25. Behind her mask

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 Mel   I couldn’t believe it. At first, I saw everything that happened yesterday. I was quite relieved to see that we haven’t gone much further than kissing. At least even in my wine-induced haze, I had some sensibleness and sense of loyalty. But then, I saw something else, the memories of the night Galvin drugged me and tried to assault me came back in a flash.    *** Flashback ***   I was feeling very weak and my whole body felt like jelly. I didn’t have the energy to even stand up or call for help, let alone portal myself away. I blinked many times trying to wake up from this nightmare. But I was still here, it was real. I tried to reach for my mate, I knew we had no mental bond and I haven’t even seen him, to try to focus on his face to reach him easily. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the tingles, his smell, his citric and fresh scent, and the feel of him on me, in me, “Please mate… please help me, save me, please. Galvin is holding me in his room, he will force himself on me…” I repeated these words in my mind, focusing on him, on every and anything I knew about him.  Galvin was already back; he sat by my side and ran his hands all over my body. I kept trying to concentrate.  “Are you alright, baby girl? Your water is here… drink it.” He said softly, if anyone would hear him, they would think he was talking to his beloved, to his mate, not to a woman he was about to sexually abuse.  “It’s my head…. It’s hurting a lot.” I said without open my eyes and still trying to reach for my mate.  Galvin took me in his arms and whispered in my ear in a tender voice as he caressed my hair, “Open up for daddy, you can’t drink the water if you don’t open your mouth, baby.” He said. I was feeling disgusted, everything in him was itching me like a skin disease, but I tried to play along and gain time, hopefully, the Goddess would help me and my mate or anyone else would show up and stop this monster. I opened my mouth and gulped the water down.  I heard the noise of a door being abruptly opened, ripped apart, and when I opened my eyes, I was so astonished that I started to choke on the water. I was coughing the water frantically. How and why is he here?  Wait, how can he possibly be my mate? He is not a Wizard. That makes no sense… is he really my mate? Otherwise, what in the 6 Realms he is doing here? If he is my mate it would explain why I am so helplessly and desperately attracted to him.  Galvin was looking from me to Maximus, very confused, he was trying to bend me forward and hitting my back to help me with my choking situation. I squinted my eyes to be able to look better at him, at my mate, I was quite dizzy. But even in the middle of this chaos, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.  I was seeing him, for the first time.  I was seeing him for the first time as my mate. My heart was racing, and my breath was fast.  I stared at him, trying to memorize every feature, every detail. His shoulder-long silver hair was neatly combed in a mullet with a ponytail. He is so handsome as if his face was chiselled on marble by the Gods‘ crafter. His strong jaw, dimpled chin, high cheekbones, and scruffy stubble only added to his manly perfection.  “What the hell are you doing in my room?” Galvin shouted looking at the Elf.  Maximus didn’t respond he just came very fast to us and took me in his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck almost automatically. I could smell his citric scent and feel the pleasing tingles, he is my mate. I don’t know how it’s possible, but he is indeed my mate.  “What are you doing to my girl? I’ll call the guards!” Galvin added.  “He won’t he is just bluffing,” I told Maximus, knowing too well that if Galvin called anyone, the whole palace would know what he was planning to do to me. Maximus moved and punched Galvin hard straight in the face, making him fall down onto the floor, I gasped. How could he do it while he was still carrying me in his arms? I tighter my hold on my mate. “What the hell are you doing here? Unhand her!” Galvin shouted again. “You f*****g rapist, you tried to touch my mate!” Maximus hissed, I could feel the rage and power radiating from him.  But it didn’t make me fear, it made me feel safe and even a bit aroused. Maybe it was the effect of Galvin’s drugs or the fact that I got to know that my male is so strong, manly, and sexy. Goddess, I can feel my juices dripping through my lower lips. I am so embarrassed, being my mate, he will be able to smell it and think for sure that I am insane to be turned on in such a situation. “Your mate?... That’s not possible!” Galvin was stunned. “You are lying! Unhand her now.” He barked out.  Maximus punched him again and again. He was almost knocked out and didn’t even have a chance to react or fight back, my mate was so fast and precise in his attacks. Many vines and plant branches started to appear around Galvin, entangling him and keeping him still.  “What happened? Did he drug you?” he asked me.  I just hummed dreamily, it felt so good to be in his arms, I was more than mushy, I was feeling soft and malleable like jelly. * I opened my eyes agape and let out a chocked gasp.  Maximus. Maximus is my mate, that is why I am so helplessly drawn to him.  I cheated on my mate with himself.  “Mom, are you okay?” Lea’s soft voice brought me back from my haze. I was beyond shocked.  “I saw it.” My voice wasn’t louder than a whisper. “What did you see?” she asked looking very concerned. “I didn’t see only what happened last night. I saw him, Lea. The memory of the night Galvin drugged me came back as well…” “How can it be?” Lea asked surprised, as she took my hand in hers.  “Memory works by association, so when she unlocked one repressed or blurred memory, her mind associated it with other related memories; other repressed or unconscious memories involving a similar person, feeling or context,” Valentin explained. Lea nodded at him, still looking very lost. I’m sure I was looking the same. “I’ll give you both some space.” He added before he kissed the top of Lea’s head and left the room in a flash of sunlight.  “I saw him, Lea, I saw Maximus. He is my mate.” I muttered as I was still trying to process the information. “Mom, I’m so sorry you got to know it like this. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, he should have been the one to tell you. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I wanted him to do it, Liv too. She argued with him so many times for him to tell you. But we couldn’t.” Lea said crying a little.  “Don’t worry sweetie, it’s not your fault.” I hugged her. I was still feeling numb.  Why he didn’t tell me the truth? Why he let me suffer and feel alone? Why did he let me sink in guilt? Why did he break me?   ~ * ~   Lea   The next day, I was still a bit shaken because of what happened to my mom, she got to know the truth in the worst way possible; not from her mate but from her long-buried memories. I don’t know what to do to help her, make her feel better, she is alone in her room now and said that she needed some time by herself to think. I can’t imagine how hurt and betrayed she must be feeling.  Betrayed by her own soulmate.  I don’t know what I would do if any of my mates did something like this.  My mates. They would never. Richard is so loyal and devoted to me. Valentin is so gentle and loving. And Alexus…I don’t really know much about him.  Alexus intrigues me, his face never shows any emotion. Apart from pleasure when he is drinking my blood. Maybe that is why I like so much when he does it, it’s the only time there is something besides coldness in his expression. Maybe this would be the way for me to form a connection with him. I think he is the kind of person that takes some time to warm up, to open up. My connection with Valentin and Richard is so obvious and pulsing. But with Alexus, the only thing pulsing is my blood when he drinks from my vein. The fact that he couldn’t spend much time together with me in the last month is also a point. He could rarely stay longer after he fed, he was always so busy. Which makes a lot of sense, since her second in command, that horrible Broadrick, was in the Dungeon and my mate hasn’t found a replacement for him so far. I hope he finds someone soon.  But the bright side is that when Alexus doesn’t stay longer, Richard and he don’t fight so often. Their fights have already gotten old. It was exhausting to feel as if I was in the middle of a battlefield between those two.  Or maybe isn’t it, maybe something is lacking. Maybe Alexus doesn’t find me attractive or interesting. We haven’t even kissed yet! I was deep in thought when he took a seat on the sofa next to me. Could he know that I was thinking about him? That is a bit odd. “Lea.”  “Hello, Alexus.” I greeted with a smile.  “Have you ever heard about the neutral turf? The piece of land between this Realm, Hell and Hedom, the Pixie Kingdom?” He asked.  That was random. I’ve heard about this place during classes, a piece of land that was declared neutral after a bloody battle between Laius and Avalon, many centuries ago. It didn’t belong to any of the species. So, all creatures could go there and socialize. Even though it didn’t happen so often.  Now it’s a bit better, after the changes Liv promoted, like the Olympic games between the species and a multi-species’ party holiday. Vampires were the only species that have never joined those events, Liv convinced even the Pixies to join it! Hopefully, after my mating with Alexus, it will change, and the species can be truly brought together.  “Yes, I’ve heard about it.”  “There are beautiful caves there, the Volcano Caves. They are covered with gems and condensate lava. Would you like to go there with me? It’s a scenic place.” He said. Oh, I didn’t see it coming. But that seemed like a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better.  “Sure. Is it okay if I invite my friend Ainhoa to join us? She is mad about volcanos.” Strange, I know, but Ainhoa loves geography, seeing different landscapes and she has never left this Realm before, so she couldn’t really explore her passion. Besides, of course, I wanted to see this place. This place and many others.  I was curious to explore around the Realms and see different and exciting things too. Just thinking about the possibility made my insides flutter. I hope I can do it with Ainhoa one day and feed my curiosity and imagination, not only with the sight of new places but also getting to know new people from different species, new ways, new lives. “Hum… in fact, this little trip should only stay between us. The caves aren’t a dangerous place, not at all. There hasn’t been any volcanic activity in more than 600 years. But you know how mates can be overprotective.” He uttered and I nodded, agreeing.  I know what he means. Liv’s mates are over over-protective and even Richard is quite protective towards me, even though we haven’t mated yet.  “Yes…” I muttered a bit hesitantly.  I didn’t want to worry my other mates and mom, especially not after I’ve been kidnaped just one month ago. They were still extra-protective of me, since my abduction. But I was safe now, Broadrick was in Alexus’ dungeons and I had nothing to fear. He couldn’t get me.  “Let’s go.” He offered me his hand. I was a bit surprised.  Does he want to go now? I didn’t think he was the spontaneous type.  “Now?” I asked, seeming slow-witted. For sure he thinks I’m very stupid.  I’ve been so good at making a fool of myself lately.  “Yes, there isn’t a better time than now.” He said with a smile. He didn’t smile so often, so I couldn’t say no. “But…” I hesitated again, even though I was planning to say yes. I should at least let someone know that I am leaving before I go. “Don’t worry, it will be only for one hour, one hour and a half top.” He replied. I reached for his hand and he used his portal device to open a portal to the caves.  It’s quite curious that even though vampires can’t open portals around with their own magic, they are the only species to have those devices. How could they get them?     
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