Chapter 8: The Ink's Secret

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GROWING UP in a chaotic society is one of the things that makes me even mature. I grew up with an open mind, heart, and vision in life. That's why whenever I encounter various scenery, I never feel like it is a new struggle again. It's normal for me to face different dilemmas every day. "So, what we gonna do now, Artemisia? Should we now ask the lady who gives us the information about that ink blood?" "Accurately, and that is what exactly we are going to do now. Let us now ask her about the ink's secret. But," I scratched my neck. "Of course, it will take time once again. To be specific, we'll be going to travel bound to the place where we knew her." "Hmm, Art? Do you have any idea what's the hidden secret placed on that ink? Would it probably help us?" he asked me while we're walking outside this place continually. I suddenly gulp on his question to the point that I also questioned myself. "I haven't. But for now, bro, let us now feel the night without the rain. Without thinking about any hindrances that might ruin our peace of mind. Should we?" He shook his head while I just respond with my laugh. Here we are once again, walking peacefully as if nothing bad will gonna happen tomorrow. But sometimes, I am wondering how people feel without any problem in the whole day? I guess it's possible, but not on my stage. A while ago, we are now successfully come out on the broad cemetery. Breathing so deep. Closing our eyes without thinking negativities. Stretching our arms as if we do not feel any tiredness. We're smiling and it seems like our lips will be torn to pieces. Wishing that every day will always be good for us. And thinking that our difficulties in life that we faced and we're currently experiencing will be put someday and burn on the hell. But after a few minutes of being at peace, there's something that suddenly comes into my mind. And that is, where did I put the invitation card?! "Bro! Have you seen my card? I know that I just put it in my bag, but when I currently check it, it was missing!" I shouted without having care if someone will be mad at my actions. I have goosebumps and at the same time, I felt uneasy. I am biting my bottom lips and nails due to the extreme nervousness that I was currently feeling. This can't be happening! What if I certainly changed my mind? That I decided to live in their kingdom? To have a chance to alive again if ever that I will die! What if the peace that I am dreaming of for too long will be just a piece of nothing?! "I don't notice where does it place. Perhaps, you just misplaced it, Artemisia. Hey, let me check your bag again, can I? I promise I won't cause trouble with your things. I'll just double-check the thing that you're searching for." He promised amidst my uneasiness. I rolled my eyes and took a breath. Like what he had been said, he tried to find it. But hell?! I have a bright and clear vision for me not to have a mistake! I am confidently pretty to say that it's not on my bag now! Maybe it flies while we're looking at the ink?! "Oh, you've said right. But, where it is now?! Oh my sh*t, it's absolutely important! Especially if you will decide to come to their peculiar kingdom. How is that now?!" I saw on his face that he's concerned about my situation right now. Like I have always been saying, there is no day that I never encounter misery in my entire life. And this is the misery of myself. Misery of Artemisia. "Maybe... the woman we met on the Ink Shop would probably help us! Let's go, I won't be calm until I am not holding the invitation card all over again." I show pertinacity. Whenever I want something to happen, I often do ways for me to have it. And in my situation right now, I could say that I won't miss this, especially that it is really important stuff for me as a future traveller in the real fantasy world. After an hour of travelling bound here on this shop, I quickly pull the door and neck and crop shouted inside of it. "Where are you?! I need you, Melissa Brielle! I beg you," my tears seem to come out. I don't know why it affects me too much. It seems like it is an important thing that I shouldn't lose. Maybe it's because it has a huge impact on me, most especially when I start to know its benefits. Even though numerous people are staring at me, I still do not care, not unless the woman I am looking for will be now on my front. "Do not shout my name all over again. Because if you do, I will undoubtedly kill one of the important people in your life." A familiar woman's voice whispered on me. I can't be wrong. She's Melissa. But why is it a big deal for her when someone will shout her name?! Then, f*ck! She also attempted that she would kill one of the important people that I have in my life when I start to call her name for the second time! Is that a rule?! How comes? "How dare you treat me so badly?! Why is that a big deal for you, huh? What kind of demon are you?!" I responded with a bad whoop. Because of what I said, my brother certainly grabs and holds my arms to control me for being so aggressive. "Hey, maybe she just said it with a purpose too! Let's just hear her reason in a place where there are no people except for us. I guess it will help, I beg." My thoughtful brother gives me a warning. "Hold my hands now if you want to enlighten on everything that your mind is thinking right now." She spoke without even knowing if we have guilt for her actions. I smirk sarcastically. "And why we will follow you, huh? Are you numb to what we feel?!" "You're loquacious! Just hold it for you to know it!" she gets more serious and mad right now. I don't want to, but in just a flip of seconds, my brother unexpectedly pulled my arm for us to hold the dumb woman's hands. What an ass! "Where am I?" I abruptly asked myself when I saw something unfamiliar in the place we are currently right now. "It's a secret place for every receiver of invitations. As you can see, some people are walking here in this place too. Specifically, we are here in the Neverland City of Ashes." She said bravely, wearing a wide