6. Bumpy ride

2103 Words
Alexus   “Where does she live, Dog?” I ask Richard.  I can’t believe I am unfortunate enough to share anything with this fleabag, let alone a woman, a mate. That won’t ever happen.  He only growls in response, what else could I expect from him?  “Where should I take her, portal her? Speak like a person!” I demand growing impatient.  “You won’t take her anywhere you blasted leech!! She is MINE!” he growls back. “Tell me you jerk twit, otherwise I will take her to my palace.”  He growls even louder, making some f*cking crystal that decorates Broadrick's ridiculously overcrowded room break. Broadrick is a freaking accumulator, but he won’t add my woman to his collection. “I will picture it in my head, just grab my arm leech.” He snaps back.  I do as he said with a sigh, as I grab my portal device and open it. Being near him is unpleasant enough, let alone touch his filthy fur, skin. Soon, we are at the Wizard’s Realm, at the royal castle to be more precise.  A brunet witch runs towards us looking agitated. “Lea?”  “Where is her room?” Richard asks.  “Follow me.” The witch says as she leads us to where apparently is my woman’s, Lea, room. We enter a light and wide room and I hesitantly but gently deposit her on her bed. She looks so pale and fragile, Broadrick drunk too much from her, but soon he will have what is coming for him.  After I lay Lea down, Richard grabs his phone and looks at the brunette, “Keep an eye on him. He can’t be trusted.”  He says as he leaves the room. The witch answers him with a nod, confusion written on her face.    ~ * ~   Richard   “Maximus. I’ve brought her back to King Avalon’s Castle. She is safe on her bed…” “How is she? Is she injured?” I could hear the undertone of worry in his voice.  “I believe she wasn’t seriously harmed. But I have dreadful news, Alexus is here too, and he claims he is also her mate.” “I am going there now!” He replied.  “You better don’t. I don’t want him to know about your kinship with Lea, he can’t be trusted. He can’t know about what she really is.” That hateful bloodsucker can’t know that she is a hybrid. “Fine.” I heard Maximus saying with a sigh.    “I need to get back to her, I don’t want to leave her unattended while Alexus is here.”  I hang up and went back to Lea’s room.  She was still lying peacefully on her bed, as the bloodsucker stared at her like a creepy stalker. Seeing him even looking at her puts my wolf and me on edge; and he might be her mate, only this thought makes my wolf push to shift and then kill Alexus.  What the leech claims could actually be true, could be possible; thinking about her sister’s atypical mating situation, Lea could have 2 mates.  My worst enemy and me.  That is much worse than what I could faint in my nastiest nightmare. What will I do if he is indeed her mate? My wolf growled agitated inside my mind, for him the answer was obvious: kill Alexus. But I knew better, it isn’t that simple.   I looked at the witch, she was still guarding Lea as a statue, following my order obediently; being THE Alpha has this effect on people, even people of other species can feel the need to obey due to my commanding aura.  “You may go, girl,” I said to her, snapping her back from her trance.  She nodded again and left the room.    ~ * ~*~ * ~   3rd Person P.O.V.   Liv’s mates flash back to their home. She walks towards them, her beautiful face contorted in a scowl.  “Heck, you should have told me where she was, instead of leaving me here hanging. I wanted to go too! She is my sister.” Liv says as she crosses her arms over her chest.  “You shouldn’t put yourself in danger, little mate.” Avalon tries to reason. “Well, I wouldn’t. I would use one of you as my shield all the time and get her back!” she replies, arching a brow at Avalon.  Laius chuckles at her joke, and wraps his arms around his mate from behind, “She is safe, Sugar.” “I know, father had the decency to mind link me as soon as he knew it. Not like some mates that I know.” She frowns at them.  “We came here immediately to let you know that in person.” Avalon tries to justify, but she just pouts at him. He catches her pouty lips in a kiss, but she doesn’t kiss him back, he exhales sharply “Don’t be mad, baby!”  “I am not mad.” She says pouting again, which earns her another kiss from him.  Elric takes Liv into his arms, making Laius glare him a pointed look.   “How did King Richard find her?” the Elf King asks no one specifically.   “Apparently, he gave her something with a tracking system or got someone to put a Tracking Spell on her, I don’t know,” Liv replies.  “Why didn’t I have this idea?!” Avalon mutters under his breath. Liv raises her brow in indignation, “You are all cavemen!”  “I just want to protect my precious mate,” Avalon replies. Elric shakes his head and Liv rolls her eyes “Which can protect herself and even kick your fine ass!”  Avalon smacks her butt lightly, “It doesn’t matter, I will always protect you anyway.” She shakes her head. Having 3 mates is everything but boring, especially those 3.  