Chapter 3

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She stood up and dusted off her clothes. Her parents and the others are standing now behind her they accompanied her inside. They went straight to the office of the principal. While walking down to the hallways, the creatures turned on another way. All of the students are looking at her but she ignored them. Every step she takes, she feels something on her. A very unusual feeling. 'Keep yourself calm. You know what will happen if you won't.' "Who are they?" "Another new student of course." They stopped in front of a double giant mahogany door. Selene stepped forward and motioned Mira to step back. A growl can be heard from the other side of the door, indicating that some savage beast is inside. It does fail to make Mira intimidated and also her parents. The growling continues and it was now got followed by a strong air that escapes through the small gap between the door and the floor but stopped when Selene knocked thrice in a row. "Miss Selene, are you sure about this?" Mira asked her. "Yes, I will. Aside from that, the principal is on the other side." The mahogany door opened itself and a woman wearing fancy clothing with unreal facial features greeted them while sitting elegantly. "Greetings, my name is Lady Marionette, the principal of the University. I assume that you're Mira Gloucester, correct me if I'm wrong." Mira snapped from looking at the view from the window of Marionette's office and immediately nodded. She didn't notice that Lady Marionette is asking her because of the breathtaking view from the outside that made her stare at it ever since she entered the room together with her parents. Marionette talked to them and discussed everything. "Sign this first so you can start tomorrow." Selene handed her a pen so she can fill the paper up before giving it to Lady Marionette. After that, she got escorted by Selene to her dorm. The educator opened the door and the vacant room filled with silence greeted her. "Lady Marionette and I agreed on assigning you to the dorm of elves next to the dorm of vampires. Also, the leader of this dorm agreed with us. Choose your room, you'll have a roommate." Selene said before motioning to Mira enter. "I and your parents also agreed to change your surname for a while so, your name now is Mira Chivalry, and just stay away from the dorm of mages, don't trust anyone," Selene added before closing the door and leaving the place. Mira chooses her room then immediately entered there and slumped herself on her bed and hugged her pillow. 'I can't believe this, this world with various supernatural creatures exists. I thought I'll just read them on books.' She slowly closed her eyes because of tiredness in her system. Half an hour after, Mira popped her eyes open after hearing several knocks Even she's still sleepy she stood up and checked who's that through the door's peephole. "Hello? Is the new student named 'Mira Chivalry' is here?" A boy with sharp ears asked. His eyes are blue and his features are soft. "Why did you ask? Who are you?" She asked on the other side. Her hand is on the knob, slowly pushing the lock while her eye is on the peephole. "I'm Percival Frederick Douglass and you can call me Freddy. I'm the underdog of this dorm. You got a new roommate." Mira slowly undo the lock and twisted the knob. Preparing herself if they're going to attack her. "Shifters should be assigned to their dorm not here," Freddy grunted while grimacing at the boy wearing a red hoodie beside him. He's busy staring at the air while his bag is on his shoulder. "He's Mattheo Leonory, he's also a new student like you. He just arrived here like you. Mattheo, she's Mira Chivalry your roommate from now on." Mira pointed to Mattheo and Freddy nodded. "But he's a boy." She said. "I heard from Lady Marionette and Miss Selene that this shifter is lazy." 'Wow, this elf insults him face to face.' Mira thought while staring at the two of them. "Get in before the two of them see both of you," Freddy said, causing Mattheo to enter silently. Mira is about to complain when Freddy enters too. "Don't worry you two, I won't cause any harm. I'm just here to explain everything to you." He said before sitting on the couch. "Lady Selene told me that you're both from the human realm. Don't worry about electricity, we have that here in our world." He assures me before continuing his words, "Rimholm University has seven dorms. The first dorm is this, the dorm of Elves. I guarantee that the two of you are safe in sound here. Elves are good at fighting so I guess I can help you if it's fine to both of you." "The second is the dorm of Dwarfs, they're nice too if you're nice to them. The dorm of Fairies