Chapter 5 - Loneliness

1981 Words
Charmaine POV After my coming of age, my life has turned to become miserable, to say the least. The loneliness that was brought upon me because of the way things turned out during the celebration was indeed painful. My sisters were able to move on, but I was instructed to remain inside and hide my wings. My dad spread the rumor that I was unable to transform. Why would they do that? It is a shame to be an angel and not have your wings. Why did he condemn me to that fate? That decision was hurtful and it broke me. So I spent most of my time sitting on my windowsill contemplating the fuzz and buzz of the realm under my gloomy mood. I already knew I was not the pretty sister, that was Ayla… I knew I was not a good fighter, that is Ariel… I already knew I was a misfit, a late bloomer, an odd-looking, quirky bookworm princess… but what I didn't realize was that I, was also my family´s shame. The more I thought about it, the more I felt cursed. I didn't understand why, of all the people in my family, I got this shitty jackpot. It was shitty the fact that I was powerful enough to bring people back from death and able to break the most powerful curses. And because of that, people only looked out for me, to get healed, despite the toll it took on me. It was my obligation to have them all healthy and happy. For everyone, my presence was a blessing. For me, this thing was a burden. I have the ability to transform into different people, but that ability only made me realize that the crown that lingers above my head is the one thing that prevents me from being myself. It is the only thing that prevents everyone from seeing me… the actual me. Then my wings turned out to be red… f*****g RED! What does that even mean? I have never read or seen anything like that… I was already odd, and now this… if you add that my mom and dad have been busy dealing with something within the council walls, things are turning to be odder than usual, and that is a big statement since everything around me is usually odd enough to stick out like a sore thumb. I moved away from the windowsill and dropped the novel I was reading. I sat on my vanity and switched my appearance… I tried strawberry blonde hair, with freckles, then dark skin, dark hair, then went for pink hair and tan golden skin… I tried and tried looks… Every one of them was amazing and each one was incredibly awesome. The more I changed, the more I wanted to be someone else… The more I saw myself as someone entirely different, the more I felt the burden of drowning in myself. “Urg!” I shook my head, turning back to my normal self. A knock on the door announced someone, “Come in…” I yelled. “Hey, how are you doing?” My oldest sister showed herself inside my room. “I am feeling…” I pushed… “I don't know how I am feeling at this moment… I have so many questions and barely an answer… I just got imprisoned here…” I almost choked, I had a lot of pent-up emotions storming inside me. “I know, babe…” She patted my knee… “Why don't we go to my garden? Maybe the fresh air will help you…” “Dad said to stay hidden…” I mumbled, “No, Dad said to keep your wings concealed… I already told him I would be taking you to my garden, and he agreed… “ Ayla gave me a sad smile. “You know… mom and dad love you… and they are trying to find the answers you need…” “I know…” I sighed, defeated, knowing pretty well that those answers would never come. “Come on…” She encouraged me, and I followed her. We made our way into her garden, and the place was beautiful. Idyllic is the word to describe it. She is an elemental angel and she can manipulate all the elements. The place was an Eden garden pulled out of a gardening magazine. “Talk to me, Charmaine… as hard as it may seem to you… I too, sometimes feel like I don't fit in or am inadequate…” She sat on a bench and patted the place next to her. I was confused. I have never had a conversation like this with her. It was weird, to say the least, and I had no idea how to take this sudden friendship coming from her. “Yeah, but you are not a freak…” I mumbled, and she took my hands in hers. “You are not a freak, Charmaine… I wish you could see yourself through my eyes or Ariel´s…” She softly said. “When I see you, I see a beautiful, powerful woman… one that is finding her way in this world, one that struggles and doesn't have to pretend she is invincible. You have allowed yourself to be something I wished I could be, vulnerable… and in order to be vulnerable, you need to be brave as f**k…” she said and I couldn´t hold my tears anymore. “I see an amazing soul, one that is more than a given power… I see a fun girl, a little nerdy kind of girl… You are amazing in your own rightful way… and I know that whatever the color of your wings means, it would be something we, together will deal with it… and it would be something awesome…” She softly said, “How….” I hiccuped, “How do you know that?” I