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"...OKAY? NOW, move." After our teacher said that, we already do as she instructed. She told us about our seating arrangement a few moments earlier. Pawns will be seated in front while the officials will be at the back. Two rows in total. Same arrangement as the actual game of chess. I am in between the two boys. We are arranged alternately. Girl, boy, girl, and so on. Josh was right behind me. On his left was Gina, while on his right was Lori. "That was your permanent arrangement especially to the actual battle of chess, so you all better get used to it by now," she said right after we settled ourselves. "By the way, I am Ms. Paz Isabella. I am your Chess teacher," she said right below the big screen that was placed on the wall in front. Miss Paz is already in her mid-30's if I am to assess. Basing on the white circle on her forehead, she's our fellow in White Community. That was the one the staff said yesterday during orientation that our teachers are from our respective communities. "I know that not all of you here probably know how to play chess, am I right?" Only some of us answered yes. Well, I have a little bit of chess knowledge but I hadn't tried to play one. I was just only part of the audience before. And right now, in my first ever big experience to play chess, I am unfortunately the chess piece. "So for now, let's tackle first the basics," she said and then several images of chess pieces flash to the big screen. After, she clicked the image of one of the chess pieces and discussed it with us one by one. "First is the important piece, the king. King can move exactly one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. At most once in every game, each king is allowed to make a special move, known as castling. "Next, the most powerful piece, the queen. Queen can move any number of vacant squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. She cannot jump over the other. "Next is the rook. Rooks can move any number of vacant squares vertically or horizontally. Together with the king, it can make a special move known as castling. It also cannot jump over the other piece. "Then the bishop. Bishops can move any number of vacant squares in any diagonal direction. Same as others, it cannot jump over the other. "Next one is the knight. Knight can move one square along with any piece and then at an angle. The knight's movement can also be viewed as an "L" or "7″ laid out at any horizontal or vertical angle. The only piece that can jump over the other piece. "The last one will be the front pieces, the pawns. Pawns can move forward one square, if that square is unoccupied. If it is not yet moved, the pawn has the option of moving two squares forward provided both squares in front of the pawn are unoccupied. A pawn cannot move backward. Pawns are the only pieces that capture differently from how they move. They can capture an enemy piece on either of the two spaces adjacent to the space in front of them but cannot move to these spaces if they are vacant. The pawn is also involved in the two special moves: En passant and Promotion." We just nodded our heads repeatedly about what Miss Paz has said. Lori's giggle came into my ears which made me cringe. She must have been glad about what she heard about Queen's role. And surely, her boast will get bigger. The most powerful chess piece, huh? "The goal of this game is to capture the king." Ms. Paz went on after discussing the basic movements. "But in our game," We all then diverted our gaze to Josh soon after she looked into him. "The king should be killed for the team to win. Hence, Josh, the outcome of the game lies in your hands." Josh only shows blank expressions about what Ms. Paz said to him. But deep inside, I know that he got pressured because of this. The game lies in the hands of the kings; whether they die or survive, lose or win respectively. There are still some things that Miss Paz discussed with us about the game of chess. She told us about the Castling and En Passant moves. Castling, according to her, is for the Rook and King. Based on her demonstration, the King moves two squares towards the Rook and the Rook will jump over the King. On the other hand, the En Passant move is the term for how the Pawns capture their opponents. While waiting for the next teacher, all the boys suddenly stood up. "We will just go to the C.R., girls," said Reynan cheerfully and then they all simultaneously walked out of the classroom. That is what I always noticed to all the boys. Why are they always go to the C.R. together? I was just wondering and at the same time, curious. Maybe they will... err, never mind. Soon after that, Lori suddenly walked towards the door, and seems like she figures out if the boys were already out of sight. I doubted, looks like she has something on her sleeves right now most especially the boys are not here. "Blyth, beautify my hair, please. Do a style!" she giggly said while immediately sat back in her chair. Tsk. I knew