"Riddle Me This"

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(Voice) I will give you a riddle that you must answer correctly in order to figure out what I am. (Delilah) The world is your stage...shoot. (Voice) I am bound with no chains, ancient is time and I am the same.     Delilah and Demetrius turned towards each other completely baffled. They spoke amongst themselves trying to solve the riddle all the while the mysterious voice grew impatient. The voice began to shake the room in anticipation. Delilah and Demetrius struggled to keep their footing, and after much deliberation he thought he had an answer. (Demetrius) Surely you are some sort of shade! (Voice) Do not insult me! Those creatures are pathetic and ill-fated.      Suddenly a gust of wind rammed Demetrius into a wall and rendered him unconscious. (Delilah) What did you do that for? (Voice) His intentions are impure Delilah you cannot trust him. (Delilah) What do you mean? How do you know my name?! (Voice) I know a great many things as to why I am giving you this chance! He only means to use to gain freedom for his family! (Delilah) He is my great grandfather! I don't know you, how can I trust a word you say! (Voice) He never cared for you before and your father is his grandson! How he feels about you radiates from his blood and was never by his design! He played on your guilt in hopes that you will forgive them, for in forgiveness lies their salvation! Their sentence will be lifted and they will be able to leave the "Isle of Servitude".  (Delilah) That can't be true! (Voice) Do not be blinded by your desperation and innate need for family! (Delilah) I don't believe you! (Voice) Solve the riddle and I will prove it! (Delilah) Bound with no chains, ancient is time and you are the same... I've read about this! (Voice) That's it girl... think! (Delilah) There is more to the riddle isn't it? "Therefore bound with "time" and chained to a life that even I cannot attain." (Voice)Yes, yes! You must say it! What am I? (Delilah) You are one of the original  forms of dark magic, yet you are bound to the will of your master as to why you wish to be free! (Voice) Just say it! (Delilah) You are a demon Jinn! (Voice) Finally, I am free! (Delilah) Your master bound you to these walls? (Jinn) Yes, as my punishment for disobedience. "They" turned me over to the service of this realm. I have been trapped in these walls and forced to t*****e the souls within them for as long as I can remember. The most recent of guests, is someone you know dearly. (Delilah) That is how you know me! (Jinn) I t*****e it day in and day out, and it has the fondest memories of you! (Delilah) Where is it? Tell me! (Jinn) What about your great grandfather? (Delilah) You said you can prove his intentions, so do it quickly! (Jinn) If I do this and let you find your shade, we have an agreement that you will set me free! (Delilah) I thought I just did? (Jinn) No! I am still bound to my masters. I wish to be truly free, free from the "will" of anyone else but my own. (Delilah) Fine, just do it!     As Demetrius lay unconscious on the ground the Jinn emerged from the walls and over his body. He was so much taller than Delilah could have imagined with the body of a barbarian. His skin was as bronze as the sun, covered in scars and tribal tattoos, with his hair half up in a bun and flowing half down his back. He laid his hand on his head as his eyes lit the wall projecting the images that were coming from Demetrius' mind. The Jinn showed Delilah the moment that Demetrius realized she was in the realm. (Demetrius) Do you all feel that? Someone has just entered the realm, someone familial to us! (Delilah's Father) I feel something familiar as if I know it to be my own. (Demetrius) It's our magic! It has to be Delilah! It has to be! (Faylinn) What is that harbinger of death doing here?! Did she die? (Demetrius) I do not think so, she must find us! (Delilah's Father) What do you mean, "find us"?! She killed us! (Demetrius) Silence you fool! You could never see past your own feet! She can get us out of this dump! If she can forgive us we can leave this place, we can ascend! (Faylinn) How do we do that? (Demetrius) We will have to be very convincing!     The Jinn's eyes shut and he removed his hand from Demetrius' head. As he did Demetrius began to stir. He was able to sit up, while rubbing his head in pain and confusion. His eyes opened to find Delilah angry and crying. (Demetrius) What is it child? Did you not solve the riddle? (Delilah) Oh no, I solved it alright and then some...you liar! (Demetrius) What is this you speak of child, haven't I been of great help to you?! (Delilah) He showed me everything! You're using me! (Demetrius) How dare you?! These accusations are absurd! He showed you nothing but lies. You can not trust him! (Delilah) So you're not here of your own interests? (Demetrius) I have helped you get this far have I not? You would have perished without me! I am due a courtesy in return! (Delilah) A courtesy?! How about this for a courtesy... you will remain trapped in these wall for eternity and take the Jinn's place! (Demetrius) What?! No! You cannot abandon me in this dreadful place! I must return to my isle. You are my anchor here, without you I will truly perish! (Delilah) When we left your kin, I remember you did say any place was better than there right? (Demetrius) I am sorry! Take me back! Please forgive me! Do not do this! (Delilah) Enjoy whatever time you have left here, I am done with the lot of you!     