Chapter Four

1158 Words
 I woke up and Immediately went to see if Zera was okay. After the brick note we received last night I was really worried. I was the second one up, but I had no way of knowing how she was because the only other person awake was my father and he doesn't want me looking in on her. Needless to say I was going to take a quick peek to make sure she was still there. And it's a good thing I did too. "DAD GET MOM NOW!!!!" I screamed as I rushed in and applied pressure to her wrist. There was blood everywhere and she was barely breathing. I couldn't find a good pulse and I was afraid I was going to lose her right then and there. When she opened her eyes just a hair she said, "Please don't. I want it to end." It came out as a whisper, like she didn't have the energy to make the effort to speak any louder. Just then my mom came rushing in and took over. "What happened?" She asked trying to get to the bottom of the situation while she worked on saving Zera's life. "I know that I wasn't supposed to peek in on her but I wanted to know how she was doing. That's when I saw all the blood and rushed in. She asked me to stop and let her die." I said choking on my tears. "Please save her mom. I don't know if I will be able to survive without her." "She will live even if I have to break into my little bag of tricks to tie her to this life. Now I need my first aid kit and hot water. Wake your sister and get her to bring me some clean linens and pick out some clothes for Honey here." She stayed calm for as much chaos that was surrounding her. I followed all her instructions and then I did one more thing for Zera. I called the principal to let him know that she was here and we needed her diploma for when she wakes up. I thought it would be a nice surprise for her to finally be away from the predictable places her dad might look. Turns out that he got to Mr. Jameson first and there was no way to get something like that from a dead man. When my mom came down the stairs I filled her in on the principal's demise and she turned as white as a ghost. My father called the station to send a car over to his house but they were way too late. They did however find a note addressed to Zera. It read 'You little b***h you think you can escape me by gettin outta school. You're not as smart as you thought you were because I was goin ta drop ya out anyways and chain ya to a wall in the basement next to your mother's glass case. I'm comin for ya and I will kill all them freaks that are tryin ta help you escape from me. You're mine and I'll have ya back soon. So don't let any a them boy's touch my p***y. Keep nice tight and warmed up for me.' I felt more than sick after reading that. There is no way he is going to survive the next year. I won't just stand by and allow this to keep happening to her. She's been through enough. Just then my father nudged my shoulder to get my focus elsewhere because he could see that my cat was trying to break free. I can't shift in the house or in front of the officers standing in the door. "Still no sign of him?" My father asked. And of course to no avail the officers shook their heads and hung them in unison. Then my father asked, "Any sign of her mother? She was mentioned to be in the basement in a glass case?" "We were unable to search the property, sir. No judge would sign the warrant." One of the officers said with a salute. I stopped listening after that and decided to see if the women needed anything. When I was turned away from them I decided to take the little ones out in the back yard for some fresh air. For some strange reason I felt like I was being watched. Every scent that came my way I had to analyze. Only one stood out and it wreaked of deer urine and feces. The deer don't come near here because they can smell the predatory cats. I Snatched up the little ones and put them in the house. When I turned around there was a man standing in my back yard looking like he bathed in deer excrement. "Who are you and why are you here?" I growled. When he didn't answer I Yelled it again as loud as I could. All he did to respond was laugh. When I started towards him he pulled a knife out of his boot and prepared to fight. My father came running from around the house and jumped between us. Apparently my dog isn't coming out here to help us even though we could use him. "I know who you are and you will never hurt her again." My father said as he advanced on the stranger. "That poor girl tried to kill herself to end all the torture that you put her through." He sounded casual about everything and I don't know why he wasn't just beating the breaks off this guy. "Well we can't have her dying just yet. She hasn't pleasured my needs. When I'm done with her I'll kill her myself just like her mother. The only reason she thinks I am her father is because I found them on the street and brought them into my home. And now she wants to repay me with disloyalty, I don't think so. She will pay with her body and her life." He finally said laughing This is a true psycho and he sees himself as normal. I will not stand by and listen to this. Just then I felt a little tug on my arm. I had to get her to safety. A 4 year old should never have to witness this kind of evil. "Livy why are you out here?" I asked feeling panicked. "She started crying again and I can't find Angie." She said crying as I picked her up. "Where is Luka? Why isn't he by your side? Where is the dog?" I couldn't stop asking questions. We were in the house as fast as I never thought possible. Luka was hiding in the toy box and the dog was waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting intruder when we got into the play room. I put Livy down in the toy box with Luka and went to find Angie.
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