Chapter four

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  Zayn Pov She is human, my mate is human!! Why would the moon goddess do this to me? Is there even a thing as a third chance mate? She clearly didn't feel anything and now I have to go and convince her that she might be the love of my life. She might not be, she is Zayn! "Shut the f**k up Amoux!" I am seriously pissed and he wants to talk. That girl looked at me and she is my mate, of course she is going to reject me and of course she is going to freak out once I tell her I am a wolf. Well I should just tell her so that we can hurry this along. Zayn you will do no such thing okay, we are going to slowly introduce her to us.... he says that like he is more mature than me when we definitely know he is just a murderous beast. Amoux let out a growl after I said that. "see you also know she is bad for us, she is going to run from us as soon as we tell her all we did" well then what do you suggest Zayn, that we scare her as soon as possible? "YES! That way we won't spend all that time to end up being rejected" No!! we will figure out something.  Well that is it I pushed Amoux to the back of my mind and then that is when I realized that I have split open three punching bags when me and Amoux were busy going back and forth. "Something bothering you Alpha?" Leo appeared out of nowhere on my doorway "Yes you are!" I glared at him as I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel. "Well you didn't mind link me today and by the looks of those bags you you were here about an hour ago" he came close to me "And??" I waited for him to explain, he was right I had slept in today and I forgot to wake him up for our morning routine of training and sparring, I wonder how that happened? "Well you never wake up after 5am and I mean like never but its 9am and you woke up an hour ago plus there is no way you forgot to wake me up... you always do." he circled me looking for something, although I didn't know what he was looking for I didn't like him looking at me like I was modelling for him so I did the next best thing I grabbed him by the neck, lifted him up and then I smashed him down on the ground. "you didn't see that coming huh" I asked as his wolf growled lowly and he was on his feet within a second "sneak attack, huh that really pissed me off Alpha" he landed a punch on my left side just below the ribs then we started sparring. We didn't have a lot to do today except go back to that bar and talk to that rogue and ask him why he is without a pack. This time Leo left with broken ribs again, a broken leg and  hurting jaw, He couldn't land so many punches with me today so I won. He went to the infirmary on a stretcher and I think he is just being dramatic, I mean I know I broke his leg but we wolves we heal after a couple of hours. It was 4pm and we were heading to the bar, we could have gone early but Leo was hiding behind his mate like a baby he is, Vanessa had refused he go anywhere until he was well rested and I know what you thinking, I'm the cruel Alpha- Well at least you know "Amoux get the f**k out of my head!!"  he was being a sarcastic son of a bi*ch- as I was saying I'm the cruel Alpha but that is not how I choose to run My pack. I earn their respect and loyalty I don't demand it but they don't know that and they don't have to. We were driving there and Amoux kept chanting mate mate mate in my head, I don't know why he is so excited because I know she is not going to choose me, she is going to flip out as soon as she finds out that I am a wolf so I am just going to reject her on the spot.  Are you trying to kill yourself? You know it is painful enough to be rejected imagen you being the one who rejects someone, that will totally kill you and me.  He just won't shut up and he is telling me about death when Cynthia and Anna seem to be living pretty much well after rejecting me. Well if by well you mean Cynthia is roaming around sleeping with every Alpha looking for shelter and they keep casting her away as soon as they find their true mates and we don't know where Anna is, for all we care she could be dead!  "And you would just love-" "Alpha we have arrived" Leo spoke, it is like today he really is into disturbing my peace. It was a 45min drive and as soon as we walked in Amoux began sniffing the air but the lavender scent was nowhere to be found Zayn where is our vanilla skinned goddess? Great he made that nickname stuck "Well I just got here too Amoux so I don't know"  He rumbled as he sniffed the air some more but there was no lavender smell then the strawberry lipped blonde from yesterday approached us "you must be here for Joe, please seat while I go get him for you" she sat us at the corner of the bar, it was dim and a little empty, it looks like it was reserved for couples because there seemed to be some couples while people preferred to sit by the bar, at the bar or just by the tables near the windows where the light was illuminating too much. I hate the smile that the blonde wears every time she looks at me, it looks creepy and I am betting she thinks she looks sexy "where is Aria" that question seemed to escape from my mouth and it totally pissed her off because her smile turned into a frown instantly "well she in not here and this is actually my section I serve in this section" I nodded, why is she getting all worked up, isn't she into Leo? "Cindy stop flirting with my guest and go to my office and on the right cabinet get us the bottle of gin" Joe was standing behind her and she immediately scurried away. Joe bowed and greeted me and Leo then took a seat, That's when I noticed that Leo was wearing his wedding ring today, so Cindy looked at me instead.  "where is Aria?" Why the hell would that question come again? Joe looked at me dumbfoundedly "ohh yeah she is so thankful for the rescue but she wasn't feeling well today so she left early" he answered so casually "why what happened, did the fight from yesterday affect her health?" I asked as soon as possible and Leo was shocked as he looked at me "Boss are you okay?"  "That is a stupid question Leo" I frowned and he raised his hands in surrender "Well I think so she repeatedly said she had a-" Then Cindy just had to return at that moment when i was finding out she had a what, I won't ask again. "Here you go gentlemen plea-" the doors to the bar opened and the air was filled with the strong yet soft lavender scent, I smelt it miles away and it was an amazing scent that calmed me and made me feel lightheaded, I did not feel like part of this world every time that scent hits me "She is here!" I exclaimed with a pitch of excitement and Amoux was doing the happy dance inside our head. They all looked at me and I cleared my throat to compose my self then Joe looked around and saw her "Cindy would you please call Aria for me?" She nodded but you could tell she was being a typical blonde bi*ch. As soon as Aria arrived by our table she put her hands in a prayer like position "I know Joe that I am supposed to be home right now but you have to trust me I just came back to get my purse which I left by mistake in your office" she was apologising until she saw me and then she jumped in excitement "Ohh my god I'm so glad I met you" she touched my hand and sparks flew right through me and straight to my soul "I thought you won't come again and I didn't even get to ask your name" she was still holding my hand and the vibrations were intense and I was in cloud nine until I saw it then Amoux released a suppressed growl "who did this to you?" I stood up and checked her face, she had a blue eye or more like a dark blue eye and it looked like it hurt. She withdrew her face from my hands took out a small mirror from her purse and looked at her face then "Oh my god I thought I had covered that up" she dived into her bag again looking for something and I held her hand then she looked at me shocked I wished she could mind link right now so she can tell me who did this, Amoux was busy rumbling inside and the rage we felt could not be explained at all. "Aria where did that come from, you didn't have it today this morning" Joe asked looking as shocked as I am she freed her hands from mine and ran from us she went into Joe's office then came back "These are coupons for free beer for the whole month, Please come and claim them that is the only way I know how to repay you" she put them in my hands and ran out of the bar. I was feeling a little uneasy with how she left and something within me didn't want to rest I asked Joe what happened and he explained that Aria didn't have the dark eye this morning and he recently just saw it too, I stood up immediately and went outside the bar and looked for her but she was nowhere. There is no way she ran that fast within 10mins, I mean her scent should still linger in the air and then I found it, but it was mixed blood and with other scents I didn't recognize and they smelled bad but I followed it anyway. I found her her lying down on the ground and being kicked by two low life twins, she was bleeding through her mouth and her eyes were closed. I didn't waste anytime as I picked one of the twins and bashed him on the wall while I took the other and bashed him the ground. they were crying out in pain and I picked Aria up, her eyes fluttered open and our eyes met Mine! the words were loud and clear as if they hadn't just escaped my mouth. After registering what I said she flew right from my arms and pushed me which caused her to scream in pain "what the hell was that!?" she yelled at me as she wiped the blood from her mouth I on the other hand was perplexed because I just saved her again and I was hoping for the same reaction as yesterday but her icy blue eyes had completely gone icy like she would freeze me to death with just one stare. "Ryker, Jace!" she ran to the low lives and Amoux and I became livid "are you guys okay, are you hurt?" she asked with so much concern and looked them over like they weren't the ones who were beating her up "what the hell is wrong with you!?" I was boiling with rage "These two low lives were the ones beating you up not me!" how dare she? she looked at me again and screamed "Why the hell are you here huh!? This is none of your business just leave!!" In any other circumstances I would politely leave but she was my mate and she was standing up for low life scums "I just came to save you, you should be grateful!" I yelled and she whipped her head back in my direction and I don't think I have ever seen eyes as cold as hers even for a person capable of murder "I never asked you to!" that was her final statement as she walked away with those scums leaning on her like they were the ones hurt. I could feel her pain physically as she was limping and my stomach started to churn at the sight of her like that. I turned around and saw Joe with Leo right behind me, they must have heard the entire thing hence they didn't interfere. I was in no mood to explain anything to them so I went straight for my car and waited for Leo to get here. "See Amoux I told you she wouldn't be any different" he was silent and I knew he was as defeated as me, how could the moon goddess put us through this again? is she punishing me for my sins?"
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