When he asked me out

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Chapter 3 Alex had gotten along great with the girls during lunch. He wasn't the shy type. I hope by the end of the week we would be good friends, or at least have gotten to know each other good enough to go to Seth's party together. I know, it was the party Sean invited me to, and I wasn't planning on going at all, but then Alex showed up. Maybe he'll ask me to go with him, or should I ask him and make it sound like I'm asking as just friends? I sighed, I'm already thinking about this way to much, definitely a crush. Maybe he even has a girlfriend. I shouldn't be over thinking this so much, but I can't help it. I was currently walking to my car, seeing as school was ending for the day. I spotted Alex outside too. Without thinking, I walked over to him. But before I could reach him, someone stepped in front of me, blocking my way. I was surprised to find out it was Sean. He had left me alone for about a day now, and I thought his annoying behavior was over, but apparently, I was wrong. "What now?" I sighed irritated. If I had known he was like this, I would have asked someone else to take my virginity. He c****d an eyebrow at my greeting. "Is that a way to greet someone?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips. "It is when the person is freaking annoying," I said calmly, crossing my arms. "I'm not annoying," he stated. "Whatever. Now what is it that you want?" I sighed. "I just want to tell you I figured out why you rejected my offer for Friday. I remember you're more like the...uh, how do I say this" he said, scratching his neck ", more like the laid back type. And I figured if wanted to be with you at the party, that I should come pick you up instead of meeting there, you know, going together." He said. My eyes popped. Did he just ask me out on a date? "Wait, what?" I blabbered confused. "I just...you know, thinking maybe you would go with me, instead of just meeting there." He answered, and actually seemed a little nervous. Oh god, what do I do now. How do I get him to understand that I really meant that we would be invisible to each other after that one night? "Sean, do you even remember why I asked you to help me out that night?" I asked him, rather harshly. He pulled his eyebrows together. "Yeah, because you knew I would say yes" he answered obviously. "Yes! Also because I knew you were a player and wouldn't be clingy or attached! This is so unbelievable. It is also unfair. When a girls do feel like it was something between her and a guy, then we get ignored, but now when we do want the no strings attached, the guy, in this case you, become so pushy and annoying!" I exclaimed, waving my hands in the air. Guess I made a small scene, because the next thing I know, Alex is coming over. "Everything okay over here?" He asked once he reaches us and stood beside me. "It was until you got here." Sean answer the same time as say; "No!" "So what's going on?" Alex asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nothing! He just won't stop pestering me about a stupid party this Friday" I exclaimed. "A party huh?" he asked. This was when Sean decided to step in; "Yes, a party, and before you get any ideas, I actually asked her first" he said rudely. Like that is relevant. "Yes, you did, but I said no, so just leave me alone!" I shot back at him. "I'm out of here!" I announced and then I walked away. Alex followed shortly after, catching up to me. "So you and Sean have some sort of history or anything?" he asked as I walked to my car. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Uh...well...one night stand" I mumbled embarrassed. "Haha, okay, no need to say more!" he laughed. This was so embarrassing. Talking about the night I lost my virginity. "So...about that party. I was actually thinking about going, you know to celebrate making the team," he said, trying to pass it of as casually. "You made the team!" I said, turning to him happily. "Yep" he chuckled. I was so happy for him and pulled him in for a hug. "We could celebrate together. Since we're neighbors and all we could go together, save money on fuel if we take my car" he suggested and my heartbeat sped up. "Really? Okay, sure, yeah that'd be great" I said, focusing on finishing the sentence that was heading in the direction of nervous ramble. Maybe if Alex and I went together would be enough to make Sean get the hint. At least if Alex meant it as a romantic date, and not a friendly date. Whatever it was, he and I would still be going together, and maybe it would at least look like we were dating to Sean then. "See you on Friday" he said with a smile and turned around to walk to his car. "See you around" I said with a smile. Sean Unbelievable. I had never ever asked a girl out like that before. I always had one-night stands. The first time I ask a girl out like that and she turned me down! She cannot be serious. Here I made an effort, asking her out on a date, and she says no. What the hell am I doing wrong? Why isn't she interested? The feeling didn't exactly get better when I watched her walk away with that new guy Alex. He's even on my team now! This is unbelievable. What is even worse than anything is the feeling I got when she gave him the biggest smile ever and pulled him in for that hug. I couldn't name the feeling I got then, but it wasn't pleasant. I had never wanted to hurt a guy so much as I did then, not even out on the field. I hope to god he didn't ask her out, to the party. I'm not quite sure what I would do if they went together, and I don't think I want to find out. