
The alpha's rejected bride

kickass heroine

" You are not a wolf, I can never be with someone as weak as you," Josh sneers.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks, I shake my head and go closer to him but he growls and I flinch.

" Please don't do this," I cry loudly, they are both looking at me with nothing but disgust.

" just get out," Josh says and I'm shocked, I've loved this man for five years and he betrays me like this.

" or jump a bridge, even better!" my best friend adds.

I watch the two make out heavily and I turn on my heel, running and crying.


Lucy is the alpha's daughter of the pride pack yet she is wolf-less.

She is seen as unfit to lead.

The pack elders choose a groom of powerful blood to lead by her side but on their wedding day, she finds him cheating with her best friend, without any shame, Josh spits and rejects her instantly.

Broken and unloved, she runs away from the pack and attempts to end her life.

Just when Lucy thinks it's over, the crown prince of werewolves, Rayan Altamonte, saves her

She vows to go back, stronger and better to take back her pack

Will Lucy get her revenge or seek happiness?

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Chapter 1
I didn't think a time would come when my best friend and the most perfect boyfriend would break my heart. I loved Josh with every fiber in my body, but I was so wrong to do that. I found him in a passionate make-out with my best friend on our wedding day. I was frozen as they moaned in pleasure, and when I confronted them, their words shattered me. I had no wolf as she didn't appear on my sixteenth birthday for reasons unknown; hence, Josh couldn't risk having wolfless children, especially since he's to be the Alpha of the pack, my pack. ... "I don't know which one to get between these," I tell my best friend, Naomi. She is very indecisive about her clothes and needs me to help her. " The blue one?" It's a beautiful blue dress that reaches her knees, but she scowls as she assesses the similar one in her other hand. She throws it at me and says, " I like the red one; it's more explicit!" I put the dress she discarded where it was supposed to be. " You're wearing that for the wedding?" I ask, and she shakes her head. " No, for the alpha ceremony on Saturday," I don't know why she even asks for my opinion when she doesn't consider my input. My eyes wander off to the vast pack. The Pride pack is beautiful, with a considerable Forest and waterfalls just beyond it. I inwardly sigh and recheck the phone. " Josh didn't call... Again?" Naomi notices my sadness and hugs me. " I'm sure he's busy with training and all," " You always make an excuse," I grumble. Josh and I will be married next month, yet he lets his parents do all the planning and has avoided me. I understand he's beta and busy, but lately, he's been distant from me. Things were nice before his birthday. Josh and I have dated for five years, but he's drifting away now; I can feel it. " Josh is confused. He is taking over your dad's position, and the wedding—it's a bit much," Naomi explains. I'm looking at her confused, not because she knows what my fiancee feels, but because she genuinely sounds concerned. She's my best friend, but sometimes she can be selfish and make everything about her. " Now, help me with the shoes," yep, Naomi, time as usual. I watch her clap her hands excitedly as she goes to the other section of the store. I sigh and get the phone to text Josh. ' Hey, babe. Are we still going out for dinner tonight?' I ask. I didn't get a reply, so I joined Naomi in the shoe section. Surprisingly, she's texting on her phone and smiling. " Who's that? Brad?" I smile as I try to glance at her phone, but she moves away from me. " No. Now help me!" She's dragging me to the other end. After helping her with her clothes and shoes, she finally asks. " What… what are you wearing at the introduction?" I'm about to answer when my phone beeps. My heart flips as I look at it—it's Josh! 'Yes, babe,' I'm smiling widely now, and I reply with smiley emojis. " I know that dumb smile," she comments, pointing her manicured finger at me, and I blush. It's still surreal. Even though we have been dating for a long time, he still makes me blush and stutter. I close my eyes and put my hands together. Goddess, let everything work out accordingly; I love Josh. After shopping, we went back to the packhouse. The packhouse is so big that 100 people live there, while others have neat, comfortable houses around the grounds. It is made of red brick and has a large fountain in the middle, a vast garden, a huge driveway, and two pools. The veranda is extensive, and there are couches on which to sit. The inside is much prettier. Everything in it is top-notch. Each room has an ensuite bathroom, and three big living rooms are fully equipped with flat screens and couches. We also have two game rooms with all sorts of games. It also has a vast library. Here, everyone is busy doing their things. A few men who escorted us to the mall got the bags out of the car. " Hi, girls!" My Nana Bridget greets me while carrying many curtains and shouting out orders. We wave at her. " Hi, Nana!" " Naomi, thank you," I smile and go to my dad's office. My father is the Alpha of this pack, yet I have no wolf. Weird, right? Well, my mother was human. Several tests were carried out when I didn't transform on my sixteenth birthday; the doctors said I didn't have the gene. The pack elders told me to marry Joshua, the beta's son because it is not allowed for a werewolf to be led by a wolfless Alpha, which can leave the pack vulnerable to attacks. When I get to Dad's office, he's busy on his laptop as usual. " Pumpkin," he says without looking at me. I smile and go to hug him. " Daddy," He closes his files, now giving me all his attention. I scowl. My father looks tired. " Dad, is everything alright?" I ask worriedly. " Nothing I can't handle, the rogues and.." he trails off, and my heart is scared. Rogues are troublemakers. They steal, sometimes kill or r**e women. " Babe, " my dad pats my back. The last time the rogues attacked, I lost... " Hey, hey, relax, everything is alright," My father's voice rings. I close my eyes momentarily, trying to clear my head. " I have news," I squint and look at him. " What?" " The royal family is coming," My eyes are as wide as saucers. Werewolves are led by the king and queen, the most powerful rulers. They are never in public, but every wolf knows them. My lips are trembling as I ask, " But why?" " Well, for your wedding, of course," he shrugs and chuckles like it's normal. My dad has a unique friendship with the royal family, but I've never met anyone. " Okay," I say nervously. My dad holds my hands. I feel like a child to him. " Pumpkin, are you happy with this?" I kiss his forehead and cup his face. " I'm thrilled with Josh, Dad," It's true. My heart is about to explode with happiness. " Your mom would be proud as I am," he says sadly, and I bury myself in him.

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