Chapter 6. Home Alone

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Chapter 6. Home alone "How about this? What do you think?" She asked Jax and threw a handful of colorful shirts at him. They were out shopping for Jax because according to him his closet needed renewing. Tate had not joined then since he had to get back to work so they were here by himself. "Too many colors woman! They are blinding me." He whined but she paid him no attention when her eyes landed on a piece of fabric, q very beautiful piece of fabric. Across the store on a glass display was a very pretty baby blue dress. It was fit on the upper part and flair from the waist, it was one of those dresses that was long from behind and knee length from the front, it was an off shoulder dress adorned will lace all over. Belinda fell in love. "Are you just going to stare at it or are you buying?" She jumped in surprise when she heard Jax right next to her also staring at the dress across the shop. She sighed and created some distance between her and the wall that she had unknowingly pressed herself into while looking at the dress. "I don't think so. I don't have enough money, I don't know if I will get the job so I have to spend carefully." Jax was still looking out and at the dress with narrowed eyes, suddenly his eyes widened and he pulled her out of the store as if it was on fire. He dragged towards the other store that held the pretty dress. "What are you doing Jax?! You know I can't afford it!" "That other lady is going to buy it damn it! That dress is made for you, I can feel it!”Was all he replied, they entered the store and as he said there was a lady looking at the dress with a sales woman besides her with a happy look on her face. Belinda felt her heart bleed at the sight of that dress being sold to someone else but she did not have the time to cry over the wounded heart as Jax once again pulled her towards the ladies looking at the dress. She had no idea what he was doing but she was definitely not going to be a part of it. "Excuse me, how much is this dress for?" Jax asked the sales lady while completely ignoring the other lady who looked at him like he had grown two extra heads. "We are sorry sir but it has already been taken by ma'am right here." She pointed at the lady and she smiled at them, Belinda smiled back. "Oh? But it was the perfect one for the wedding wasn't it honey?" Jax looked at her with a pointed gaze silently telling her to play along. "Yes dear it was, but we can't do anything now." She replied. Whatever happened to not being a part? "What wedding?" The lady asked them curiously, she looked between Jax and Belinda and then their joined hands. "Are you two getting married?" "Yes, and this dress went perfectly with our theme, but unfortunately it was not for us." Jax replied with a very fake sad expression and threw a longing look at the dress, Belinda saw right through the act but both the ladies seemed to have fallen for his act. "Oh dear! You must buy this dress then, I can get another one, and Marriage is an important deal so it should be perfect." She said happily and left both of them with the sales lady, Belinda was conflicted and felt bad for the lady. It's not like she has enough money to buy the dress and she just made her leave the dress for them. "Should I pack this for you ma'am?" The sales lady asked and Jax nodded. She smacked his arm discreetly and gave him a pointed look. Jax dismissed her with a wave of his hand and went to the counter to collect the packed dress. She could do nothing more than just follow him around like a puppy, because as much as she wanted to deny it a big part of her wanted to buy that dress, maybe she could cut down other expenses. She took out her wallet and searched for her debit card to pay but Jax held her hand and slid a black card on the counter. Her eyes widened and she shook her head like a cartoon character which made him laugh. "You cannot pay for me Jax!" Her words fell on deff ears. "I am not paying honey, Tate is. He gave me his card before leaving." "That's even more horrible!" "Eh don't sweat it, he is so filthy rich it would be like taking a spoonful from an ocean." "He is what now?" It was hard to believe that the Tate she had men earlier today was that rich, he looked like a normal salary earner but again, looks can be highly deceiving. "Yeah, he works for a big ass company and earns money in one hour than I earn in a month. Don't I have the best boyfriend ever?" "You are hopeless." "Hopelessly in love." Both of them shopped for another few hours looking for a perfect jacked for Jax and a couple clothes for Tate since he was the one paying for all of it. She still couldn't get over the fact that they tricked a lady and brought the dress for her, the weight of the bag felt heavy in her arms, she felt guilty but then remembered that the world is like that. They trick and take away what you want, it has always been like this and now that she was free she had to learn how to deal with it. Sun was setting when they left the mall, the sky had turned beautiful hues of oranges, pinks and blues. Clouds huddled together to make beautiful patterns on the colorful canvas of the sky, it calmed her mind. Jax offered to take a cab home but she refused since it was only a fifteen minute walk and the weather was beautiful. Jax mumbled under his breathe but did not disagree with her. They were halfway along the way when Jax got a call from Tate. "Hey!" He greeted enthusiastically with a smile. They talked for some time and then hung up, Jax did not look that happy now and looked at her apologetically. She had senses as much when they were talking. "Tate wants me to sleep over tonight, he had a stressful day and wants me there." He said. She nodded her head fully understanding the situation, Jax had to leave to spend time with Tate so she might have to walk home alone. "Will you be alright by yourself? I could call a cab for you if you want, it's getting dark." He offered but she waved him off, she was a grown woman who was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She could very well walk home alone. "It's alright, Tate needs you right now. Good night!" She called over her shoulder and gave a small wave before continuing on her way home, she vaguely heard him saying something about calling when she reached home, in a span of few minutes it had gone really dark and if it wasn't for the streetlights it would be pitch black. She increased her speed to get home faster. She left out a cry of joy when she saw her apartment building only a few meters away, it was like someone finding an oasis in a desert, the exaggeration was clearly there. Her phone buzzed so she stopped in her tracks to answer the call and also catch her breath before going in. It was Jax. "Did you reach home yet?" Was the first thing he asked making her chuckle. "Yes I just reached the building, I was going to call you.” "Okay, Can you tell mom I am at Tate's and also remind her to eat dinner? Her phone is busy and I'm sure she must be talking to one of her sister's, that woman can go on for hours without food and water if not reminded of it." This time she let out a clear loud laugh, Jax was officially her go to personal when she needed a good laugh. That man could make a story personal roll around in laughter. "Sure thing. Have a good night and have fun, but not too much fun." She teased to which see only received a huff and the phone disconnected. Smiling to herself she took a few steps towards the apartment when something caught her eye. There was movement in the small alley next to the building, a rational person would gracefully ignore the hustle and be on their way home and so did Belinda, but her curiosity got the best of her when she heard a painful groan from the same place. What if someone was hurt and needed help? Or it could be a murderer murdering someone, and she would be the next in list. She gulped and took small timid steps to the dark alleyway. It was so darks she could not see anything, risking her safety she switched on the flashlight on her phone. She let out a loud gasp she stumbled back almost dropping her phone when she saw a man lying on the dirty ground covered in blood.   
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