
1104 Words
The training had been relentless in training. Onyx had remained silent aside from barking orders as he stood on the sidelines watching them complete another round of crunches. Gatlin wanted to groan as her abdomen ached with each time she sat up but she pushed through. It was more important than to push through it than give up another ten more times she forced herself to keep going until Onyx suddenly shouted "Stop!" his booming voice practically echoed across the woods surrounding them causing them all to stop. Gatlin was struggling not to drop onto the ground by propping herself up on her elbows. Arro smirked from beside her nudging his foot with her own. The young Alpha was right beside her his bare chest glistening with sweat. "Something crawled up his ass" he whispered but Gatlin rolled her eyes at his comment. "Got something to say, Arro? Please speak up!" Onyx shouted out. His fair skin was practically red it was obvious he was fuming about something. "No sir" he called back with a smug grin but Onyx shook his head and turned away while Arro leaned closer to Gatlin once again "go touch him" he whispered. "What?" Gatlin gasped looking offended at the mere suggestion. "Come on you're his mate, Linz. He might chill" he was teasing and Gatlin couldn't help but scowl at him. "Alright, everyone!" Onyx shouted again "today is the day we are going to start hand to hand" he announced "so move to a circle and we will start the rounds" everyone began to move to be seated in a circle. Of course, Arro sat beside Gatlin the two were becoming practically joined at the hip but she shot her newfound friend a smile while Billy dropped down on the other side of her "Alright everyone" Onyx started once everyone was seated "look opposite you because that is your opponent for today" Gatlin's eyes practically bulged out of her head meeting the brown eyes already staring back at her. Jaxon, Jaxon was who she had to fight. One of the largest men there who was training to be Beta. Gatlin internally groaned knowing it wasn't going to end well. ::: Everyone was forced to sit in lines opposite their opponent and one by one they fought one another till they were unconscious or tapped out. Wolves could be vicious even in just training and some of the fights were brutal which made Gatlin nervous since fighting wasn't her best at fighting but seeing it was Arro's turn pulled her from thought especially since he was battling a bulky young man named Declan who stood across from Arro with a smug grin. Gatlin knew Arro was an Alpha but she was still nervous watching. Declan's large meaty fists balled repeatedly till they had to take a fighting stance and Onyx called for them to start. Declan swung his large fists but Arro was fast to dodge them swerving out of the way she had never seen him in action and since Gatlin had met Arro he's always been a jokester seeing him in a fight was seeing a very different side to him. Cunning and quick on his feet when he needed to be jabbing when he had to, dodging when need be she had to admit her newfound friend was impressive in the ring but Declan finally landing a punch, a forceful one straight to the jaw and causing Arro to stumble but he didn't fall that moment though was enough got Declan to give a quick jab to the stomach still not enough to knock Arro down, no the young Alpha was quick to regain himself standing back up straight and tall his usually blue eyes were something fierce when he faced his competitor then with sudden strikes to Declan's face the large man was swaying on his feet, the nail in the coffin was the harsh kick to the stomach that doubled the man over. "Arro wins!" Onyx shouted while Declan attempted to pull himself from the ground and limp back off to the side while Arro did the same taking his seat besides Gatlin "Alright Gatlin and Jaxon you're up" Onyx suddenly announced. Gatlin glanced over to the man training to be Beta he smiled at her as the pair made their way into the little setup arena. Gatlin was nervous, she had never even been in a fight and they didn't usually have hand to hand in school, she was nervous and had no doubts Jaxon could squash her like a bug but none the less she would do what she always did and try her best. Before Gatlin knew it Onyx called for them to start. For awhile the two stood opposite each other barely moving ”I said to start” Onyx called the annoyance obvious in his voice. Jaxon gave an apologetic look before finally swinging in her direction Gatlin quickly moved and lucky enough to just dodge the hit but not enough for the other he launched at her stomach causing her to stumble back. Gatlin couldn't help but glance at Onyx who remained unflinching but a pained feeling was subtle to cross his face the bond was secure between them and Gatlin knew deep down even denying it apart if them could feel one another's pain. Gatlin stood up straight just in time to catch Jaxon descending on her. Swinging suddenly she caught Jaxon in the jaw his face forced to the side then Gatlin took her chance launching at the large man her leg sweeping around his and forcing him to the ground but he seemed to smirk, Gatlin sat up still straddling his waist raising a hand to strike again at his face but he caught it, grasping her fist in a tight hold and dragged their now joined hand above his head, Gatlin tried with the other but he simply did the same. Their hands joined together above his head which just dragged her closer Gatlin’s face barely an inch from his smirking one ”I don't mind this position” he whispered. ”Enough!” Onyx suddenly shouted grabbing both Gatlin and Jaxon’s attention though Jaxon didn't budge instead he simply smirked more at the attention. Onyx looked like he was about to explode with the fury burning in his eyes and Gatlin grew worried if he had an outburst their secret would be out but then a white SUV pulled up not far from the camp and she had never been so thankful to see someone especially since who the person was. The driver's door opened and out she got the tall, leggy blonde none other than Eliza.
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