61. Unreachable

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Liv   I was with Avalon in our house. I was reading some documents and reports involving the Peace Treaty II, I’ve to be well-prepared for when I discuss it with Ariel, the Pixie Queen. My mates insisted that I don’t go to meet her while I’m carrying.  I don’t really get what they have against little tiny Ariel. Especially Elric, merely mentioning my meeting withher, had him totally worked up. How do they think that our less than 5 feet tall, glitter and mushroom-tea Pixie could hurt me and the baby? This baby has a full-fledged force field. It would be more likely that he or she hurts Ariel somehow than the other way around. Anyways, we agreed that I will meet the P-Queen only after I give birth.  Avalon was working from home, instead of going to his office in his Realm today. He said he wanted to stay with me. It was quite sweet, but a hurtful thought couldn’t stop popping into my mind. Once, long ago, Avalon told me that he just wanted me in order to have an heir. Is there any part of him that still thinks so? Is Avalon going to leave me if the baby is his?  “If this child is your heir... will you leave me after they are born?” I asked in a whining voice. I just couldn’t avoid sounding like this.  “What?” Avalon’s eyes went wide. “Once you said... t-that all you wanted from me was an heir,” I said trying to hold back my sobs.  I lowered my face and looked at the ground. I didn’t want him to see my watering eyes. The pregnancy made me cry much more often. Thousand times more than I wanted to. On top of that, staying away from Laius made me even more sensitive. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, I can’t worry my mates and my family even more, but I am kind of falling apart.  “Baby...” he said tilting my chin up, so he could look at my eyes “We moved past that long ago.” “I know... but I just... feel that it maybe... could be the case. I don’t know... I’m a mess,” I replied between muffled sobs, but as soon as I finished my sentence, a sob escaped my throat, and I could feel a tear running down my cheek. Damn hormones! I’m just getting myself dehydrated. He lifted me from the sofa, sat me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my-round-self.  “I won’t ever leave you, babe. Not if you give me 20 heirs or even if you never give me any. What I want above anything and everything is you.” He said wiping my tear with a kiss and kissing my forehead. He rocked me back and forward in his embrace, comforting me.  I turned a bit, to be able to look at his eyes. They were now hazel, full of warmth and tenderness. Full of adoration. I smiled and cupped his face softly, pressing my forehead against his.  “I love you,” I said as he stroked my hair, his hazel eyes smiling at me. “I love you too Little Mate,” he replied, before kissing my lips gently.   ~ * ~*~ * ~     Lea   Valentin woke me up calling my name softly and stroking my face, “Lea, Sunflower. Wake up.”  “What happened?” I asked still a bit startled, I was cold sweating, my mouth was so dry, and my head was pounding. I was dreaming about him. King Alexus. It wasn’t a nightmare or anything like this, and somehow it scared me even more. In the dream was only walking towards him but I could never reach him, it gave me a pang, some kind of anguish. I don’t want to want him or need him. But I do.  “You were dreaming and calling Alexus name. Did you have a nightmare?” he asked looking concerned.  “Not exactly. It was just an odd one. About King Alexus,” I explained.  Richard burst the door open and entered the room looking worried, Valentin and I were sleeping at the pack castle tonight, but in a different room, since I had many Luna duties to take care of yesterday and today. I was quite happy to be part of this pack and be able to help the wolves, do something for them. I could never have imagined how fulfilled it  made me feel. “What happened my Luna, are you feeling well?” He asked as he engulfed me in a crushing hug. He still doesn’t how to control his strength sometimes.  “I had a dream about King Alexus. But it wasn’t a nightmare,” I told him. I felt his body growing tense when I said King Alexus’ name.  “It is probably because your bond with him is being stretched and distended because of the lack of contact,” Valentin explained, his voice uncharacteristically gloomy.  I sighed but nodded. I imagined that.  “We will find a way. He must remain away from her,” Richard chimed in, pressing me tighter against his chest and making me cough slightly. Such a strong wolf. Noticing it, he relaxed his hold on me a bit, “Sorry, Luna,” He muttered beaming a sheepishly smile, I smiled back and caressed his face.  “She needs to see him soon, Richard. It will only get worse and soon she can start having other symptoms, and even feel mental and psychical pain,” Valentin argued.  