60. New sensations, desires, wishes

2260 Words
 Alexus   I arrived at the mutt castle and his nasty Beta showed me the way to his room with a huge scowl on his face. The dogs weren’t happy to see me here. Ergo, let them be miserable.   As we were getting closer, I could already smell her sweet and delicious scent of British rose and melted chocolate, intensified by the even better smell of her arousal. Addictive as a drug. The Beta knocked on the door, but I wouldn’t wait. I just opened it, earning a growl from him, I couldn’t care less.  I stormed inside the room and saw her there shrunk in the bed, whimpering in pain. Naked.  “Don’t! Just mate her fast and get away from my Realm and my mate, leech!” The mutt barked out. However, I ignored him and took her in my arms, her skin was burning hot and she was drenching in sweat, her hair was totally wet. But it only added a sensual and raw beauty to my female.  She looked like a siren, made for being taken and ravished by me. She jumped into my arms, placing her hands on my shoulders for support and wrapping her legs around my waist. Her breath was coming out in pants and she was so eager. I could see how much I would enjoy that heat of hers. How much we both would enjoy it.  I took her mouth in a passionate kiss and she moaned non-stop inside my mouth. Damnit, I was so hard that it was painful. I unzipped my pants and pushed my boxers down as fast as I could, entering her in a single movement. When I was deep inside her warm wetness, I groaned and she let out an edible moan, less soft than last time. She was very ardent today, even literally, and her very warm skin against my cold one was a delight. “No, no!! Not like this, take her from behind. Her butthole.” The mutt growled his order as the barbarian animal he is. Who does he think he is to say how I should mate my female? I hissed at him.  “Please, King Alexus. I don’t want… a fight. Let’s do it.” She pleaded in a breathy and soft voice, making my d**k twist inside her.  My female was undeniable, I did what she asked. Kissed her full flushed lips once more and set her down to her feet, without losing my hold on her waist. She spun around in my arms and took my hand, guiding me closer to the wall, then she pressed her front against its cold surface and arched her butt up for me to enter her as if we have done it countless times already. Bloodless hell! That was insanely sexy.  I leaned down and entered her slowly as my hands found their way between my Lea’s body and the wall and I cupped her round breasts gently, feeling her nubs getting even harder against my touch. Although my Lea was too lost in her flaring desire to even notice, I could feel the weight of two pairs of eyes on us. The raged eyes of the beast that was growling from time to time, and the distressed ones of the fairy. That serves them well, payback is one of the sweetest kinds of blood. “Richard, don’t! Control yourself!” I heard Valentin’s scolding voice and Richard’s growls  But for me, it was nothing more than background noise. All that mattered was the gorgeous and delicious female squeezing my d**k inside her, moaning and trembling in pleasure for me.  “You feel so good, my hot baby,” I whispered in her ear, before nibbling her earlobe. She only moaned in response.  One of my hands travelled down to her coral-pink folds and I started to caress and flick her clit, I massaged her opening, before pushing two fingers inside her and curling them to play with the knob of pleasure hidden within her inner walls. She is so tight and soft, feeling so good against my fingers.  My Lea was even more responsive than last time, with every touch and thrust I could feel her almost falling apart. In no time she was melting and crying out the peak of her pleasure, as she threw her head back mumbling incoherently. So beautiful, so abandoned/ lost in ecstasy. However, my ecstasy of having her in my arms was even bigger, much greater than any climax or any carnal pleasure could ever be.  She brought me many new sensations, desires, wishes.   ~ * ~     Lea   After all the burning desire subsided and I could finally think straight and breathe normally once again, I went to talk to Sarah. Even though I was very tired, I had to know more about the heat and its consequences.  “Can you tell me more about heat, how does it work? Will I have it every month?” I asked half worried and half curious.  Being mated, and especially being mated to a werewolf brought me to a world of new things. I do like new things, exploring and getting to know them, but sometimes it was so different and confusing. Everything was happening so fast. A bit more than a week ago I was still a virgin, and now I’m the mate of 3 Kings, one who abused and tried to violate me, who terrifies me but also makes me feel so good … the pull is still there and it’s strong what makes me very drawn to him. It’s an invisible force that I need to fight every day. I’ve to fight to don’t forget everything and jump into his arms.  Not staying close to him, with him makes me ache, the stretching and folding of the mate pull hurt emotionally and mentally. I don’t know how my mom and Liv could deal with it. They are so strong. And I must be strong too.  King Alexus behaved quite differently in the last times we met, he was even… loving and tender. But I am still quite wary, and I just can’t trust him. “Normally it happens every 3 months, but you can take suppressants to avoid it, few days before your heat is due. I don’t have much experience with females with other species, but it’s working well with your aunt.” Sarah told me, bringing me back from my reverie.  “But don’t worry sweet girl, having heat is not all bad, the s****l pleasure and desire increase tenfold. It’s a good moment to connect with your mate… mates, in a very instinctive and carnal way. And a female is much more fertile, having a much higher chance to get pregnant during this time. I even read that centuries ago, before the Goddess’ curse that made having pups so rare, a female would almost always get pregnant during her heat.” She added.   “Oh,” My mouth opened and closed in surprise.  I guess that makes sense in nature’s way. But it shouldn’t, it couldn’t happen to me. My life is a big mess now and adding a child into it would be a very bad idea.  After drinking a cup of hot chocolate with Sarah, I came back to the room. Richard and Valentin were still there. Probably my Sun was waiting for me. Richard came fresh from the shower; his forest scent was making me ache with desire. How could it be? My heat was already over.  “Sarah said that a female has the highest chance to get pregnant during her heat. I need to avoid it. I can’t get pregnant now. Is there a way?” I asked my mates.  I asked Sarah the same thing, but she only knew about contraceptive methods (although not completely effective) that should be taken before one has intimate relations. Maybe the Fae people, Valentin, knew another way. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, about Sarah’s words. I was really exhausted after all the heat activities, but I have to do something about this situation soon, otherwise, I doubt that I would even be able to sleep.  “There is a combination of herbs from Aureum that can prevent conception if the female takes it less than a day after she had s*x,” Valentin explained, pulling me to the bed. He could surely see how tired I was.   Richard was pacing impatiently across our bedroom, he looked quite pissed off. Seeing me with Alexus was really hard for him.  “I want to take it, my Sun. Can you get some of it for me please?” I asked softly, as I snuggled in the comfort of his arms.  “Sure. But I don’t think it’s necessary, Sunflower. The chance of you getting pregnant is one in one million.” He replied as he started to massage my tense shoulders slowly.  He was right, the chance of any female to get pregnant was very low, because of the ‘Goddess’ course.’ As Sarah said, it was as hard to have children, as it was to find mates. The Goddess was still punishing the species for the centuries-long cruel war.  But I didn’t want to take any risks. “I want to take it anyway.”  “It would be a miracle, a gift if you would be carrying my pup. But you want to take those herbs anyway.” Richard rasped, his voice was guttural and carried some anger, but more than that his eyes were full of disappointment, even hurt.  I went up and I was close to him after taking a couple of fast steps. I wrapped my arms around his broad torso, and I looked up at his slightly glowing dark green eyes  “My love, everything is so chaotic and confusing now, with this whole King Alexus’ situation and my bond with him. It would be a very bad timing to bring our child into this world.” I said softly.  “It would be a blessing anyway, Lea.” He argued. “I know. But a blessing that would better happen later, when we have things settled and figured out and we can give our child something better than this mess,” I tried to make him understand. Richard nodded, but he wasn’t happy. I could see it in his eyes, and I felt the frustration flowing through our bond. It pained me to see him like this but avoiding a pregnancy was the right thing to do, I was in no position to become a mother now. Not before things get calmer and we find a solution for the Vampire King’s issue.  Besides, I’m too young and not ready for this. Liv only got pregnant 9 years after mating, she had enough time to find herself, to do many things in her life, pursue new ways, go to new places. She had time to learn how to become a mate and a queen, before it.   ~ * ~    Laius    I was drinking Hell’s whiskey in the darkness of my half-burned empty bedroom when Lucius came. I didn’t like this room anymore; her scent has already faded away from her pillow and the bed linen. So, the room became dead, a blasted cemetery like everywhere else, like everything else.  “What are you doing here?” I barked out, staring hastily at my second in command.  “You asked me to come, you sent for me,” Lucius replied shaking his head slightly.  I took the smashed letter that was folded in my pocket and handed it to him, “Send it to Alexus, I must tell him that if he even thinks about hurting Lelea, I will create a new and worse pit of Hell for him only!”  Lucius took the letter from my hand and gave me a questioning look. I wasn’t in the mood, nor had any patience left for his questions. I just wanted my woman.  But I wouldn’t go to her disrespecting her wishes, I wouldn’t aggravate her even more. “Laius, you already asked me to send two letters to him, one yesterday and the other one less than two hours ago? Don’t you remember?” Lucius asked.  I didn’t remember a thing. “Doesn’t matter, give him this one as well!” I rasped. “What about the Peace Treaty?” he questioned. Lucius looked worried, that was something rare to see in his expression.  “It doesn’t matter, he won’t hurt Lelea!” I stated with a tone of finality.  Lucius huffed, “I’m sending it to him.”  “And bring me more whiskey,” I told him, as I lifted the almost empty bottle beside me.  He looked intently at me but nodded. Then he left.  I didn’t protect Lelea before, but now I will do it. I will make it right with her and my Sugar. 
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