Chapter 6 - Happy Birthday, Dad!

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Charmaine POV Today is Dad's birthday. A big celebration is planned tonight. Mom made sure every single soul in the realm was invited. It was an exciting event, since that time we were all of age, and the chance to find our Almas grew exponentially with such a big gathering. Of course, not everyone attended, but most of the people invited would come and that was a big plus. Ayla and I were excited about it. Ariel had made her choice already, and despite that, she was excited about dressing up for her chosen alma. As usual, we woke up and, like every year, we had our private breakfast celebration with Dad. We made our way to the dining table and quickly we ran into the warm embrace of our father. “Happy Birthday, Dad!” We all beamed and immediately started singing the Happy Birthday song to him. All of this alongside our dad´s broad smile. “Have a seat, my daughters…” Daddy instructed after we finished our song. Mom then came out of the kitchen and beamed. Her eyes showed an enormous amount of love for us, but they shone with a special glow when they landed on Dad. Yep, they were the epitome of love, devotion, and understanding. I could just dream of having something like that for myself one day. She sat next to Dad, and we all took our places. Soon several servers walked out of the kitchen and started filling the table with delicious food. Eggs, omelets, hash browns, bacon, pancakes, muffins, fruit, cereals, pieces of bread, and so on filled the place, making my mouth water in the process. Mom served a plate for Dad and then we all proceeded to fill our plates. Then we silently ate, until Mom broke the silence. “Girls, tonight is going to be a very important night for all of us… I know you usually give your presents to your father during the celebration, but today, I think we should do it now, privately…” She softly said, while my dad gave her a sweet nod. I loved the way they communicated among themselves with just a silent gaze. “Yes… I can't wait to see your face, Daddy!” Ariel beamed, while Dad again nodded. “Mom, Dad…” I paused, “Yes, sweetie?” Mom replied to both of them. “Did you find out the meaning of the color of my wings?” I hesitated. I was not sure if I should be asking this on this special occasion, but they have been busy, and they have left this issue hanging around for far too long. My dad nodded, “Yes, sweetie and you have the right to now… How about you meet with us in my office after you give me my presents?” Dad softly instructed, making me gulp and nod in agreement. “OK, present time!” Ariel quickly stood up and ran towards her room to pick up the big wrapping package she had for Dad. Give it to her to pull something this big… Ayla nodded and gave me a soft, reassuring smile. As soon as Ariel got back, we were ready to give our presents to Dad. Ayla stood up. “Dad, this year I wanted to give you something unique… so I am giving you this…” She placed an empty pot in front of Dad, then wiggled her fingers, and in front of our eyes soil filled the pot, and a plant started growing until it was flourishing. “This is a rare plant… It is a healing plant, Dad… Whenever you feel ill or hurt, a little infusion of this and you will be back on your feet in no time… If by any chance your wings get hurt or partially torn, make a paste out of its leaves and you will be like new in no time…” She told Dad, and he gave her a wide smile. Dad opened his arms and gave her a kiss on her forehead and a big hug. “Thanks, my daughter… this gift sure is special.” “My turn…” Ariel jumped up and down. I have no idea how she does it, but she is a fireball of energy. She stood next to the huge package and beamed. “Open it, Dad!” Dad chuckled at her antics and started peeling the wrapping paper out of the huge box. Then he opened it up and chuckled. “About damn time somebody thought of giving me this!” Dad chuckled and started pulling out pieces of brand-new shining armor. It was made out of gold and steel… It was light and resistant, and it was exactly Dad´s size. “I placed a little bit of my luck in there, so nothing will ever harm you while wearing it…” Ariel finished and Dad quickly gave her a hug and a kiss. It was my turn and suddenly my gift seemed small and meaningless… I gulped down and closed my eyes. My wings were out for everyone to see. “Dad, Our wings are our symbol of strength and are linked to our souls… I am an ultimate healer, so I am sure, my wings are special and powerful…” I paused, while I commanded my wings to hand me two feathers, “So, today Dad, I will give you a little bit of myself, of my gifts, and of my