Delilah conjured a binding spell of her very own making in an attempt to attach his spirit to the walls of the prison just as the Jinn had been. Now that she was no longer his anchor instead of binding him, he simply dissolved into nothing. (Jinn) My word, young lady... you surprised me! (Delilah) How is that? (Jinn) You are not as innocent as you look now... are you?! (Delilah) No, I guess not. I am sick of being taken advantaged of. Now help me find my shade. (Jinn) Your wish is my command. Although, I really cannot grant you wishes. I can only help out, a means to an end so to speak... follow me.     The Jinn escorted Delilah up and down corridors and even further into the dungeons until they stopped at a large black door. The door was riddled with locks and enchantments that Delilah thought it would be impossible to get through. (Delilah) How am I going to get in? (Jinn) The locks are to keep it from getting out, there is nothing preventing you from going in... see, just follow after me.      The Jinn took Delilah's hand and they both walked effortlessly through the door. They walked in to a dark room unable to see anything inside it until the Jinn gave it light. Delilah almost screamed as she had come to stand face to face with the one thing she thought she would never have to see again. (Dark Empress) Did you miss me? (Delilah) I can't say that I do! (Dark Empress) Well, I missed you!      The Dark Empress embraced Delilah's lips for a kiss and it was seconds too long before Delilah realized that the shade was syphoning her powers in the process. She tried to pull away, but her strength was receding as well. When the shade had its fill it tossed Delilah into a wall. (Dark Empress) I knew you would inevitably come for me so I patiently waited! I am so excited! I can barely contain myself! (Jinn) Get up Delilah! You must subdue it and bend it to your will! (Dark Empress) He forgets to mention that only one of us leaves here whole! Either I subdue you, or you subdue me!  (Jinn) Oh, this is going to be good! (Delilah) Help me, Jinn! (Jinn) I cannot dearie, as much as I want to! That is against the rules! You must do this on your own, although I do hope you win! Our agreement cannot be fulfilled otherwise!     The Dark Empress charged Delilah at full force. She used the chains that had her bound to tie a noose around Delilah's neck. She pulled the chain tighter to strangle her. Delilah mustered as much strength as she could and released the bricks in the wall that the same chains were linked to therefore loosening the hold the Dark Empress had on her. In the same moment she spelled the same chains to wrap themselves around the Dark Empress tightening as them as went. The Dark Empress heated the chains until they melted apart and slew the links at Delilah which burned everywhere they landed. One of the links  landed on her face and burned her. She hollered out in pain. (Dark Empress) Awwww, what is the matter?! You do not have any meddling spirits around to save you now! By the way thank you for loosening the chains, they were unbefitting of a queen! (Delilah) I am not through with you yet!     The holes now in the prison wall gave access to elements in which she intended to use. (Dark Empress) How about some fresh air child?! You look flushed!     The Dark Empress conjured a whirlwind that engulfed Delilah and sent her spinning aimlessly about the cell. Delilah felt droplets of water in the whirlwind and froze them into shards that she then slew back like daggers at the Dark Empress. She was able to dodge most of them but one managed to pierce her arm. (Dark Empress) Lucky shot, little girl! (Delilah) There's more where that came from!     Delilah transfigured the links of the now broken chain into swords that she sent spinning towards the Dark Empress. The swords sliced through her covering to reveal something protected underneath. Delilah then realized that the figure she knew as the Dark Empress was really just a shell. (Dark Empress) Tsk, and all this time I was playing nice! You were not ready then, but now it is time to see the truth!     The Dark Empress peeled off her face and shed the covering that was her body like dead snakeskin. What emerged left her in shock. (Delilah) What is this some kind of sick joke? (Dark Empress) What's the matter? Don't like what you see? (Delilah) You are not me! Why do you look like an older version of me? (Dark Empress) You mean you are not me! In all the bodies I have inhabited throughout these many centuries, who would have thought that my exact genetic makeup would ever exist again. (Delilah) This is not real, you are playing with my mind! (Dark Empress) Maybe I am or maybe I am not! Only I know the truth! (Delilah) You are not making any sense! (Dark Empress) I tried to reclaim my body the day you were born but even then your "will" was strong! I was forced to latch on as your soul, laying dormant and waiting for my chance to take over. (Delilah) That isn't true! Get out of my head!     