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After he had finished talking Jason, just like his twin left us and went back inside the main building. "..." Anna took my hand and pulled me to my feet. "What just happened?" I asked as soon as I was standing steadily. "What the hell are they, I thought you guys were gonna have some kind of fight... but you just let them say all of that." "It's not that simple, Mikayla." Father tossed his guitar case into the SUV and sat at the back, wiping the sweat from his forehead and sighing. "They are not that simple." He added and I saw Anna reach for her pendant which was still slightly shaking and run her finger across the small red gem. "The glow represents lineage, the stronger the glow the more pure their blood is, even if it was the entire family of us, and the other hunter families and our allies, the two of them alone are enough to completely decimate us." He explained, but all it did was make me more confused, this was all stuff that I already knew, in fact, there was nobody in the family that knew as much as I did, since I could not go on hunts I stayed at home all the time and studied the entire archives, I was the equivalent of a supernatural encyclopedia at that moment, and that just made me want to kick myself when I realized what he meant, of course. They both had the balls to act out during daytime, the glowing red eyes, the red gem almost breaking when they showed their true colours, their stare alone able to freeze a person in place, they weren't anything average at all, I was a hundred percent sure of it, both of them, Justin and Jason were an extra rare double alpha-type, to compare them to normal werewolves would be the same as comparing a small deer to a seven-foot tall hulking moose, they were apex among apex, they would have already been that individually, but it was obvious that they shared the same rank, which meant they literally were a single alpha, four times the strength of any normal alpha on their own, that's eight times the power of a normal pack by themselves, and they mentioned they did in fact, have a pack. "Hollow Valleys might be destroyed if we try killing them, and there's no doubt they'd kill us the hunters first," Father spoke up and I felt my entire body shudder. "Are you saying you're gonna let them take me?" I asked and watched as the life drained out of his eyes while he stared at me. "Mikayla... just think, if you agree with their demands, you'll save an entire city." He said back nervously. "You only need to keep them unsuspecting long enough that we can seek help from the rest of the Hunter guild to deal with them." "Dad!" I snapped at him almost stumbling onto the grass behind me. "You can't actually be serious!" I raised my voice causing a passing security guard to stop and look at us, seeing the fat bustard now when the twins were gone passed me off, if someone else was there, someone that didn't know anything g I doubt they'd have been that bold about what they did but like usual any kind of reinforcement always shows up when the trouble has already passed. "This is my life we're talking about you're actually thinking of pawning off your own daughter to god knows what!" I ignored the guard and stared back at father. "What... what if they want to eat me, or take me into the woods and tie me up and sacrifice me to their demon God or something!?" I screamed at him, I wasn't going g to just lie down and take this, I wasn't going to accept being g someone's property. "I'm not a f*****g pet!" "Mikayla calm down... people are looking now." Anna reached out to me but I slapped her hand away and stepped back ever further. "Good!" I yelled even louder, let them look, let them all look, let them see the man that wants to sell his daughter off to werew-" I was silenced, I'd never felt a slap on my face before, I had always dominated every fight, I was always obedient down to the T and never got into any kind of trouble, but here, Anna had reached out and shut me up with a stinging slap that left an instant burn on my cheek, and then before I could exclaim she dragged me closer to herself and tried covering my mouth, but my blood was boiling, my teeth were grinding, and for a second I saw red, I reached out to her and punched her square in the face sending her slamming in the side of the SUV, this would make the very first time us sisters had ever actually traded physical blows, and I thought she'd back down since that kind of punch was usually what it took for most. But Anna swept my feet off the ground turning my world upside down and slammed me onto the grass straddling me with her legs and aiming a punch that socked me right in the lip, and she aimed to do it again but all of a sudden there was no weight at all on me and I was being put to stand, and then I heard a bang and saw the van almost turn over when Justin grabbed Anna once again by the throat and pushed her against the SUV, and where was father one might ask? He had yet to lift a leg to even stop or help us, he was still sitting in the back staring out into the park in front of us. "Did I not tell you what would happen if you harmed her?" Justin started choking Anna, only to be interrupted by the security guard who had been on his way there because of our fight before. "Hey!" The man came and grabbed Justin's arm, but Justin who was already upset from earlier spared him no face as he turned to him with glaring red eyes and a snap. "Back the f**k off!" He roared at the man, pushing him with his other hand so hard he flew a few feet and hit someone else's car before he looked back at Anna again, the outburst caused the gems in the relics around our necks to burst after they had lit and shaken up, and I felt a fear for Anna I had never felt even when she went on a hunt alone. "Stop!" I tried breaking away from Jason's grip, but he held me closer and softly placed a finger on my split lip. "Don't hurt her... please." I stared up into his eyes when I realised I was trapped against him, unlike his brother who was now clearly the hot-headed one Jason had a calm expression as he looked away from me and to his brother. "Let's not kill anyone in broad daylight just yet Justin, even if it's just in name, they are her family." "The hunters piss me off." "They're family," Jason replied again, calming his brother, and Justin slowly released Anna back to the ground and took a breath dragging his hand back through his hair and sighing. "Sure, for now."
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