Richard growled at him and I could feel the vibration leaving his chest, it made my back tingle slightly.  “No! It’s not an option! We have to find another alternative! We can’t guarantee he won’t try to hurt or even abduct my mate once again,” he retorted. I sighed deeply; I was tired of them deciding things for me.  “Your idea is to let her suffer until we find a solution until you can reach the Goddess?” Valentin’s voice was laced with tension and indignation.  “Please, stop!” they both looked at me. “We have to find a short-term solution until the Goddess answers your call,” I told Richard, and he nodded, exhaling sharply in resignation. Did I even want the Goddess to say it was possible? Did I want to sever my mate bond with King Alexus?  I wasn’t sure anymore.  “If only you could see him once in a while to feel better…” Valentin suggested, hesitance clear in his voice. I knew he didn’t like this idea, not at all. But he also knew that there wasn’t any other way to make me feel better.   Richard growled once again, only the idea of having King Alexus close to his me took him and Titan to the edge.  “Alexus would never agree with it.” My Sun sighed in frustration. “He agreed to see me when I had my heat. I could ask him anyway. I will try to mind-link him.” I replied, half of me still hesitated, the other half believed that King Alexus wanted to be close to me, at least a bit. Summing up both halves I was totally confused. Richard growled lowly. I could see that his wolf was fighting him for control. “The Goddess must answer to my calls and prayers soon,” He rasped.  I sighed deeply before I closed my eyes to focus and reached to my bond with King Alexus inside my mind. Our bond was barely open, its opening was smaller than a strand of hair. Thus, it was a bit hard to grasp.  “King Alexus,” I called.  “Lea.” He sounded astonished, I guess he didn’t expect to hear from me any time soon. “To what I earn the surprise this time?” He asked not unkindly.  “I would like to know if we could meet once in a while because of the bond.”  “Today?” He suggested, surprising me. I certainly didn’t expect him to be that keen to meet me. Not at all.  “Yes, it could be,” I answered, still perplexed. “However, I’ve some conditions.” He replied.  “Tell him to meet at Avalon’s or Valentin’s Realm,” Richard uttered, touching my hand to get my attention. I only nodded in response. “We could meet at Avalon’s Realm.” “Yes” “Or at Aureum,” I suggested further. I knew that these both places would be much more appropriate and neutral for us to meet than the Werewolf Realm.  “At the Wizard King’s castle is fine.” “I’ll ask him and let you know,” I said. “Fine.” King Alexus agreed, and I closed our mental link.  He actually wanted to see me, and I think I also want to see him, regardless of the bond’s urge, beyond it. I gulped hard, trying to organize my thoughts. So many contradictions to navigate through. My mates were looking intently at me, with expectant faces.  “He agreed on meeting me. But he said he has some conditions.” I let them know.  Valentin shook his head and sighed, “Of course, he did.” Richards's eyes started to glow, and his fangs extended over his bottom lip, “You won’t let him drink your blood. Take advantage of you, hurt you.” He gritted out with a growl.  My Richard was only trying to protect me, but sometimes he was going too far. Not that I wanted to have the Vampire King using me as if I were a blood bag, that was the last thing I wanted. Only the thought of it made my blood curl. “But love...” I tried to reason, my gaze shifted to Valentin asking for his support, but my Sun only shook his head in disapproval. He was also trying to protect me.  “No Lea. He won’t touch you either. Are we clear?” Richard asked firmly. His aura rolling off power and commanding submission.  “He is right, Angel,” Valentin added. I nodded my head in agreement. There wouldn’t be another way with my too bossy wolf, especially when I didn’t have Valentin to back me up. If only I knew what to do, if only I fully understood what was happening inside my mind and heart, I could try to stand my position. But it was too hard when not even I knew where I stood in this insane predicament.   ~ * ~*~ * ~     3rd Person POV     “Liv,” Lea called her sister to ask if she could meet Alexus at Avalon’s castle.  “Hey, Lea. How are you?”  “I’m fine. You and the baby?” “We’re huge and fine too,” Liv answered with a small chuckle as she caressed her swollen bump. Her due date was approximately over 2 weeks. “I want to meet Alexus once in while...” Lea trailed off.  “Seriously?” Liv asked. She couldn’t stand that male after what he did to Lea. “I need to, because of the bond.”  Liv sighs in resignation, “If it’s what you need and want…” She muttered.  “It is…” Lea’s voice wasn’t louder than a whisper. “I thought that would be good to meet him at Avalon’s castle.” She added.  “I’ll ask him and get back to you, baby sis. But don’t let him hurt you, stay next to your furry and your fairy mates,” Liv added.  Lea chuckled at the nicknames “Don’t worry, Liv.” Liv turned to the other side of the bed, to Avalon. He had just wake up. “Baby.” She called and he looked at her deep blue eyes for an instant, before he took her into his embrace, nestling her head on his naked and warm chest, and making his mate mewl in contentment. Liv raises her head to look at him. “Lea is asking if she can meet Alexus at your castle.” “Our castle.” He corrected Liv. “You don’t need to ask me, you’re my Queen-to-be. You can make the decision by yourself.” Avalon’s words made a warm sensation grow in her heart. Liv swallowed back a couple of happy and tender tears.  Liv smiled at her mate mischievously. “I’m not asking, I’m only letting you know.” “And I am letting you know that I want to have my c**k wrapped around that sweet p*ssy of yours now.” Her breath hitched in her throat. “What are we waiting for?” Liv asked twirling the corner of her lips in an enticing little smile.   ~ * ~*~ * ~ Lea      Richard and Valentin were by each of my sides. Richard had his arms wrapped around my hips possessively and Valentin had two protective arms around my shoulders. The truth is, I could barely move. But I knew they had a good intention; I could feel their worry and fright through the bond. I knew they feared that King Alexus would do something against me, hurt me.  But in deep inside me, I knew he wouldn’t. Hopefully, it wasn’t only wishful thinking.  When I saw King Alexus, the only thing I felt was an overwhelming urge to have him caressing my hair as he did in the night, we made love. Yes, that’s the only way I could call it. Why did I want to feel his touch after everything he put me through?  “Lea, with your mutt and your fairy,” King Alexus stated. I frowned a bit at the way he called my other mates. “And your cute pout,” He added.  His face wasn’t pure coldness as it typically was. The icy expression was still there, but there was something else there as well. Is the cold vampire king melting?  I ignored his remark. “King Alexus...” I muttered. I couldn’t take my eyes of him, of his beautiful violet ones.  I missed him. It was the bond doing only, right? Probably not.  “First condition you call me only Alexus” he smiled at me, and I nodded in acknowledgment. I think I inadvertently started calling him King Alexus only after the moment he told me to do so, that he wasn’t Alexus for me, but King Alexus; that I wasn’t his mate, but only a thing for him to use and abuse.  “I would like to see you once in a while because of the bond, as I told you.” I explained, forcing the trail of my thoughts to come back to the reason of this meeting.  “Yes. Once a week,” Alexus said. “Once a month,” Richard growled.  Fear and loath radiated from him. He was trying to protect me, he isn’t like witches and elves, he is much intense in his reactions and way to be. He has a very prominent animalistic side, I had to remind myself of that and try to understand him, even when it was very hard. We are so different!  “Every second week,” Valentin tried to reason, find a compromise.  “Fine. Once every second week,” Alexus conceded.  “I am fine with it,” I voiced out. My voice and my opinion should be heard to, it should matter!  My mates were so bossy. Even Valentin sometimes, they were deciding it for me once again. I shook my head at their behaviour. I wanted to leave them saying that they didn’t need my opinion anyway and that they just do what they want, in a typical Liv move. But I didn’t.  “You’ll let your bond open, at least a tad. A tad more,” Alexus explained his second condition. “So that you can manipulate her mind! No leech, she won’t,”  Richard chimed in.  I breathed deeply.  “Love... he can’t compel me or manipulate my mind easily. I won’t let him,” I said, Richard growled, looking at King Alexus with so much hatred and rage. “Trust me,” I reasoned and he agreed, even though he was all but happy with it.  “Third condition, we shall be alone.” “No!” Richard yell-growled. I could sense the intensity of his fear and his need to protect, to over-protect me. “I won’t hurt her, mutt,” Alexus stated. I could feel the truth in his words.  “Richard. He won’t hurt me and if I feel uncomfortable, I can just mind link you both.”  “Please Angel, keep the bonds open and let us know even if he looks at you in the wrong way,” Valentin added.  “Those are the conditions for now.”  “Fine,” I accepted.  It wasn’t bad, those were fair conditions and what part of me wanted too.  “Good, because that was no room for negotiation. Let’s start our first meeting now. As soon as the mongrel and the other one leave,” He added. Could he stop taunting Richard for a moment? They are like little kids sometimes! Valentin and Richard left hesitantly.      
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