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I SHIFTED BACK my gaze to the front. I felt Josh's presence going closer to mine. "W-Why are you here?" I asked without looking at him. He sat directly next to mine. "Basically because this rooftop is our dorm's roof," he replied, unseriously. Yeah right. Above our dorm is the boy's dorm. But... whatever. "You, why are you here?" "Basically, because this is also our rooftop. We are in the same building, just so you know. And I guess we are also permitted to get here because we have a stair for this area." I replied to him. He slightly chuckled. "Same old, Bella." I stared at him. When we got separated, our conversation was slowly gone. I mean, I did not say that we should still have a conversation even though we're over, but sort of. We did not break up because of jealousy or anger or what. We decide to end our relationship because, at that time, we were both busy. I am 18 years old at that time and he's 20. We're on good terms when we broke up until we weren't able to meet again. "Why aren't you joining them?" I asked him, referring to our fellows. "I prefer to be here than to join them to the park," he said. "I'm used to be here when I'm bored." I just nod my head in response. Same old. "You were the one to arrive first here, aren't you?" I asked him although it is quite obvious because he's the king. He nodded his head. "Yeah, and mostly I got here at night to freshen up." "And Lori is also first to arrive here for girls." I went on, looking at the wonderful spot. That was what Veah said to me. "Didn't you two able to met here?" I felt that he shook his head. "No." I looked at him again. "Why?" I mean, it is very impossible that they really meet yesterday for the first time because they were staying here for days already. "I don't know. Maybe she didn't know about this place, or she didn't like to get here," he said, brushing his long hair. His hair is already like that since before. "And the staff reminded us to not meet yet to not ruin the surprise." "Ah..." I nodded. I thought they will break the rule. "How are you?" he suddenly asked, looking at the view. Colorful lights coming from our community are very pleasing to the eye. "I'm still okay. Same as before." I casually replied and he nodded his head. "And you?" I asked in return. "Same as usual. I'm a bit busy with my family's business but suddenly have rest because of this," he said. This game really has no exemption. Even if how busy you are, still you should follow what the Shah House wants. "I was just wondering. How did they choose us? I mean, out of all the youth here, as young as us, we are the ones being chosen." I said, out of confusion. Because if they are looking for potentials or skills, surely I would fail their assessment and I would not be here. "I don't have an idea, either. But I guess because of our family history. It's either, you have a family member that was once a warrior, or none yet had been part of." I am thinking about what he has said. From what I know, nothing yet had been part of chess warriors to my family clan... or just as I thought. My parents did not share anything about our family history. "And how about the roles?" I asked curiously. I really have so many questions but I know he's used to it already. "It's just random, I guess. If who were the first one the committee visited, automatically they will be the King or Queen," he replied. I just again nodded my head. Well, Josh really is good at analyzing things like this. He's smart, one of the things that I like about him before. I hugged my knees. "Are you also like Lori?" I asked him seriously. "What do you mean?" he asked back, looking at me. "Lori is the Queen. And then, she is acting like a real Queen in our dorm. She is controlling us." I said to him. I just want to ask. We did not know that maybe we should take part in our roles. That we, Pawns, are obligated and should serve the highest officials just like what Lori and others did. "Ah..." he muttered, sitting straight. "Well, no. Actually, they were acquaintances already right before they were chosen to be here. Seems like, only I was new to their eyes." Oh? That's badly nice. They are boys yet no trouble that is happening to them while we, girls, are very messy. Lori's attitude is really just unbelievable. "Does Lori bully you?" he seriously asked, looking directly into my eyes. I am quite taken aback by his question. I heaved a sigh. "U-Uhh, no. O-Only to some of them but not me." I lied. There's no way I will going to tell him. They will surely think that I asked for help from the King. "That's good to hear. If she will bully you, just tell me. I will talk to her." he sincerely said. I only smiled at him. "Thanks, but no need." We have many topics that we talked about. In fairness, we are still comfortable with each other. Suddenly, silence took place but Josh immediately broke it. "Uhm, B-Bella..." "W-Why?" I don't know. Why suddenly my heart beats so fast right now? His voice is very serious to the point that it sounded only like a whisper... We stared at each other for few seconds. Thoughts are flowing into my mind. Moments later, he suddenly shook his head. "A-Ahh, nothing." I did bother to ask him after he said those words. I just shook away my thoughts and calm myself. When the clock strikes at 6 PM, we decided to go back to our dorms. We go to different stairs and after I reached my bed, the girls just then arrived. ♨♨♨ WE WOKE up early in the morning because today is the first day of our training. "Jobigirl, could you buy me a soap? My soap is already running out. Papaya soap, to keep my skin smoother. Is that clear?" Lori suddenly commanded me right after I go out of my bed. I would be going to take a bath, eh? Tsk. I just stared at her. Her brows furrowed behind his bangs. "Oh, why are you just looking at me? Aren't you going to follow what your Queen ordered?" she said while her arms were at her waist. I took a deep breath walks in her direction. "Oh? What do you want?" she muttered again, this time her brow raised. "Your card for me to buy your soap." I plainly said showing her my open palm. "Use your card... you stupid pawn," she said with a smirk while folded her arms this time. I suddenly turn red when I heard what she said to me. What did she say again? "Who's stupid?" I calmly asked but irritation is very obvious on my face right now. "Obviously, you. Hello, who else is? Me?" she said with a sarcastic laugh while jerking her thumbs to herself. "How d---" I halted and bit my lower lip for a while. I just escaped a long and deep sigh and then had no other choice but to go back to my room to get my card. I change my clothes because for Pete's sake I already wearing my bathrobe. I slammed hard the entrance door and headed towards the mini-park with heavy steps. That's quite far and the sun rays are quite hot. Tsk. Lori should be thankful that I prevented me to argue with her. Surely she will get hurtful words coming from me. I walk fast to get to the mini-park as soon as I can until I arrived at the door. I immediately opened it and without any ado, I quickly walk inside but... "Ouch..." "Ugh..." We suddenly muttered simultaneously. We both fall to the ground and my butt hurts. I groaned a bit and I looked at the man who I bumped with and I get shy when I recognized him. He's the king of the Blacks. I immediately stood up after I saw him fixing himself---removing the clouds of dust on his skin and to his clothes. "Sorry..." I apologize to him and I just looked to the ground in shame. My bad. I did not notice that he was standing in front of the door and because I am in my haste, I bumped into him. He just looked at me for a while with a blank expression and after that, without a single word, he walked, passing me. And once again, I was left unspoken. ♨THE CHESS GAME♨
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