smile at the same time. My mind is now confused and full of questions. But because I am now a bit enlightened, my nervousness about every strange scenario was now lessened. "Wow." My brother is out of words when he heard it." We fastly came here just because of the disappearance that we experienced earlier?" he confusedly asked Melissa while scratching his head. Even me, I also cannot deny how I feel stunned since we came here. "I sincerely apologize for what I've said a little while ago. I swear, it's not my intention to hurt you. Instead, it just suddenly came into my mind so that you will no longer be in danger. Believe me or not, but, there's a person who died in that place and the reason for it is because she shouted too. And because I am concerned for both of you, I don't want you to die just for non-sense reasons." She explained to our blank faces. I bite my nails while I am thinking too much about what happened to us. I just really can't imagine how these happenings turn into reality. "Then, what's the main purpose why you bring us here? Melissa, I just wanna get some help to you that's why I don't control myself to act over it. I lose my invitation card, and... I am wishing now that you could help me." In the first place, I thought that she will be mad and startled, but instead, she just smiled at me and offers her right hand. "Are we going to disappear once again like a bubble?" I asked because of my curiosity about why she wants us to hold her hands again. She chortled and beamed at me. "No, gorgeous. We won't do that unless we are going back to the United Kingdom. Hold my right hand then you will know why I command you to do that." "Go ahead," Rendev convinced me too. He keeps on nodding, showing that he agrees with the woman's commandment. And that's because I do not feel any doubt, my mind and heart decided to follow what Melissa wants. I am slowly reaching her hand right now while it's doddering. When I truly hold it, my eyes become bigger due to the utmost confusion that I felt when my eyes directly saw the invitation card that I am looking for. "What?!" I questioned while I currently feel overjoyed. "I can't believe this." That's all my brother said after he witnessed the sudden appearance of the invitation card that I owned. Maybe it's her intention why she brings us here to this odd place. Honestly, I partly feel surprised whenever I encounter strange scenarios and it includes this place, on how we depart from the UK bound here on the Neverland City of Ashes. Then after I grab the thing that I need, she secondly commands us to close our eyes within ten seconds. We just count on our heads and when we finally reached the tenth, we are now to the Ink Shop anew. "I am so much glad that you succeed! As a receiver of an invitation card too, I am responsible to help you guys as well, which one of the reasons why I am here. But I am sure that you guys are wondering why I can travel oddly. Aren't you?" "Definitely yes, Melissa." He replied. "It's because I have a deal with Princess Brina. And that is... to help those people who received a card from them. To help them enlighten about the real intention on why they invite mortal people. And the replacement for that is my ultimate wish in my entire existence. To meet my mother and to also know what's the reason behind her death. I wanna give her the justice that she needs. On the other side, I have a hunch that it's all a mistake of the government. It's because of their unjustifiable law." Melissa stated while she's controlling herself to cry and have guilt. I felt conscientious when we heard those words directly in her mouth. It makes me unhappy that she's looking for justice for her mother. That she wants to meet her mother once again, even if it already died. How about me? I never dreamed to be with my witch mother again and again. I will still rather choose to live alone than to feel mistreated whenever I am with her. "Now that you both know about my real purpose and intention, I am hoping that you will help me too." "Then how could we back it to you?" I asked while pouring little tears in my face. "Just believe on whatever significant thing that I will tell you, especially if you're interested to be part of the immortal ashes," "Immortal ashes? What does it mean?" "That is what they called themselves." So, therefore, I am going to call myself immortal ashes once I entered their Kingdom? "Oh, that's fascinating! By the way, can you now help us to understand the real story behind the ink blood that we searched for? Hmm, can you?" I undoubtedly asked her. She steps closer to us then she stared into our eyes intentionally. Finally, we will understand now its secret. My heart is beating fastly as if I run thousands of kilometres. Waiting for an answer makes our sense gets even higher. "Your stepfather did it for a purpose. He wants you to understand how miserable his life is when he's still with your mother. Even though he steal your mother's wealth, he still suffers from severe depression. Like you, she also tried to kill him. That's why when he received an invitation too, he certainly grabs the remaining opportunity. But unfortunately, the Kingdom of Ashes just give her only one month to decide and... he did not succeed because he suddenly died due to a heart attack. But luckily, Princess Brina gave him a chance to seek justice to be imprisoned your mother," he sighs. "And he's wishing that you will do it. But if not, his ink blood will be turned into drops of blood and you'll encounter it wherever you will go. His soul will always find a way to disturb you." My fur arises then I feel too much nervousness. My hands keep on shaking and my knees are trembling. "He's a son of a b***h, then! How dare he can say that? Even I am not okay with my mom, I still... I love her! She's still my mother whatever people say. Sorry, but I won't." I screamed then I run away with my brother. I also threw the small glass of ink far away in my direction. I can't take it anymore. I still love my mom, and I can't do the thing that he wanted!
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