7. You too?

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This chapter will be narrated in the 3rd Person POV   Lea sighs deeply and covers her eyes with her hands, trying to hide from her own embarrassment. Liv was impossible, and a pregnant Liv challenges the limits of impossibility. She was often grumbling that after she got pregnant her mates were treating her like a fragile porcelain doll and that her s*x life was boring now.  She had to bring her s*x life topic all the time since she got knocked up. Her main complaint is that now her males would only take turns while having her. Even thinking about her comments makes Lea blush.  Lea’s mates look at her. She takes a good look at her second mate for the first time, she was avoiding looking at him since she woke up; firstly, due to her shock, then to her embarrassment. She was pretty sure that ‘the having two mates situation’ was nothing more than an odd dream or a delirium due to her blood loss.  Alexus is tall, around 6’3 feet tall, and not as bulky as her wolf. He is strong in a lean way. He has violet cold eyes, very pale skin, shoulders long sandy blond hair, thin lips, and a strong jaw. He is absolutely handsome.  Lea takes her eyes off of him, she didn’t want to stare and make the situation even more awkward. If that was even possible. Liv, the queen of awkward has already graced them with an insane level of her mojo.  Her second mate finally speaks, “Lea… I’m the Vampire King, Alexus, and I’m your mate.” He gets closer to her. It was the first time he directed words to her; when she was at her attacker’s den, he was only yelling at Richard and she was too hazy to even try to have a conversation.  Their exchange and proximity make Richard growl.  “Nice to meet you” Alexus utters, ignoring Richard’s reaction.  He reaches out for her hand and kisses it, making her face flush in a soft rose tone. Richard growls lowly again and his eyes start glowing, a sign that his wolf is unsettled and close to the surface. “Nice to meet you, I am Lea, as you already know.” She says shily in a soft tone and flashes him another coy smile.  Her blushing and shy smile made him aroused, she had a strong effect on him.  Richard clears his throat. “How are you feeling, Lea?” “I think I am fine. It was more scary than anything else. No harm done.” She replies trying to give him a reassuring smile.   Richard gets closer to her and smiles at her, “Now you just need to rest, my love.” He says kissing her forehead, which makes Alexus let out a growl himself. It wasn’t a wolf growl, but it was a growl.   Her eyes travel between the both of them, as a feeling of dread creeps her insides, ‘will they argue again? Will they engage in a physical confrontation?’ Lea wonders. The tension in the room is almost palpable.  “Your sister is intense,” Richard says trying to change the subject and mitigate the tension, to the benefit of his mate. “That is a way to put it” Lea smiles. “She needs to be intense to keep up with those 3,” Alexius says with a small chuckle. “By the way, who is the father of the child she is carrying?”  “Oh. We don’t know yet. My curiosity is killing me.” There is a note of excitement in her voice, as her smile gets bigger. Liv's unborn baby has cast a protective barrier around themselves; thus, no one could say anything about their s*x or parentage.  Someone knocks on the door. “Please come in,” Lea says softly. Maybe is my mom, she thinks.  A gorgeous man opens the door slowly and enters the room. Lea couldn’t avoid staring at him. He is 6´4 feet tall, has sky-blue eyes, full pink lips, tanned skin, and golden wavy hair, that falls on his forehead. But more than that, Lea feels as if an invisible halo of light is enveloping the stranger. He is less built than my wolf but more built than my vampire. My vampire! she thinks. Goddess, I have 2 mates! Don’t panic Lea, you had enough panic for one day! She tells herself.  “Lea,” the newcomer says, approaching the other side of her bed, not the side where her mates were.  “Hum” she mutters, distracted by his beauty. “I am Valentin, the Fae King, and your mate, Angel.” Richard growls loudly and Alexus lets out an annoyed exhale.   His unexpected words bring her back from her haze, she opens her dreamy eyes widely and swallows hard.  “You too?” she asks astonished. Okay, maybe it wasn’t enough panicking for today.   “Too?” Valentin asks confused.  She brings her hands to her face in exasperation. Not two, but three mates. “Oh Goddess, why?” She mumbles to herself. Richard crouches down next to her bed and tries to soothe her. “It’s okay, love. We will find a way.” He says brushing a strand of her hair that has fallen to her face.  Even though his insides are burbling with wrath, he had to share his mate not with one male, but two. It cost him a great deal of effort and self-control to remain apparently calm in this situation. His wolf was beyond enraged, he was howling and pacing inside Richard’s head like a caged beast.  “So, we are in the same crap situation as Laius, Avalon, and Elric,” Alexius says sighing deeply.  Richard narrows his eyes at the vampire. Thousand times worse than sharing his female, he was supposed to share her with the most hateable and filthy being in the 6 Realms, he thinks. “Oh, dear Goddess, I need to talk to my sister” “She is currently busy being punished in Hell,” Alexus utters with a cold grin. His smiles never reach his eyes, they are always impassive. Lea looks at him and shakes her head at his comment.  “What?” Valentin asks gazing at Lea with a confused and worried look. “She is fine. It is not what you are thinking, she …. her mate is…” Lea blushes and covers her face again.  “You can talk to her later, love. Now you should rest and recover” Richard says, stroking her long black hair.  Alexus gets closers to Lea, attracting to him Richard’s murderous glare.  “We will let you rest, baby,” Alexus says, as he kisses her hand.  “Indeed” the Fae King smiles at her.  She smiles back at him, still quite entranced by his angelic beauty, the kind of beauty one could never get used to.   He was the only one that hasn’t touched me; I wanted him to kiss my hand or caress my hair too. I should stop thinking about it, before getting myself insane. Lea thinks. Lea gazes at Alexus and Richard and sees the exchange of hateful glares between them, she is afraid that they will start their argument again and this time actually hurt each other, “Please guys don’t fight” she pleas.  “We won’t,” Alexus says with a grin.  Hum, his face said otherwise, Lea thinks. “Promise?” She asks.  Lea knew that a promise made to a mate contained some power, her sister told her so. Even though I’m not yet at mating age, it should have some effect, she thinks.  She looks at Alexus expectantly, he exhales sharply and utters. “Fine, I promise.” Her eyes trail to Richard. “I promise,” he says, holding back a growl.  She finally looks at Valentin and he says smiling, “I promise Angel, you have nothing to worry about. Just rest.”     
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