is located in the forest behind our dorm. The dorm of Mages, the mages there..they're sometimes brusque and sometimes rude but some of them are also nice. The vampires' dorm is not far from the four dorms, the vampires there are well-mannered and you don't need to worry since they only drink animal blood and sometimes on their mates. The shifter's dorm is next to them, you need to be careful when it comes to them because of their 'rut'." Freddy curl both his index and middle finger from both hands to emphasize the word while looking at Mattheo who's raising his brow at him. "Cut the crap, I know my limits." He snorted. "Then the last dorm, the dorm of hybrids." Freddy hugged himself after having goosebumps. "What's with that dorm?" Mira asked out of curiosity. Freddy stood up and turned on all of the lights. Mattheo and Mira covered their eyes because of the almost blinding lights. "What's your problem?" Mattheo asked him while leaning on the armrest and hugging his knees. He covered his mouth as he yawns. "Let's say the two of the University's nightmares are in there. All of the hybrids there feared and obeyed them. Those two are the worst but they're the aces when it comes to missions and other things. They're good at academics but they behaved wildly. Only the special teachers and the principal saw their faces since they appeared in public on their animal form." Freddy explained. "What a lame description. Make it more exciting, Percival Frederick Douglass! Elves are good at fighting and war tactics but not on describing. What a pain." The person snorted while leaning at the tree that levels in the room's window. "Are you not worried that they might hear you, Lady?" She looked at the guy beside her and laughed. "Come on, I don't care if they hear me or not. If they heard me, I'll congratulate them on having a good sense of hearing. If not, I'll better rip their ears off their heads." She said while a devilish smirk crept on her face. "Isn't that harsh, Lady?" "Harsh my ass. Don't speak like you're a good cop here." She said. Her eyes flashed into gold. Mira stopped in front of the classroom while looking at the sign on the top of the door, checking if she went into the right class. "You two must be the new students." The man with jaguar's patches on his body asked her. Mira is about to protest that she's alone but Mattheo entered the class first before her. "Well, introduce yourself. I'm Mr. Jarius." Their professor said. None of them volunteered to go first. He sighs before chuckling. "What's your name, kid?" He asked the male beside Mira. "Mattheo." The male beside her simply said. "Mattheo?" "Leonory. Mattheo Leonory." "What about you?" Mr. Jarius asked Mira who's silently freaking out while scanning the whole class. "M-M-Mira Chivalry." Mira cursed herself mentally after stuttering that may cause big embarrassment to her. "It's nice to meet you Ms. Chivalry and Mr. Leonory. You may now seat there." He pointed to the two vacant seats near the middle row and besides that is a well-chiseled column. Mattheo slowly pushed Mira towards that row. The whole class's attention is darted to them. "You're freaking out after knowing that your classmates are supernatural but you act naturally although you know that I'm a shifter." Mira calmed herself down then smiled and cling her arm on Mattheo's shoulder after Mattheo's sarcastic comment on Mira. "Come on, I know you won't hurt me. We're friends, right?" Mattheo groaned, "Just promise me that you'll give a good sleep." He said. After her two morning class, Mira went to the school's cafeteria to eat. Their cafeteria has a second floor and has well-detailed and glamorous interiors. She puts her tray on the table and starts to eat in silence until a group of girls approach her and sit together with her. One of them is looking at her while smiling in mischief. "What's your name? I heard that you're from the human world, what's your magic?" Mira munches her food in discomfort while the rest of the girls are snickering. "Hey!" She slammed her hand on the table causing Mira to almost jump. Mattheo is not there at the moment because he's busy buying their drinks. "I guess she's mute, Meg." "She's not, I know that," Meg replied before grabbing her arm and dragging her in front of the quadrangle of the University. "Hold her up for me," Meg commanded to her ally. Mira kicked one of them on her knee but two of them held both of her arms that causes her not to move. "If you won't calm yourself down, I swear, I won't help your damsel in distress, Zach." The girl wearing a velvety red long uniform who's standing beside the wall of the look room while glaring at the male beside her who's also wearing the same uniform as hers. Two