Chapter 36: The Weakest Link

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Thessalia shifted in her seat, trying to conceal her growing discomfort. "I understand your desire for power, but at what cost?" she asked, hoping to strike a chord of reason in Xavier's mind. Xavier's eyes narrowed, his expression turning steely. "The cost is irrelevant. The end justifies the means," he replied firmly. She bit her lip, realizing that her attempts at reasoning with him might be futile. She knew she had to tread carefully from here on out. "I see," she said cautiously. "And what do you see as the end goal?" Xavier leaned forward, his gaze intense. "To rule over all the packs in the region, to be the dominant force. And to crush any who oppose us." Her heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had to find a way to stop Xavier and the Nightshade pack, n

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