Chapter 24

703 Words
A knock came on the door. I had heard no footsteps. “Luna, is that you?” “Yes, I am coming in,” she said, as the door opened. Despite being the second in command and in the town, Luna still took as many precautions as she did when I had first met her. No doubt no one else knew she was here looking at the window she could of easily scaled the wall and got into the room. “How is your father?” “He is the same. We are still waiting on Seth to get back.” “Okay, I see,” Luna said, talking a seat beside me. “How is everything been since you have become the new mayor?” “It was hard in the beginning but its turning more manageable now. We need some basic stuff, especially to make clothes and iron for swords. The villages have mostly taken care of our issue for food.” “Clothes and iron, you say. I know a place that we can get iron from and another we can get cloth from.” I chuckled. “Both of them are in the empire's province?” Luna chuckled both of them are towns.” “Mostly, you and I being here is what keeps the villagers safe. It’s not like we are killing the people that come here. Your disarming them and sending them back home so we have a supply of weapons and armour.” “We have basic stuff. Despite all the armor we collect, the mass majority of our men can’t wear it.” I turned my head to Luna. “What exactly is your plan?” “We needed talented people have you gone to see the markets recently. There is no one there that sells anything besides food. We need new goods.” “So more war? It’s not those that we have captured won’t turn against us if we leave here. We only need a few to leave.” There were footsteps coming up the stairs. “Who then would be in charge here in that time?” I asked as we paused. We said the word together at the same time. “Oliver.” Oliver stepped inside, lost to why we both called his name at the same time. I chuckled, looking down. “I think I understand what you want to do, Luna, but here is what I think. We shouldn’t look to capture their towns. Instead, we should threaten them with war. By now both towns would have had experienced or heard about what happened here and the armies that had been defeated.” Luna leaned back in the chair. “True, they might be more compliant.” “What are you guys talking about,” Oliver asked as he came to a stop before us. “We were talking about your new position as we take a small leave and the future of Pieranto.” “It’s not a small leave,” Luna replied. “You talk as though you have been to these places before.” “I have.”  “If we take a few hostages, then people would be more compliment as well the mayor’s family and maybe some of the other nobles. In that way we won’t have rebels everywhere.” “You’re talking more and more like a bandit every day, Reno.” “Oliver and you are probably the chief contributors.” “I thought you liked dealing with all the conflict. In the last battle all you kept saying is run away you bunch of weaklings not worthy of my magic or blade.” Oliver laughed as I rubbed my head. “There is one other town that I think you might take an interest in. It’s known in the area for its potions and magic they might even be something there that could help your father.” “Is that so?” She caught my gaze as she leaned in closer. “Which town then Reno, shall we take first?”    
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