Online flirting

1234 Words
*Hope* “So where do you know Owen from ?” My mom looks over my shoulder at my phone. I hadn’t heard her or I would have put my phone away. “Well …. someone told him to shower and go eat breakfast in my kitchen”. I say with a sweet smile, glancing up at her. “So I bumped into him, we had breakfast and talked”. She grins in a pretended innocent way and shrugs. “Whoops …. Well I guess someone did”. “Seriously mom”. I roll my eyes and sigh. “I wish you would stop bringing home men like that… especially younger men… find someone good, someone your own age”. “Oh believe me Hope, he was good, very good indeed”. She grins and I make a face like I am going to throw up, and I kinda feel like it. I look after my mom. Damn I really hate that she had her paws on him. After that morning I might have kind of been checking his twitter and **, but also watched some old interviews with him… and honestly I really like him… but I mean I really can’t even consider being anything but friends with him now. Anything else would be weird, right ? Reading my followers' answers I giggle a little. They seem very curious to know how I know Owen and why he is flirting with me. Is he flirting ? It’s a little hard to say honestly… he seems to do that often, being right on the edge of flirting. I think I have to give my followers some kind of answer, so I simply write. ‘Me and Owen happened to run into each other and had a little chat, don't work yourself up people, we are just acquaintances. It’s all just good innocent fun’. Then I go in to write Owen a private message. ‘Hi again. I just wanted to wish you happy holidays somewhere a little more private. Hope you are having a good time with your family. And thanks for watching my little videos … I hope you did not feel obliged’. I am a bit surprised when an answer ticks in after less than five minutes. ‘Hello darling. Thank you, I am having a rather good time, even if all of my family wants to know who this girl I spend all my time watching is. Hope you are enjoying yourself too. Where are you by the way ? Picture didn’t look like your mom's house. I am not through them all yet, but I tell you Hope, you have a rare talent for this. Better stop rambling. Hope to see you… he he. Hugs Owen’. I read it three times. Is it just me or… does it feel a bit flirty ? I bite my lip. Do I want him to flirt with me ? Oh damn I mean he is definitely older than anyone I have ever been interested in or dated… and well… he slept with my mom. Do I seriously want to compete with my mother for a man ? Even one this handsome ? Also my mother would definitely not approve. ‘Actually it’s my house and my mom stays with me, but you couldn’t know. I am in Aspen, but will be back in LA early on the 26th. Maybe you should put down your phone then and focus on you family instead of me. Good to hear you are enjoying yourself. See you, Hope’. My finger hover over the send button a couple of seconds before pushing it. What am I doing ? This time I don’t even have time to put away my phone before he answers. ‘Are you trying to get rid of me ? No, you are right… I shouldn’t be sitting with my phone, but to be way too honest, something about you have me quite hypnotized. I just hope that won’t scare you’. Butterflies instantly erupt in my stomach. Okay no doubt he is flirting. I appreciate him being honest, but I can’t help teasing a bit. ‘That thing wouldn’t happen to be my mother would it ? Okay, I guess I can admit that I might have been binge watching some of your old interviews these last days. I wanted to know more about you’. *Owen* I can’t help laughing, making people turn their head and look at me, like I am weird. “Sorry, just a very funny comment on something”. Oh your cheeky girl, I love how she isn’t holding back, she isn’t scared by who I am. ‘That was naughty, very naughty Hope. But I guess I deserve it. But no, to be blunt, you mom is the least attractive part of you. So … still wearing that cute pj ?’ ‘And you are calling me naughty ? Are you getting frisky with me sir ? But yeah, I am still wearing it and will be until I go to bed, the duvets are so thick here I can’t sleep in anything but my panties’. My eyes widens at her answer. Holy crap. Okay this is not something I normally do, or ever do actually. But I feel that with her I don’t need to worry, we just… get each other. ‘So are you going to post a picture of that too ? And is the text on the pj an invitation ?’ I literally hold my breath, scared I might have gone to far after all and that she might get angry with me. ‘Oh no you scoundrel… I never post pictures like that. Hmm it could be an invitation, for the right man’. Okay I might let out a small groan, biting my knuckle to mask it. ‘How I wish you were in LA right now, even though I might create quite a scene if you were’. She only sends me a winking smiley back and I decide to focus a bit on my family. But when I put up a video of Gryffin being adorable she comments. ‘Adorable kid, almost as cute as his uncle’. I smile to myself, and type a message I know can be read in several ways. ‘You can hold him if you want to’. In seconds I am swarmed with people asking if it’s Gryffin or ‘the cute uncle’ she gets to hold, but I decide not to answer, I have probably made more than enough trouble online for today. So I behave and put my phone away and enjoy being with my family the next couple of hours. When I am in my bed I pull it out and see that Hope has posted two new pictures… or well the first screen is a blue background and a text saying. ‘Someone begged for me to post a picture of me in my panties … so slide and enjoy my dear’. With a slightly shaking finger I slide to the next picture … her poking up over a huge duvet, winking at the camera, and the caption. ‘Only wearing my panties, promise’. Without even thinking, I answer. ‘That is so not fair darling … there is not supposed to be a duvet in the way’.
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