it. "Hmm, what's up, Queen?" Gina interestingly asked her, bending her wrist to the front. Blyth immediately follows what Lori said to her. She went to Lori's back and started touching the latter's hair. Lori smiled at Gina. "I just want to---ouch! Could you make it more gentle?! It hurts, Blyth. Don't damage my hair." said Lori irritatingly. My forehead furrowed. Blyth's long eyelashes repeatedly blinked. "Sorry, Lori—" "Hepp! Hadn't I told you already that you will all call me Queen?" she said, raising her finger as if she makes wrong things right. I cannot help but to shook my head repeatedly and just heaved a sigh. A few seconds after, I heard again her annoying voice. "Uhm, Mami V, I liked the massage you gave to me last time. Could you do it to me again now?" I stare at Veah meaningfully but the latter just gave me a just-let-me-do-it-and-don't-ever-try-to-argue look. And so I don't have any other choice but to just sigh again deep long. I saw Veah already followed what Lori has said. Looking at her right now, she really is like a Queen that has servants serving her. "Queen, can I also command them?" Gina muttered to Lori, smiling. She is like a child who is wishing something to her mother. Without nodding, Lori answered. "Yes of course. Sis Jing and Knightigirl, you may also." she is referring to Jing and Regliah but those two just shook their head in response. "Okay. Rosy, could you also massage me? But I want to my feet. A foot massage!" Gina clapped her hands like an i***t and Rosy silently followed it without any ado. This is too much. What did they think of my fellow pawns? A slave? Huh! "Oww! Nice idea, I also want that!" Lori joyfully said. "Jobigirl, massage me also on my foot please," she added, giving me a single glance. I just stared at her with a brow raised. I'm not a massage therapist! Tsk. "What? Are you going to complain again?" she said again in a challenging tone. All of them are now looking in my direction. I saw Veah's begging look. She even shook her head which means to not make an argument, again. I just took a deep breath and just headed towards the sitting-pretty, Lori. Tsk. She's really enjoying this. She smirked when I sit in front of her, grabbed her feet, and slowly massaged them. "Nice... good girl," she said sarcastically, and together with Gina and Jing, they broke into laughter. After a while, Lori suddenly kicked her foot that I am currently massaging causing me to fell on the floor. "Ouch!" she snarled. Her thin eyes suddenly grew bigger. My brows furrowed. Confused, I asked her. "What's your problem?" I keep my voice as calm as I can while slowly getting up from the floor. I prevent myself to not make an argument. "Why did you pinched that hard? Be gentle, and do your job properly. Urg! It hurts." she pissedly said while touching her foot that, according to her, hurts. And that's it! "Job?" I scoffed. "Do you think we are here just to serve you? This is not our job, Lori." She raised her brow. She looks pissed "Don't you dare---" "You shouldn't dare!" I said, raising my voice. "You really think that we are your slaves. Where in the most fact, we don't have a single responsibility towards you." I noticed Veah keeps on showing me hee begging look but I repeatedly ignored it. Lori shoved away Blyth's and Veah's hands and forcefully stood up. "Why? Isn't that true?" she said sarcastically, answering my statement. "You are just a pawn." "Yes. And you are just a stupid queen." I firmly said to her. I don't care if she gets angry with me right now. "Stupid?" she coldly said, walking towards me causing me unconsciously moves backward. Gina and Jing rushed behind me and tightly hold me in the hand. "I am stupid? Just so you know, that is more suited for you. Stupid pawn!" "Let go of me!" I tried to free myself from Jing and Gina's grip. And when I succeed, I looked at Lori badly. "You are just a Queen. We will both fight by the end of the day and probably die. And so, don't act like you seems very special because truth is---" I paused when I realized something. "Oh yes, scratch that. You are indeed special. A special child." She looked at me very angry right now. Her ears turned red signified her anger. She shoved her hair near her cheek using her hand. She seems cannot absorb what I just said. My eyes automatically close soon after I saw her right hand lifted into the air to slap me. "What's the matter here?" Lori's hand was suspended in the air and immediately shifted her gaze to the one who's talking. It's Josh. The other boys look confused too while looking in our direction. "U-Uh, n-nothing..." Lori let out an unnatural laugh. A force and a fake one. She then suddenly hugged me that literally shocked me. "I-I just want to hug Jobella right now for no apparent reason." Oh, really? Funny. And then, I just smirked when I heard her whispered something in my ear. "Don't you ever dare tell them about what happened. You will definitely taste my wrath." ♨THE CHESS GAME♨
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