Chapter 7

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" A dance, my lady," he extends his hand, and I take it, curtsying a little. Josh and I danced the night away; we enjoyed being in each other's company, and for one moment, everything was fine. " I love you," I laugh as we jump up and down to the new rhythm of the song. It's a fast one. After a long night of fun, I'm exhausted and can't hold my yawns anymore. " Tired?" Josh chuckles; I yawn my response, and he escorts me inside. Pack members bow when they see us. Others smile while some girl sneers, annoyed that they won't get a chance with Josh. After all, he is one of the hottest young men to ever walk on earth. Maybe I'm biased because he's my love, but naturally, werewolves are extremely hot. They are tall, beautiful and powerful. They are amazing. I'm standing close to my bedroom door when he suddenly presses me against it and attacks my lips with his. " Josh," I whisper as he kisses me. I try to push him away slightly as his kisses are getting too hot and s****l, but he doesn't stop. I can feel his bulge against my leg. "Okay, okay," I push him away with more strength. Josh's eyes are dark with desire and lust for me, and I'm not ready to engage in such activities right now. " Let's wait till the wedding," I murmur against his chest. He groans and looks unpleased. "Okay, goodnight," He kisses my neck softly and then leaves. Sighing, I enter my room and close the door gently. It was the next day I received the worst news anyone could have. I'm pacing around the living room as three elders watch me like a bee that can attack anyone. " How? When?" I can't formulate proper sentences. How can they stand in my presence and tell me my Father is dead? Tears are streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably. I can't breathe. How is this possible? I spoke with him just last night. I'm sitting on the cold floor, my face in my hands while Naomi comforts me. "It will be alright," I look up at her and shake my head. It won't. My Father is dead. Two present warriors said that rogues surrounded him during his usual morning run. There were many, and by the time back up got there, he was barely breathing. I'm in the backyard, thinking about what to do next, and I honestly don't know. Josh is standing next to me. He opens his arms, and I run into them for an embrace. Again, I start to cry loudly. " Shh, you'll be fine," he coos. I nod. " But it hurts," I sniff. " It's supposed to," he says gently. " Death hurts," *** After the mourning period is over. In the following weeks, everything is quiet. I hear the howls of the members most nights. Derek and Nana brought my favorite food, but I can't eat it. I miss Mom and especially Dad. His death is still fresh. I wear a black dress that reaches my knees and pumps. Bradley and Naomi say we are going out again today. As I walk to meet them downstairs, everyone bows and greets me kindly. The pack members have been supportive and kind to me. They won't let me feel depressed. Even the girls who didn't like me at school. They come to check up on me or send gifts. Speaking of gifts, I received flowers and a cheque from the royal family. I kept the flowers and gave the cheque to Josh since he's running the pack. " Hi, guys!" I wave toward Brad and Naomi. " Hey!" They leave their controllers and walk to me. " Is Josh not coming with us?" Naomi asks, powdering her nose. " No, he's out for work but will be back tonight," I answer. Josh has a meeting with a nearby pack. They are signing a treaty with a nearby. Our pack is strong, but having as many allies as possible is favorable. " Have you heard from Crystal?" I ask. They shake their head, and I scowl. She is not picking up or calling anyone back. It stings a little. Does Crystal even know my Dad died? " I hope she makes it for the wedding," Brad says. Josh and I are going to get married tomorrow at the city hall. We have been walking to our favorite diner since childhood and ordering our favorite smoothies. The old lady, Mrs. Yang, who works here, offered me her condolences and said everything we get is in the house. " Wow, thanks. People should die more so we can receive free stuff," Naomi says casually, and I glare at her. That's the thing about her: she speaks without taming her words. Bradley is also glaring at her, but she doesn't seem to notice; she is busy drinking. She looks at Brad and me before putting a hand over her mouth. " I'm sorry," she whispers, looking genuinely disappointed. " You just can't say things like that," Brad hisses. Naomi's eyes are almost teary, and I shake my head. " Don't shout at her. You know Naomi," I try to dismiss her remark, but Brad is still unhappy. I put a hand over his and smiled reassuringly. He visibly relaxes and smiles back. " I know it still hurts, Lucy. You don't have to be strong," Brad has always been gentle and caring towards me ever since we were young. He stopped the girls and boys from bullying me on several occasions when Josh wasn't around. Yes, I'm the Alpha's daughter, but pack members bullied me or treated me as an outcast sometimes. Naomi watches our interaction intensely, and I see jealousy in her eyes. I pull my hand from Brad respectfully. Does Naomi like him now? I ask myself as I drink the delicious smoothie. Who wouldn't? Brad is good-looking, not to mention his athletic body and nice, dirty blonde hair. I smile and look at Naomi; her focus is now on Brad, and it's like she's seeing him in a new light. She turns to me and says, " I'm sorry for my insensitive comment. I mean it." " Apology accepted," Naomi smiles and turns to Brad. He nods too We spend the rest of the day together at the diner. We were eating and singing karaoke. We bounced up and down and danced on the stage. Later in the evening, we walked back to the packhouse. Tomorrow is my wedding.
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