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*Authors notes* This book is the second book to The Last Lycan King. For those of you who have not read the first book, that is okay. This book is a stand-alone. One hundred and fifty years ago, humans discovered that supernatural beings were real and began capturing and studying them. Finally, they determined that supernatural beings were too dangerous to live and decided to exterminate them. And thus, the war began. As many beings fell, the moon goddess could not stand seeing her creations being killed and created a realm she called Haven. The moon goddess sent messages in the forms of dreams to all supernatural beings helping them find portals close to them. These portals would transport them to Haven, but very few made it due to the group known as the Chasers. Chasers were an advanced military team that hunted supernatural beings. They tortured those they caught, learned the portals' location, and killed those on sight. Thankfully the succubi and incubus were able to make it to the portal before the Chasers caught up with them. As women and children began to go through the portal, the Chasers had arrived and started to kill the succubi and incubus. Everyone began to run through the portal when they realized the Chasers were there, and only three hundred got through. When a Chaser tried to get through, they were not granted access and were electrocuted. When the succubi and incubus crossed into Haven, they were no longer in the woods but in a field. A witch by the name of Helen placed a protection spell over everyone. Once the last of the succubi crossed over, the portal closed, and everyone could relax. No Chasers had traveled through the portal. The survivors remained in the field for three days waiting for the portal to reopen and more survivors to cross, but none showed. During these long three days, the succubi and incubus had faced their first issue. There were more women than men. Succubi and incubus rely on s*x for food, and they needed to have s*x regularly. The problem was, once an incubus and succubus had s*x, they became mates and could no longer feed off anyone but their mate. The bond was permanent. There were one hundred and fifty women and one hundred men. The rest were under the age of eighteen and required regular food. Those who were not mated had to choose a mate, and this left fifty unfed women. Women required sperm to feed the hunger within them, and men needed the liquids women produced during an orgasm to feed. If they did not feed for twenty-four hours, they would start to go mad and become destructive. During their crazed state, they became dangerous and could kill. Within hours of becoming mad, they would die a painful death. It was decided that the females who did not have mates would be killed. The witch Helen helped put the women into a deep sleep, and then the others would kill them. It was a sad time for them, but it had to be done. So once the women were buried, the group began to walk through the woods, looking for a place to call home. They walked for two weeks, and not once did they find anyone, but they did find a place to call home. Right between two mountains rested a valley and in the center of the Valley was a lake. As homes were built, Helen placed a barrier around the village they called Novus. The barrier would allow no one to enter the Valley, and from the outside, no one could see the village. It looked like a regular valley to the naked eye. It took months for the village to be built, and during that time, a council was formed. Since there more female children than males, the council decided to create a lottery. All females born within six months of a male turning eighteen would be placed into a lottery, and the female chosen would be his mate. The rest would be taken away and put to death. The council also decided that no one was to leave the barrier, and they told everyone that if they tried to leave, the barrier would not allow it. So over the next one hundred and forty years, this is how the villagers lived. They could not explore the lands, and they had to watch their daughters died. On a snowy night, a bright light appeared, causing all the villagers to fall into a deep sleep in their beds. A woman holding a screaming baby was walking through the village, and she stopped outside the home of George and Maval Parks. She walked into the house and waved her hand, causing the home to grow in size and baby things to appear. As the child cried, the woman kissed the child and began to rock her back and forth. "My sweet girl, I am so sorry I have to leave you here. You will be safe for now, but one day you will understand why I had to do this." And then, she placed the child into the crib and walked away. Then, with tears in her eyes, she looked at her child once more and then waved her hand, causing a white light to pass through the villager's mind, and then she disappeared. As the villagers woke up, Maval woke up to the screams of the baby. She got out of her bed and walked to the baby's room, and picked her up. "Is mommy's little girl hungry," She said as she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle. The woman would watch from a distance throughout the years as her child grew up with her loving adoptive family. Cora was intelligent, funny, and very outgoing. As Cora's eighteenth birthday approached, the women knew the truth would come out one day soon. She just hoped Cora would understand, but as she watched Cora lying on a bed of flowers, she whispered, "lookup."
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