aloud. Then Kenshin puts his arm around her embracing her. Her tears dry up almost in instant.  And she smiles as they make there way up the trail. Heading into the setting sun. Saya- Kenshin! Hey, Kenshin! What are you doing in there babes? Are you ok? You’ve been in there for a long time.  Kenshin looks into the mirror as glowing white eyes start fading back to there normal color. He slams his hand against the wall beside the mirror. Kenshin- I... I almost lost control.  He almost took over….  But why? Why now?  I gave up killing.  Saya can never know! I can never let her know! Saya- Hey Kenshin! Are you coming out or what? Are you gonna come lay down in the bed? I’m coming in.. Do you hear me Kenshin? Kenshin!  Touka- Kenshin!  Hey Kenshin! Kenshin comes to. -What what SA...  What Touka? -Kenshin its morning we have to get moving.  Besides you were talking in your sleep again.  Are you ok? As Kenshin sits up the shadow of Saya smiles as she fades away. Kenshin cries out...  -Wait don’t go!  Touka-Wait I’m not leaving! What’s gotten into you? Where getting close to the hideout.  Are you even listening to me?  Are you still off in dream land? Kenshin-Must you be so loud first thing in the morning?  Yes I heard! THUD!  Touka smacks him on top of his head. Kenshin-Ouch!  Hey what was that for?  Touka-For being such a jerk obviously.  Kenshin-Whatever. -Ok the hide out is up ahead.  If there all dead then why exactly are we going again? I’ll have you know I’m not burying four bandits that deserved to die.  Touka-Shut up!  Nobody is burying anyone, ok?!  Wait how did you know there are four bodies at this hideout?  Hey Ke... Kenshin- What you told me there were four bodies here at the fire last night.  Don’t you remember..  Geez you really are stuu... (POW!) -Ouch!  Dammit Touka!!!  You are gonna stop hitting me all the time! Touka- Well serves you right for calling me stupid!  And of course I remember telling you. I was just...  Then she thinks to herself... -Wait did I tell him? Her focus changes as the stinch of death fills the air. Touka- Kenshin, maybe you should just wait right here... Ok?.. Huh?.. What?..  Where did he go?..  Kenshin- Hey stop fooling around!  Are you coming or what?  Touka- Hey how did you get ahead of me like that? Then she thinks to herself... -He isn’t phased by the scent of the rotting dead corpses or the gruesome site of the c*****e made up of dismembered bandit’s, the entire inside looks like it was covered in red paint.  But the scent of rotting blood, the body parts the grim sight of the four executed bandits lets you know this isn’t paint, its not fake.  It was a slaughter by some Demon something or someone fast and powerful.  But the scent the sight of bodies didn’t bother Kenshin in the least. His body didn’t tremble, nor did his eyes close or look away...
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