of them are watching what's happening down to the quadrangle on the top of the University's main building with a distance of almost a hundred feet from the ground. She has pale as snow skin and a slim body and grayish-blue color of eyes but it flashed into a gold one. Her eyes are an almond-like shape that gives her a fierce look while her brunette hair reaches the knee that she always tries. The man who's sitting on the roof also has the almond-like shape of eyes that also gives him fierce look. His jet-black hair is messy as if the comb is its enemy. He does have sharp and manly features that you can compete with every girls' perfect dream boy. "Just do it now, Salem." "Why won't you do that, Superman?" Zach growled, causing Salem to laughed. His eyes flashed into gold color. Their uniforms are different from other normal students' uniforms. Theirs shows nobility with its gold details on it. If the girls' used to wear an ocean-colored blouse, coats, and skirts this girl named Salem wears black slacks, a blouse, and heel length coat with gold embroidery same Zack but instead of a black blouse, he wore white. "Alright, you win today, Superman. " Salem removes her coat and shoes. "Prepare some uniforms for me, cousin." She said with a grin before jumping from the roof. On her way down, Salem slowly turns into a majestic giant bird with a beautiful shade of orange feathers. "Oh no, this is not good." "No way." "The nightmare of Rimholm." She let out a sound that caught everyone else's attention before gliding on her way towards Mira. Meg and company immediately lowered themselves. Mira screamed when Salem take her away from the place and after she found out that her foot won't touch the ground anymore. "Bring me down!" Mira commanded many times before Salem's talon let her go. She screamed once again because she might die if she hits the ground but the phoenix glided to catch the falling Mira. She passed out while Salem is carrying her by her talons. "I'm so done with you, Salem," Zach commented after witnessing what Salemhad done to Mira then looked at Ifrit who's sitting on the couch while drinking his tea. "I'll burn that bird." "You can't, Lady Salem will get back to life, she's a Phoenix shifter, remember? Aside from that, she still associates with fire. Even I." Minutes of silence covered the four and thick velvety walls while Zach is gazing at the view outside. Yet, that moment won't last long after he heard the knob produce a clicking sound, "I'm here, my cousin Superman!" Salem greeted as she kicked the door open. She's carrying Mira who just passed out on her back. "Well, here's your damsel distress, Mister. I have my bag with new uniforms on the wood so in short, we're from the woods before we come here." She puts her down to the untouched and fluffy bed before turning at the man standing next to Zach, "Ifrit, act normal okay?" Salem handed him a bottle of perfume. "Even mages without any enhanced senses can smell you." Salem tugged Ifrit outside as Zack started to check the girl. Both Salem and Ifrit walked down to the hallways of the main building while whistling. Two of them stopped when a boy with raven lengthy hair blocked their way. He's staring blankly at two of them. She sensed something from the boy that's why she looked at Ifrit who's standing beside her. "Ifrit, you can go now to our dorm." Ifrit bowed at her before walking to the opposite way. "Where did you take my friend?" Salem furrowed her brows in confusion. "Where's Mira?!" "Excuse me? How can you say that I'm the one who takes the girl you're talking about?" "You elite st***d student. I know that you're the bird earlier." "Good for you, I'm just a rooster who's good at flying. Mattheo, right? Nice senses." Salem smiled before slowly backing away as the boy in front of her becomes a giant lion. The blue fire spreads and surrounds the lion. She mentally cursed after getting her body stunned. 'That lion. He is here. I thought morning star and Ifrit is just fooling around.' "Left hallway, last room." Salem stretched her arms and yawn. Mattheo remained blank face to conceal his shocked expression. The fire slowly vanished and she sits on the cold ground. "They told me who the elite students are, do you think I'll trust you?" She groaned but didn't look at him since he's busy putting on his extra clothes. She snapped her fingers that made her shadow exit from her body, "Check the girl named Mira." The shadow moves on its own while Salem looked at Mattheo with an 'are-you-okay-now?' look. She shared with the shadow's vision that's why she can see what her shadow sees. Her eyes widened and looked at Mattheo. "She meets her mate."
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