Chapter 18- Eight Billion Dollars Liquidated Damages

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  “Since the current situation of our family is caused by Elvis, the best solution for it is to let him go and apologize to Shirley with Mandy, to beg Shirley to give up asking for the liquidated damages,” Gordon suggested, a slow sly smile creeping around the corners of his mouth.   Because of Shirley, Elvis’s mother had died of sudden cerebral hemorrhage, making Elvis’s wedding with Mandy turn into a funeral. And now Shirley even attempted to seize the Georges’ property. Thus, it could be said that Elvis and Shirley were deadly enemies.   Now Gordon suggested that Elvis go and apologize to Shirley, which was no doubt that he wanted to humiliate Elvis.   “No, I’ll go and apologize to Shirley myself.” Mandy protested.   She knew full well Elvis’s hatred for Shirley. His mother had died of sudden cerebral hemorrhage, their wedding had turned into a funeral, he had broken away from his family and left the city of Murray, his father had been seriously ill, and it’s all because of Shirley. Therefore, there was no possibility of reconciliation between Elvis and Shirley. If Elvis went and apologized to Shirley, he would undoubtedly suffer many humiliations for the rest of his life.   “There’s something in what Gordon said. Since it’s all because of Elvis, he must go and apologize to Shirley in person. It’s about the interests of our family, you can’t object to it!” Maria said, making the final decision.   She disliked neither Elvis nor Shirley, even wanting to see the two of them locked in combat for their own personal interests.   Upon hearing that, Elvis looked at Gordon with a grim smile on his lips. Gordon had offended him again and again. From this moment on, Gordon was nothing but a dead man in his mind.   “I can go and apologize to Shirley. But in what capacity Mandy goes with me?” Elvis said in a deadpan voice.   However, his calm expression made Gordon’s flesh creep. As the saying goes, barking dogs don’t bite. If Elvis had turned on him and hit out from rage, Gordon would have been giddy with self-satisfaction, for he knew clearly that for the sake of Mandy, Elvis would not kill him no matter how angry he was.   Now, Elvis’s calm expression made infinite regret and fear spring up in Gordon’s mind.   “In this case, I’ll appoint Mandy as interim proprietor of Greens Jewelers.” Maria said, in heart secretly astonished.   She hadn’t expected Elvis to agree so easily. But all that had happened of the day had exhausted her, and she didn’t spend her time thinking about the implications of Elvis’s remark.   After having come to a decision, Maria immediately announced the end of the meeting.   Leaving Maria’s home, Elvis and Mandy drove to the Georges’, while the others were waiting to see some fun.   “Why did you promised to apologize to Shirley? I can do it alone.” Mandy asked, looking worriedly at Elvis.   “Shirley is as venomous as snakes and scorpions. It’s dangerous for you to see her alone. I’ve just text-messaged her, and now all we need to do is to wait for her reply.” Elvis replied, warmed by Mandy’s words.   Because of him, Mandy had become the target for a lot of criticism. However, even though thousands were against him, Mandy had been standing by him. That was enough to let him be willing to give up everything to guard her.   “Sorry, Elvis, I’ve got you into trouble.” Mandy rested her head on Elvis’s shoulder and said, feeling deeply guilty to him.   If it were not for her, Elvis would not have been picked on by her family, let alone he would bow down to the killer of his mother.   At the thought of that, Mandy’s nose twitched and she began to weep.   “What are you talking about? You’re my wife. I’d like to suffer everything for you.” Elvis said softly.   He cupped Mandy’s chin in the palm of his hands, helping her wipe away her tears. The moisture shining in Mandy’s clear eyes tugged at his heartstrings. He vowed to himself that he would never allow others to bully Mandy in his presence.   At the same time, Shirley had received the text message from Elvis. Elvis had text-messaged her to say the Greens were willing to pay 8 billion dollars to square the matter up. Shocked by it, Shirley’s hand gave a quiver and the phone fell off her hand on the ground.   “What on earth is that bastard trying to do?” Shirley murmured, her face clouding over.   Even if the Greens realized on all of their assets, they could hardly afford 8 billion dollars liquidated damages. Besides, Elvis had never been accepted by the Greens, so the latter would not give him a free hand in dealing with the matter.   Shirley speculated that it was because the Greens were unable to pay such a large amount of liquidated damages, and they hoped that the Georges could give up asking for it, so they let Elvis try to negotiate with her.   Although Shirley hoped that Elvis would get killed at once, she would not allow herself to miss a fortune.   Picking her phone up off the ground, she immediately called Levi’s number.   “Levi, the Greens have promised to pay 8 billion dollars as the liquidated damages. Now go to Greens Jewelers and sign the contract with them. If they deny it, just tell them it’s the money Elvis promised us.” Shirley ordered, sending the screenshot of Elvis’s text message to Levi.   Even if she could not get those 8 billion dollars liquidated damages, she could take this opportunity to stir up strife between Elvis and the Greens.   “Okay, I’ll get on it first thing,” Levi replied, and then immediately led his men to Greens Jewelers.   He knew Elvis was always a thorn in Shirley’s flesh. If he could take this opportunity to dispose of him, he would surely receive a large reward from Shirley.   …   “Luke, can you send me two elite killers? I’m in a spot of trouble.”   At the same time, Kelvin, in his wheelchair, was talking to his brother on the phone.   “Well, I’ll arrange for two elite killers to escort the next supply to T nation. Then, the two of them will be at your disposal.” A cold voice sounded on the other end of the phone.   After hanging up the phone, Kelvin grinned in an ugly way.   Luke had been engaged in smuggling racket abroad for many years. All his men were mercenaries, who slaughtered people without blinking. Therefore, with the help of them, Elvis would surely die this time.   
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