soul…" I said, placing the two feathers in his hands. When I met his gaze his eyes were brimming with tears, “Oh, my sweet Charmaine, this is the most special gift of all…” He choked in his emotions. He wrapped his arms around me and we both met in an endearing hug. Moments later, breakfast was over and my sisters were ready to start their beauty routine for the party tonight. I was going to get ready later. I had something important to do… So I headed to Dad's office and knocked, “Come in, Charmaine..” Dad´s voice boomed and I slowly entered his office. “Please, have a seat…” Dad instructed, and I complied. My heart was racing, I had no idea what was to come from this conversation. I slowly walked to a chair and sat, my eyes trying to look into his eyes, wondering what he was going to tell me. I was enough of an odd girl to add insult to injury with this number of my wings… Finally, I gave up trying to figure him out and lowered my gaze. I sat there and started fidgeting with my fingers. And waited… It felt like an eternity, but not less than a minute had passed when Dad spoke. “Charmaine, your Mom and I have been trying to figure out the meaning of the color of your wings…” He softly explained. “And?” I mumbled, “Not much, darling… the natural healer's wings are gold and copper… and you're a very powerful healer… you know the color of the angel wings represents the intensity of their gifts, so I believe yours look that color because you are amazingly powerful…” He paused, giving me a lot to think about, “That is why I asked you not to show them... It is dangerous, and many greedy beings would want to have you as a prize…” Dad said, giving me a stern look. His eyes showed concern and worry. Then he composed himself and asked, “Do you have any extra ability? Maybe that can give us a lead…” He asked, but I knew that confessing my transformation ability would get me in trouble, so I denied it. “No, father… not that I know of…” I mumbled, and he nodded my way. “I am sorry we couldn't find out more about it, but I know that you will discover their meaning soon enough…” Dad gave me an encouraging smile. “Thanks, Dad…” I walked around his desk and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. I knew he was trying his best, and that was all that mattered to me. “I will see you at the party…” He gave me a wide smile and I nodded. His smile didn't reach his eyes, and that worried me. He and Mom had been absent and distant, and I could see the worry written in their eyes, but somehow they were brushing things under the rug, so I decided not to ask, and do the same. Engelbert POV Angelique had a vision, one that marked a new era for our realm. She is a seer and a powerful healer. Two gifts that two of our daughters inherited from her. Ariel is a seer… I could feel it in her aura, the gift is still dormant. But Charmaine, she is as powerful as anyone can be, she is the ultimate healer… Once every hundred years, one comes to this world, and this time, it is our daughter. Angelique never tells me about her visions, but this one she decided to share with me, and it hurt me to see my demise in such a treacherous way. A close ally will betray me tonight… and I have to be prepared… in fact, I am ready to hand my soul to our creator… We have been so busy trying to figure out Charmaine´s wings that this treason was cooking under my nose, and now there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Angelique convinced me to let fate take its course because it was our daughter´s time to fulfill their missions, and this betrayal is the beginning of their journey. Angelique insisted that during breakfast they gave me the presents they prepared for me. I was surprised to get healing gifts, and new armor… but what surprised me the most was Charmaine´s gift… she gifted me feathers out of her wings… As soon as those feathers touched my hands, I felt it… the raw power, a power that was frightening and hopeful… the power of good and evil combined. When she asked about her wings, I was ready to share our findings, but when she gifted me her feathers and I felt the power in them, I decided to feed her some random theory. She is the frailer of my daughters, the caring and tender one, and she is the one that is at more risk than any being in this universe. Charmaine, besides being an ultimate healer, is a rare mythical being, one that few books speak about. Once her nature is known, she will be hunted for it... She is a demon angel. I just hope my warning to her to keep those wings concealed, will give her the advantage over all the creatures she may encounter on her journey.
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