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be thrilled that a girl actually kept her word, and didn't get attached. So why do I feel the need to chase after her? "Hey man, you're really quiet this time" One of my friends Blake, stated. Me and a group of people I hang out with at school and social events like now, we're all gathered at some Burger joint. Blake was a few of my friends. The other ones were just...there. "Yeah, so?" I asked. I wasn't in the best mood, and you could say I took it out on the people around me. I didn't ask her for her phone number. I should have so she knew I was serious. Okay, maybe not serious like that, but anyway... Then I thought of something. "Dude, you have a girlfriend, right?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow, like he couldn't believe I asked that. "Where the hell have you been lately? Yes, I have. Shannon and I have been dating for two years man." he answered. "Yeah, I know...but have you been for real this entire time I mean. When you're serious about each other and all that s**t," I asked. "Man, to you even know what dating means?" he chuckled. "Yeah, it means hooking up and stuff" I answered. Isn't that what everyone says they do when they hook up, that they're dating? "Jeez. That's called one night-stands, fuckfriends, friends with benefits. When you're dating it means to only want to hook up with that specific one and be committed. Do I need to give you the s*x talk too maybe?" he joked. I gave him a glare. "I know all it is to say about it. Come on, be serious. Have you been dating Shannon for two whole years?" I asked. "Yes! We have been dating, as in only been with each other for that time" he rolled his eyes. "So, how did you do it, how do you get with a girl like that, as in dating?" I asked hesitant. He looked beyond confused. I was myself too. I would never ever even think that I would ask that. "Dude, do you actually...have feelings for someone?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I have feelings for girls all the time. I always think they're hot and stuff, and I like that. See, feelings?" "Jeez man, that's not what I meant. I meant, do you actually like someone, as in want to be in a committed relationship" he sighed. A committed relationship. Awfully mature and old school...I think. "No. I just want to spend some time with someone, and hook up now and then," I said, and that was the truth. Then he started laughing. "Yeah, sounds awfully like a relationship. Let me ask you something, to be sure; Let's say this girl hang out with you, even hooks up with you every now and then. How would you feel if she did the exact same thing with other guys at the same time?" he asked. Somehow, that got me thinking back to when Mary walked away with Alex and just left me there like a complete loser. It's not like I wanted to experience that again. The way I saw it, I had two options; Forget all about Mary, or enjoying this new refreshing feeling I got when the roles were switched, and for once I was the one that chased the girl. I think I'm going with the latter. It's intriguing, and quite frankly, I'm curious how a relationship would be like with her. "Well. If I'm with her, why would she be with anyone else?" I asked. She didn't seem like the type to date more than one guy at the time. I think she is the exclusive type. "Damn, you're actually getting jealous by that thought, don't you?" he snickered. I narrowed my eyes at him; "How is that funny? I'd like to see how you react if your girlfriend started flirting with other guys" I shot back at him. Only then I realized I made it sound like Mary was my girlfriend flirting with other guys aka Alex. His laughter immediately stopped and he glared back at me. "But she's actually my girlfriend. So of course, I can't handle the fact if she flirted with other guys, but this girl you're talking about isn't your girlfriend dude. She can flirt with whoever she wants," he declared. "So what? You're saying I can only get jealous when she is my girlfriend and not sooner?" I almost growled. His eyebrows hit the roof at my sentence; "When, not if? Wow, you're already planning a move?" he asked. I didn't get time to think of an answer because right then, Leslie came over. She was one of the girls in the group I hung out with. We hook up every now and then. "I heard you talking about wanting a girlfriend, meaning me?" she purred as she seated herself on my lap. Before this used to turn me on, but now...I wished it was Mary in Leslie's place. "Uh, last time I remember, you told me you don't do boyfriends" I answered. "Oh come on, you don't do girlfriends, I don't do boyfriends, so why not do something together?" she said, trying to sound seductive, but I only found it irritating. How is it possible, that one single girl, a tiny one at that can change everything I used to like in a girl? "Jump on someone else, not in the mood" I said rudely. She gasped, like I had done something horrible. To my luck she went back to her previous seat. "So I guess your mystery woman isn't Leslie huh?" Blake chuckled, but I could hear he was really curious to who I had a crush on. I guess I can finally admit it to myself. For the first time ever, I have a crush, a crush on Mary.
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