Laius has a huge smirk. The 3 of them look at him trying to read the meaning of his facial expression. Elric asks after realization hits him, “Wait… You put a Tracking Spell on our mate?!” Laius’ smirk gets even bigger. Liv strides towards him, eyes narrowed, and fists tightened in balls. “You are the worst!” she smacks his chest lightly and he wraps his arms around her. She huffs.  “You know that it just turns me on Sugar, it is my favorite kind of foreplay.” Laius winks at her. She sighs, the worst part is that his words made her wet. Stupid hormones! Laius smirks again. He obviously smelled my arousal, she thinks.  He looks at her and cups her face, “Sweets, you need to wait for your punishment. You can’t have it now.”  Liv rolls her eyes in response.  “We need to go to Lea now, check on her. I’ve already been with my mom and she is okay. Only Lea’s presence will make her totally fine, tho.” Liv says. She had to see Lea and make sure she was safe, with her own eyes.    ~ * ~   The Vampire King and Richard look at Lea’s pale face. She is still unconscious, but she stirred a bit, which indicates she would wake up any time soon.  Richard touches her arm and murmurs, “She is so pale and cold.”   “She needs to rest. She will recover soon.” Alexus replies.   Liv couldn’t wait for a second further to see her baby sister; she storms into the room, in her Liv stormy style, followed by her 3 mates’ entourage. Elric greets Richard and Alexus with a short nod, while the others are too focus on Lea to even acknowledge their presence.   “Oh Goddess, how are you Lea?” she approaches the bed and leans down next to her sister. Elric follows her speedily, making Richard open space.  “Excuse me,” Elric mutters to Richard, before turning his attention back to Liv. “You shouldn’t exert yourself, my love”. Elric says, wrapping an arm around his mate to give her extra support.  “I’m just leaning down, love. It is not like I’m cursed or sick, I am just 4 months pregnant.” She replies softly without taking her eyes off of her sister’s sleeping form.  “Lea?” She calls her sister again, as she strokes Lea’s cheek with the back of her forefinger. “Humm” Lea answers without opening her eyes. “Are you in pain?” “No… Just tired… what happened?” Lea answers weakly, still feeling quite lost.  “You were bitten,” Liv says stroking her sister's hair gently. “But more important: you have two mates.”  Lea opens her eyes startled “Two?” Her eyes grow wide and she gulps hard.  “Yes, your lucky girl! Are you imagining the possibilities? You’ll have double fun!”  Liv says with a naughty smile.  Richard holds back a growl at Liv’s words. He couldn’t even imagine sharing his mate’s company and attention, let alone sharing her in bed with his worst enemy. Only the thought of it was t*rture. “What?” Lea asks beyond confused. Then she blushes when she realizes what Liv means.  “Liv!” Avalon scolds. “It is not my fault, it’s the pregnancy hormones,” she shrugs.  “Don’t blame the pregnancy… you were like this before.” Elric remarks with an amused smile, earning another shrug from his mate. “Are you complaining?” Liv turns to look at him and smirks. “Never!” Elric replies. “But you are just embarrassing your poor sister”  “You can always have a lot of fun with me, Sugar!” Laius utters smirking. “That is a supportive mate!” She grins. “Gentleman, watch and learn,” Liv says motioning to all the males in the room.  Lea’s face flushes intensely. Liv stands up and Elric moves to help her.  “If she is blushing crimson, it means she is well enough. And I have a punishment to undertake.” Liv utters with a smile.  “Yes, you do Kitten,” Laius says smirking.  “Don’t be too rough on her,” Avalon tells Laius. “Don’t worry, I won’t give my Kitten anything she can’t take.” He replies with a huge grin. He smacks Liv’s butt softly and she smiles. Their exchange just makes Lea blush more.  “Take care of my baby sister and have fun, guys,” Liv says winking. “Please leave Liv, before you kill me from embarrassment.”  “You will survive, baby sis,” Liv smirks. Laius walks closer to Lea and ruffles her hair, as he is used to doing since she was a kid, “Rest a lot Lelea and get well soon!”  “I’ll, thanks.” She smiles.  When they are about to leave the room, Laius turns around and says looking at Lea’s 2 mates, “Good luck guys!”  Richard growls lowly and Alexus grins at the King of Hell.  “They don’t need that much of luck, it’s Lea, not Liv,” Avalon mutters.  Liv glares Avalon a pointed look and frowns. “What I mean is that Lea is not as energetic and stubborn as you, baby... Which are two of the many good things about you.” Avalon says.   “You are so sleeping on the couch for one week!” she states, scowling at him, but he only grins in response.  “What?” she asks.   “You wouldn’t survive one week without me and...” he adds something in her ear, and she elbows him playfully.  “You wish!” Liv replies before she and her mates leave the room.   
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