23. Fairy Wine

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Some minutes earlier:    Mel   Maybe Sienna was right, and I had too much wine, but I don’t regret it, I feel so light. I stood up and walked around to experience this new kind of freedom. My head is so light that I could fly. My legs can’t walk anymore, they are just dancing, and I don’t know why, but I found it quite funny.  I was giggling with myself and my dancing legs when I suddenly crush against a wall. Why did they put a wall in the middle of the garden? I looked up and the wall was that absurdly handsome Elf from Liv’s and Elric’s bonding ball. The pervert man that tried to touch my butt, it’s only fair that I touch his butt tonight. I giggled at my crazy thought. I was out of my mind.  He was also at the Plan B and we even exchanged some words. But everything seemed a bit hazy in my mind now.   I could see the underline of his strong chest and arms through his shirt, so many muscles. His shoulder-length silver hair was combed in a neat way, in a mullet with a ponytail; his jaw is so strong and manly, and he has a sexy dimple on his chin… oh, and his stubble, it only adds to his handsomeness.  I want to touch it so badly and feel its roughness against my fingertips. I have to control myself! I clenched my eyes shut, trying to think straight and avoid touching his chin.  Oh, I know his name! It’s Maximus! I said it to see how it tastes in my mouth, “Maximus… Maximus.”  He wrapped his arms around me and looked down at me.  “Hello…” I said giggling. The wine made me feel so light, nothing can make me fall.  “Hello.” His rich and deep voice answered back and as a naughty lady that I am feeling like now, it made wild butterflies take the flight of their lives around my stomach and even in my lower back, crazy butterflies! They flew to my core and I started to pool my panties like a horny teenager.  That is a place where butterflies shouldn’t go! “Get out of there you wicked butterflies,” I complained to them, but apparently, they didn’t listen to me.  “What?” hot Elf asked, looking confused. His bright amber eyes looking so deeply at me. I trailed a finger across his bottom lip to make sure he was real and answered him.  “I wasn’t talking to you,” I whispered.  “Your Highness, I believe you are drunk.” He said seriously.  Why so serious? He wasn’t that serious at the other party when he tried to touch my butt.  “I am not… maybe you are drunk,” I replied as I bit my bottom lips to make the words leave my mouth easier.  I felt his body tensing up, he was for sure worried that I would slap him again like I did when he was being too grabby at the other party. But today I am for grabbing, I know I shouldn’t, but screw it! I am tired of being treated like a…. I don’t even know like what, but definitely not like a mate.  Tonight, I will forget about it. I pulled back from his arms and heard him let out a deep breath, which made me laugh. He was indeed worried about being slapped again; I didn’t know I slapped him that hard last time.  I took his hand and pulled him to a more secluded place, he flashed me a funny and shocked look.  “What?” I asked laughing. “Relax, I won’t slap you again,” I said as I caressed his strong jaw and pressed my body against his muscular one. I felt as if I knew this feeling, the feeling of his body on me. It was an amazing feeling.  “It’s not that, you are drunk.” “I am drunk, you are drunk. We are drunk, so what? It’s okay….” I said as I kept pulling him with me.  “Do you normally get drunk and bring men to the backside of the garden?” he asked looking angry and possessive and making me laugh so hard that I almost fell down, but he took me in his arms before my backside could meet the grass.  “No, silly! What do you think I am? Huh?” I said laughing seriously; laughing but trying to give him my very serious look, the one I gave to my children, mostly Liv when they did something naughty. Now I am the naughty one. I started to laugh harder at this thought.  “I am sorry, I didn’t want to offend you, Your Highness, I…” he said solemnly, but I cut him off by putting a finger on his lips.  “You don’t need to say Your Highness, no formalities, we are friends…You know what, you remind me of someone… I don’t know who, but there is something about you… I mean… Ohhh, I know who!” I said giggling hard, he flashed me a very worried look as if I was threatening his kingdom.  “Lea! You remind me of my daughter Lea. Do you know her?” I asked him curiously.  “I’ve met her.” He answered, looking calmer. I pulled his face down and looked intently into his eyes, they were so beautiful, like two pools of gold and I wanted to swim in this gold.  “You are hot,” I said and slapped my mouth after, I’ve never been so blunt in my life. Fairy Wine is magic, and I love it! I-feel-so-free!  He coughed; he is so funny. I sat on the grass and looked up to him, patting the spot by my side. He inhaled deeply but sat down beside me.    ~ * ~   Maximus   My mate was killing me, all I wanted was to take her right here and now. She was so beautiful tonight, her wavy black hair cascaded over her shoulders, she was wearing a blue dress that made her sapphire-colored eyes shine even more.   I could scent the mesmerizing smell of her arousal and she was touching me a lot. But she was also very drunk, and I couldn’t do it. I was quite tipsy myself, but not like her. I have drunk too much, trying to forget scenes that I shouldn’t have ever seen involving my younger daughter’s mate. That was too much for a father! She patted the spot next to her in the grass, I sighed deeply and sat by her. I couldn’t leave her here alone in this state. I need to call Liv, Sienna, or Lea to help her. I can’t be close to her when she smells like this, like desire.  “Princess, I need to go back, I’ve duties to deal with.” I said.  Her red and perfect mouth opened in an “O” shape and I controlled myself to don’t thrust my tongue into it. She held my both arms trying to keep me in place. “Are you leaving me again?” she asked in her confused inebriated tone.  