finally said, “Because the owner of those vibrant red wings… is an amazing woman herself…” She opened her arms and I couldn't help but wrap myself around her, letting out all my emotions. Who knew she could be this cool older sister? After a moment, I decided to brighten our conversation. “So, have we decided what we are giving Dad for his birthday?” “I was planning on giving him a healing plant…” She said, “Healing plant?” I asked, “Yeah, there is a very weird plant that few people know about. Its infusions help heal the deepest wounds, even help reattach torn wings…” She said, “Wow, that is cool… Do you know about Ariel's present?” I wondered, “Yeah, she had new armor designed for him. His regular one is quite old and beaten down… you know what he calls it his lucky armor… Well, she wants to give one to him. That way she will pass her luck onto it…” Ayla briefed me. Those are two cool gifts, and they had me thinking what can I give Dad? Both of their presents were protection and healing gifts, so maybe I can contribute to something along the lines… “I wonder if my feathers have any healing ability…” I said out loud… “I don't know, but they sure are special…” Ayla said, “Maybe I can give him some of my feathers…” I said, and Ayla nodded. “You know that is a wonderful idea… I know Dad will love it…” She reassured me, “How do you know?” I asked, confused. “Because our wings are magical and precious… you might not see it now, but your wings are as powerful as you are… Only a fool would not appreciate those feathers…” She gave me a soft nod. “So it is settled… We will give Dad the ultimate gift of health and protection…” I declared while Ayla beamed. We made our way to my room, and we ran into a maid. She looked frightened. “Your majesties…” She vowed, “Have you seen your sister Ariel? I was chaperoning her, and she suddenly disappeared… Your parents are going to kill me…” She shrieked, while I looked at Ayla and we both shook our heads. Fucking Ariel, her careless attitude is going to get someone in trouble soon. “You look in the training grounds, while I search for her in the gardens…” I said to Ayla, and she nodded. “Let me know when she decides to show up..” She pointed at her head, telling me to use our telepathy ability. I nodded and headed towards the gardens. Two hours had passed and while making my way to the castle, I heard some rustling noises in the gardens. I walked outside again and then I saw her. My sister Ariel walked hand in hand with Jaziel, as if they didn't have everyone going crazy. “Where were you?” I said to my sister. “We went on our date, and decided to finish it with a night stroll,” She said casually, knowing pretty well that she was up to no good. “Well, the date is over…” I was annoyed, she knew the rules, and despite always being the rule-breaker, I thought she would be more cautious. “Ayla and I have been covering for you for over two hours now…” I was annoyed, she is unbelievable. She turned to see Jaziel and said to him… “I will see you tomorrow..” Then she kissed his cheek softly. “I will see you then.” He replied, looking at her mesmerized. Then I inhaled deeply… f*****g hell, she mated the guy… she just came back walking casually after completely disregarding Mom and Dad´s orders. She decided to seal her bond ahead of time. If Mom and Dad find out they will go berserk, and they already have their plates full with the whole issue of my f*****g red wings caused by the council… “What the hell, Ariel?” I looked at her annoyed, she was completely careless. “What?” she bit back, annoyed as well. “You had s*x with him, and are even marked… Dad is going to flip!” I pointed out the obvious, while she rolled her eyes as if I was really pissing her off. As annoyed and angry as I was with her. She is my sister, and I would not let her go through a severe reprimand from Mom and Dad. So I closed my eyes and a pink glow poured out of me. “What are you doing?” she asked nervously. “I am helping you two…” I said, “I am covering your scent and mark until the marking ceremony. Let Jaziel know to see me first thing in the morning to cover him up as well.” I instructed, covering that s**t up came natural to me. I have never done anything like that, but I was sure it was working. Surprisingly, this was also the first time that my healing power held a color. I really need to do some research about the shitty lucky draw I got as powers. “Thank you… thank you, thank you…”She squeaked and hugged me. My sister is a tough cookie, she is determined and relentless… I honestly feel sorry for Jaziel, because I know she provoked this pickle they are in right now. “You're welcome… just don't say anything to Ayla, she is going to go berserk…” I finally relaxed and giggled at her mischief. I wished I could be as careless and free as her. I helped her because I wished I could have a mate, and not be lonely anymore.
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