Chapter 27

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A day has been passed after their entrance exam for qualification on Lutheran games. Thankfully, none of them are injured and they sealed their victory. However, today some of them will have it since three days from now they will start of their training. There's no reason for them to celebrate since it's not the actual game yet. This day will make the seven of them full-handed. "Today, seven of you will head on the training grounds after you take your breakfast." Their mentor, Lady Selene declared openly while standing in front of the trio's table, "It's not a training but a bit of orientation. Am I clear?" "Yes, Lady Selene," Mattheo replied. "We understand, Lady Selene." Mira retorted and Freddy nodded. "Good then, I'm heading out now." She smiled and leave the trio to eat. "Hippy tippy this is now my property~" Freddy sings as he snatches the piece of cake away from Mattheo's hand. Mira just heaves a deep sigh, automatically realizing what will happen next. As revenge, Mattheo takes the plate of chicken and vegetables that is supposed to be Freddy's lunch. "Are they always fighting like that?" Mira flinched when Zachary pulled and sit on the chair beside her. The girl looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "Why you're here at the cafeteria? Aren't you supposed to be eating in your place?" "Eating alone is starting to get boring for me." "Well, you can join us if you want." She paused to drink the hot choco, "I always forgot to tell this so..good morning, and did you sleep well?" Mira smiled before turning her attention to her food. Zachary blinked twice then looked at her in surprise. It was truly an awkward sight for Mira if she's the one that you'll ask "Yes...I sleep well and Good morning. I'm about to ask you're......alright." Zachary replied and leaned over to the chair in pain. Mira dropped the spoon that creates a rough sound. Every student who passed through their table can't take their eyes off them. Mira is starting to sense that there's wrong with those gazes. "What is happening? Did the temperature gets high?" Mira asked, starting to feel the discomfort. The shifter stared at her with his golden eyes while breathing heavily. On the place away from the cafeteria, Salem and Kellion eat their breakfast on the top of the tree. Kellion swallows his sandwich before looking at the younger one with mere irritation and confusion. "Couples are nothing but sore eyes for me. Why don't you get a room when you flirt? That cheesy line sounds like a modern pun. They tell that so call sweets lines but turns out to be a lie in the end. But I'm sure it's genuine and sincere when it comes to Mira and Zachary." Kellion said. Salem glared at the vampire who's sitting not far from her brother and glance at him, "You can sense the ties between both of them. When we picked her up to the human world, Zachary said that he'll not let her go which is very creepy but I highly agree even I haven't gotten into a relationship before." "Likewise, you're also a sore eye." She added before glancing at Julius. He's been sitting there and observed Kellion. "What? Why me?" Salem gives him a meaningful look, "Ohh I get it. By the way, I'm planning to be nice on that girl since she's Zachary's mate." Kellion pointed his index at her, "You too." "I am being nice. Did I hurt her?---" "Red! Red!" Salem stops after hearing Freddy's voice on her head. She stood up and dragged her brother down to the tree also motioning the vampire to follow them. "What's up with this?!" "Red." She replied effortlessly before shifting into her bird form. "No way," Kellion whispered. Meanwhile, the cafeteria is now a whole mess. Other shifters got held down by the vampires while the others are hauled outside. There are no other students inside aside from Freddy who's doing his best on holding Zachary and Mattheo. "What is happening? I just want to eat breakfast with them in peace." Freddy asked himself then shoots an arrow beside Mattheo's feet to restrain him, "Stay away from her, Matt!" Speaking of the devil, three of them arrived at the scene. Kellion immediately rushed to Mira while Julius held Zachary after noticing that the vines are starting to give up. Salem narrows her gaze as she walks towards the couple. "Why you didn't check it you walking lump of a piece of crap?" Salem asked before hitting Zachary on the back of his head, "Can you walk? We'll handle her for you." "Yes." He replied despite the heavy breathing. Julius let Zachary go then allowed him to remove the vines. He pushed the alpha away and escorted him to his place to prevent the destruction. "I'm sorry, Mira." He whispered. "Oh dear, don't remove everything," Kellion said. He used some long vine to tie Mira's hands just to restrain her. "Where is he?! I'll help him! He's in distress." She begs. Kellion raised his hands in submission, "It's a big no, sweetie. You should ask him about that kind of stuff, not me, sweetie."  "Who's gonna bring her to him?" Salem calmly asked while sitting at the table beside Mattheo and Freddy. Kellion looked at her with his brows creased, "What?! Are you crazy? You know that Zachary is a big man. He might hurt Mira." "Who's gonna help him with that? You? Stop me, Lance. We know that if that thing gets longer, the pain goes longer too when you claimed someone." She leaned at the table beside her then crossed her arms--stating that she's right. "If you let her walk around without accompany, she might get assaulted by other shifters out there. His scent remains on her and still reeks." Kellion groaned in annoyance. His emphatic eyes got darted at the nervous face of Mira. "Alright. Are you going to volunteer yourself for that, Lance? I'll take care of these two idiots here." She grins. "That one will get more aggressive when if he knows that the one who brings Mira there is a boy." "You're a girl inside of the boy's body. Is there anything wrong with that? You're still a girl." "Stop fooling around, Midari. You bring her there since you didn't feel anything towards the shifters in heat. I don't know where's that place " "I'm a hybrid if you're not aware. I have shifter blood on my and I'm still a shifter. You bring her, Lance." "I will only of you come with me." "Fine." A smile of victor flashed on Kellion's lips before averting his attention on the two other males, "Both of you, you can go back to your dorms." He said Salem walks towards Mira and touches her face, hands shaking and starting to show a bit of concern on Mira. She wiped the girl's tear stain then immediately backs away to breathe properly. "I...I can help him on his current situation. I can use my magic." "I'm sorry about that." Kellion comforted the girl. Salem stepped away from them again before shifting into a vulture. "Is she will be alright?" Freddy asked the harpy who's now carrying and trying to calm Mira down using the wind. Zephyr appears out of nowhere and rushed to the boy; worried. "What happened---" "Thank you for your concern but can you please keep an eye on these two?" He pointed at the two fellows before flying away from them. "It's alright if we missed the orientation, this thing is more serious than that." Kellion glanced at Mira before looking at Salem, "How long do you think this will pass, Midari?" "I'm not sure how long. But if Mira used her magic on Zachary, it won't last long." Salem and Kellion landed in front of the chamber where Zachary is currently at. The physician and the nurses' attention got darted at the three of them. They immediately rushed to the girl who's been crying non-stop, trying her best to endure the pain. "Who's this girl?" The physician asked. Salem shifted back to her human form, fully clothed. "She can help Zachary Johannes Levine's situation," Salem replied. The staff's exchange looks before looking at the door as the whole place gets chilly than outside. Julius walks towards them, causing all the vampire staff to make way for him. He stared at the physician who also has the same race as him before saying, "Let her in. She has a burning hot fever and pain that the pain killers can't suppress." "But is that---" "Are you going to let her in or not?" Salem asked, the staff started to move in panic. "R-Right l-let her in!" "Are you sure about letting her in, Salem?" Julius asked the girl who's nonchalantly leaning at the wall behind her. The doctors and nurses are in the rush after another shifter in the same state as Zachary bought at the place. "I won't do that if I am not." She replied. Kellion, on the other hand, keeps walking back and forth with a worried look written all over his face. Julius watched him doing it over and over again like a worried mother. "Can you take a sit, Kellion? You might get dizzy if you continue doing that. Don't worry about Mira and Zachary. She can help him." Julius said. On the other side of the door, Mira gulped as she witnessed the view of the familiar giant black wolf bearing its teeth at her. She backs off when it let out a menacing growl. "Why are you here?!"  Mira almost scream in fear when the wolf pounced at her, making her land on the cold floor. The wolf's sharp teeth meet her gaze. "I can here to help---" "Nonsense! What are you going to do if I lose control?!" The girl glanced at the piece of metal bed's foot that Zachary chopped off by his jaw. He glared at her before walking away. "I bring Ellistal here with me." The spirit appears from out of nowhere. "He's here to stop you if you do anything to me." Mira stood up and dusted off her uniform. She nodded at Ellistal who pressed the key to his pocket watch. The ticking sound echoes through their ears while the magic barrier is cast inside of the four walls. Isolating what's inside and preventing everything from the outside to get in. She walks towards him; hands are trembling. "I trust you, Zachary." The girl reached his head hesitantly after he showed her his menacing look. Mira lets out a deep breath then placed her hands on his head with a smile before closing her eyes. Zachary was stunned as he feels the unfamiliar warmth and have a glimpse of gold light surrounding the both of them.
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