I couldn’t leave her again like I did every blasted Saturday morning without letting her see me. Guilt was clawing my insides. “I won’t leave you,” I answered, before swallowing hard.  She giggled and it sounded so soft and beautiful. I was so happy to have her that close and to be able to see her big gorgeous deep-blue eyes. She jumped on my lap, shocking me; her soft and small hands were cupping my cheeks and she was looking at me intently as if she was trying to engrave my face in her memory.  “I want you.” She whispered.  My member was already hard since I caught the first glimpse of the scent of her desire. But now it was twitching painfully in my trousers. f**k, I want her too, I want her more than anything. “Ops, I thought that I said that only inside my mind. Did you hear it?” she asked giggling.  “I….”  “Goddess, I’m being so naughty… but I do want you.” She said biting her bottom lip, as her eyes looked lost and innocent.  How could she look so teasing and chaste at the same time? Her soft fingers trailed my lips again as she smiled at me. I couldn’t contain myself, I kissed her. The alcohol, the desire, the bond, all the irrationality of the world overtook me, and I kissed my oblivious mate. I felt bad as if I am taking advantage of her and her vulnerability, she doesn’t know the truth and she is very drunk.  She kissed me back, with passion, fire, and tenderness. A long, hot, breath-taking kiss, she moaned into it and I could smell her desire soaking her s*x. One of her hands went up around my neck and the other one caressed my chest. I couldn’t resist and my hands roamed around her sinfully stunning body, touching, caressing, squeezing lightly.  I flipped us over and hovered over her, making her break the kiss giggling. She took my face with her hands again and kissed me, nipping my lips and laughing at it. Wine made her quite funny and frisky, I truly enjoyed it.  Her legs were wrapped around my waist and my d**k was brushing against her very wet s*x. I need to stop before I take her. f**k! “Princess, please…” “What do you want?” she asked with a bright smile and making all my resolve fade away. She was undeniable. I crushed my lips on hers again, after kissing and grinding myself on her, making her moan and mewl. She parted the kiss and lifted my face looking absorbedly at my eyes. “It’s the first time that I kiss someone that I can see.” She said giggling and I felt a pang of guilt and sorrow. I kissed her again and again, but suddenly she broke the kiss and pushed me away, looking edgy, “You taste like him…. oh, no…HIM, oh NO!” she yelled as her breath became laboured and she started to cry quietly. I stood up and helped her to do the same. “I will, I will… come back to the tea-table…” she said disoriented walking in the wrong direction. I showed her the right direction as I started to walk with her, but she looked at me tensely as she was trying to fix her messy hair in place.  “Don’t… don’t follow me… I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have...” she said as she choked lightly in a sob. “Just don’t follow me.” She added. I kept still and followed her from afar until she reached the party table, I couldn’t leave her like this. Dammit, what have a done!?  I got a bit calmer when I saw Sienna taking her hands and talking to her. She will be fine, I repeated it to myself trying to overcome the feeling of uneasiness and guilt.    ~ * ~   Sienna   A very distressed and messy-looking Princess Mel came back to the table. She was away for a bit more than half an hour. I thought she had already left the party and hasn’t said goodbye due to her confused drunk state. “What happened, Princess?” I asked, only now I noticed she was crying. “I’ll call Liv or Lea.” “No, please. I don’t want to ruin their party, the mood. I will be fine soon.” She said looking a bit calmer.  I poured her some water, and she drank it slowly as I squeezed her hand trying to send her some peace and comfort. I could do it with my touch. I am not a healer, but I have some healing powers, and almost nothing made me happier than sharing some healing energy with others and watch them feel better.  Lysander placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, he always says that while I try to comfort and cure others, his job is to comfort and recharge me.   “I am afraid that something happened to her, love,” I told him using our mate link.  “Don’t worry my dove. Nothing serious could have happened to her at this party. She is surrounded by people who care about her, Maximus, her daughters, and even the Kings. Her cry should be only the work of too much wine in her system.” he appeased me.  “She went through so much already. I don’t want to see her crying again.” I said worriedly. “Soon, Lord Maximus will tell her the truth, I’m certain of it. He loves her and won’t let her suffer further, my Dove.” “I hope so,” I murmured inside his mind.  The night was almost falling and soon this party would be over. I was feeling quite tired since I woke up very early. I gave my mate a look and he already knew what I mean. “We can go home as soon as you want, Dove.” He said kissing my forehead gently.  “I am…I am going in,” Mel said.  “I can walk you in, Princess.” “Thanks… but it’s okay, Sienna. Stay with your mate.” She said with a sad smile.  “Are you sure you are okay?” I asked again.  I didn’t want to let a drunk and visibly broken-hearted Mel alone. I knew Lord Maximus would want me to keep an eye on her and I want it myself too. She doesn’t know much about me and we barely know each other, but I’ve been a witness of her story with Lord Maximus and all her hardship.  I didn’t have only sympathy for her, but I grew to care deeply for this sweet and strong young woman. She is quite young, Mel should be at the beginning of her 50s, she is a baby, I am 124 and am a baby myself. I believed Lord Maximus should be more than 500 years old.  “Yes, don’t worry.” She smiled and left the party area walking towards the castle.   
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