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In her room despite not leaving for a few days she began to pack eventually she would have to return for her families home and collect her belongings but she was hoping to delay it seeing her mother wasn't high on her to-do list so instead she began packing up the small room. Gatlin couldn't say she would miss the cramped space or the uncomfortable bed but she couldn't complain that it was as bad as she originally thought it would be "hey" Arro's voice automatically made her smile. He was the one person who shared the happy news with her "so how did things go with the Alpha?" he questioned as he walked into the room. Gatlin turned to the tall, slender Alpha to be with a smirk "are you sure you want to drop training to come with me?" "Are you kidding me?" he beamed quickly advancing on her and wrapping Gatlin up in a hug "of course I'm going with you." "Won't your family be mad though? Since you're here to be trained to be an Alpha" Gatlin was unfamiliar with the concerns of family but was certain that wasn't the case for Arro. "Linz" Arro took a step back easily towering over her while his hands clutched her shoulders "I have plenty of time to train for becoming an Alpha, I'm coming with my best friend" Arro shot her a wide grin which she couldn't help but return. "How am I your best friend? We've only known each other a little while" Gatlin had to ask aloud truth being they had grown close exceptionally fast but she still wondered how she came to be his best friend after such a brief window of knowing each other. "Maybe I just have low standards" he teased while she shot him a scowl "you want to know?" he questioned a sudden seriousness crossing his face but she only nodded in response "because aside from my family you're the first true person I've met there is no bullshit with you, no ulterior motive even when we first met. You're just you" she couldn't help but smile at the words. She had never really had a friend frankly she had never cared to have one but with Arro she didn't regret gaining his company. "For what its worth, you're my best friend too." Arro scoffed "well, of course, I am who else would be Onyx?" he teased further "Jaxon" but his name made a noticeable reaction from her which caught Arro's attention as she practically cringed "speaking of did you speak to him?" Arro pushed wondering if she would unload her issue onto him. "I did" her short response caused him to frown but as she pulled away he grew more curious. "And what happened?" Gatlin sighed making her way to the half-packed bags "and... We sort of argued. He said I wouldn't possibly understand what it's like for him cause my life is so 'perfect'" she cringed at the words. "Seriously?" he was surprised at her response. "He was hungover... Guess he found some other ways to occupy his problem anyway" Gatlin all but grumbled. "Oh..." Arro couldn't deny his curiosity. "Some blonde answered the door" Gatlin spoke her tone holding some irritation over it despite how much she attempted to hide it. "I'm sorry, Linz" Arro approached the curly-haired girl draping an arm around her shoulder. "Why are you sorry?" Gatlin glanced over her shoulder towards the young man, his sharp features pinched together in a show of worry. "Cause I know you... Well" he didn't finish the sentence but Gatlin knew what he was going to say and perhaps he was right, perhaps a part of her cared for Jaxon but it didn't matter he was in the middle of some sort of spiral and Gatlin was on her way to a new life. "Doesn't matter" she shrugged "in a few days we are out of here and there is no looking back. Well for me, for you I mean your family is here so..." "So is yours and your mate" Arro couldn't help but come down on her with the harsh reality. "My family" Gatlin scoffed "my aunt is my family, my mother well... she has her new life that I'm not apart of, trust me once I'm out of her hair she will be happy." "And Onyx?" "What do you want me to say?" Gatlin sighed turning to face the young Alpha who was now slumped onto her neatly made bed "its never going to happen between us I know how you are about mates—" "Hey... Hey," he pulled himself up from the bed "don’t explain yourself to me. Just do what’s best for you alright” he smiled he meant every word the mate bond was important to Arro there was no doubt but Gatlin meant a lot to him and it had done nothing but brought her misery. “You know you’ve never told me why you’re so serious about the mate stuff” Gatlin observed. “Haven’t I?...” Arro stood there silently for a moment before glancing to his vacant wrist “will you look at the time—“ “Arro you aren’t wearing a watch,” Gatlin said giving him a blank stare. “Well, I should get a head-on packing” Arro made his way quickly to the door. “You can’t avoid this subject forever” she called after him once he rushed out the door but she received no reply just his disappearing back as he closed the door.
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