Even as Delilah said it, part of her knew the Dark Empress was not lying especially now that she had accessed her memories. Delilah was able to see everything for herself and it made her feel sick to her stomach. The Dark Empress took the opportunity of the moment to blast Delilah out of the prison cell and into another. The prisoner within attempted to make a run for it but the Dark Empress snapped its neck without much effort and walked over its body. She wasn't about to let it ruin her fun by alarming the guards. Now she stood over Delilah seething as she lay on the ground trying to get up. She tossed Delilah's body about the cell like a rag doll laughing maniacally as she did it (Dark Empress) You know I am right, don't you?! I can see it on your face! One look at you and I knew you were my second chance at a life, a real life for myself! Serving those moronic "Elders" was a waste of time. They would never ascend me and I knew it! (Delilah) What "Elders"? (Dark Empress) They took advantage of my need for power, made me do their bidding! They turned me into a shade and imbued me with only enough power to keep me indebted to them! I had to keep killing keep those powers strong, to make them stronger, to make me stronger. Then they toss me away like garbage when they had no use for me anymore. You were my last chance, and you robbed me of my glory! (Delilah) Who are the "Elders"? (Dark Empress) Never you mind that! You owe me a new life and I intend to take it. I serve them no more! (Delilah) I owe you nothing, especially not my life! (Dark Empress) Well, now I have enough power to take it for myself. (Delilah) Wait a minute! That is why you didn't kill me! You have had every opportunity! You don't want to destroy me, or my body at least! You mean to take it for yourself! Well, I won't let you!     Delilah had found a renewed sense of strength and caught her second wind. They both tussled about the cell banging each other into every wall. Without her shell the Dark Empress was bloodied and battered, vulnerable but not ready to give up. They gloves were off and magic took too much time to conjure. They punched each other relentlessly, rolled over each other on the ground.  (Dark Empress) Get off of me you wretched being! This is demoralizing. (Delilah) What, are you afraid to get your hands dirty?! (Dark Empress) Oh I can get dirty, but this is demeaning of a queen! (Delilah) Well I am sorry your majesty, can I offer you some dirt to eat!     Delilah raced towards the Dark Empress and before she could counter attack shoved her face into the ground forcing her to choke on gravel. (Dark Empress) How dare you?! (Delilah) Is this not befitting of a queen?     The Dark Empress slammed Delilah by her hair and had her pinned to the floor with her hands around her neck. She squeezed and squeezed while tears fell burning down her face.  (Dark Empress) You will give me my life back, you must! I deserve a life! (Delilah) You deserve to rot in this prison for all eternity! So many have died in your name and you feel nothing! I have seen the death that you have caused in the name of power and conquest. You are insufferable! (Dark Empress) You know nothing! That is calling of being a "true" queen! If power is questioned , then it must be answered! (Jinn) You are disappearing Delilah, you must hurry! (Delilah) I am so sorry for your plight... not really. I am afraid I do not have the time to stay here and chat with you all day as you can see. I have somewhere else I would much rather be!     It was either all or nothing now. Delilah forcibly released her hold with all the strength she could muster. She hurled the shade to the other side of the cell and slammed her into a wall while using the bricks of the cell and its chains to encase her in a body cast. She now had her hands around her neck as the Dark Empress gasped and struggled for air, shocked that she could not get out and could not release the hold.   (Dark Empress) Why can I not fend you off? What are you doing to me? (Delilah) I guess you did not syphon enough power, you are weakening. I can feel it. (Dark Empress) I won't go, you can't make me! (Delilah) Are you crying, you were so macho before?! (Dark Empress) I do not want to go! I deserve so much more, my life was taken from me! (Delilah) So you think taking mine justifies your morale? (Dark Empress) Allow me to stay, I will hunt you no more I promise! I do not want to die... again!     Delilah was mad with rage and as she leaned over she syphoned her power back  while continuing to squeeze. The Dark Empress' eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body went limp. She no longer had the shell to protect her and had left herself vulnerable. Delilah finally stopped when she realized that her hands were empty. (Delilah) Where did she go?! (Jinn) You syphoned all of her, you left nothing. You are one now and it is time for you to go! (Delilah) Go where? (Jinn) Home, where else?     In that moment a new light radiated all over Delilah's body and her once translucent limbs returned to their original form.  She looked around confused as to what was happening as her feet began to lift away from the ground. (Delilah) What is happening right now?! (Jinn) Your soul is whole, you cannot remain here! (Delilah) What about you?! (Jinn) I shall return to my masters, and we will meet again! (Delilah) How will I find you?! (Jinn) You're destined to meet my masters now! Look for a crest of black glass! Good luck! (Delilah) Just how do you know all of this? (Jinn) We will meet again, I promise!     As Delilah vanished within the light and from the prison cell, so did the Jinn.
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