Chapter Four- Four is a Crowd

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Kara found herself incredibly nervous as Colby passed over the threshold and into the apartment she now called home. The aroma of Dean's cooking mixed with the present scent of clean linen set the scene as Colby handed Kara her purse. She was more edited for his presence however, than that of her purse being returned. Kaitlyn observed the six-foot tall Adonis as he made his way to the kitchen and sitting upon one of the bar stools. Although he had been invited in, it annoyed Dean how he just made himself at home, as if he had been moving in next.  "So Kara told us she works with you...what is it you do?" Kaitlyn asked, wanting to see how he handled himself under fire. Doing so as a best friend was the only reason Kara didn't kill her...although a glare was set in her direction.  "There is this spa hotel for the city's elite." He took a drink of a beer given to him by Dean before being spoken to once more by Kaitlyn. "And I think it is very sweet of you to bring it all the way here…" "Yes!" Kara chimed in, feeling like a little kid whose mother told her to say 'thank you'.  "You must have dinner plans…" Dean spoke from the kitchen, deciding that he had played host long enough. The Armani model that sat in his living area aggravated him in every way, but for no reason greater than how Kara looked to him as if he was a God. It had angered him as he took it out upon the dish he had been making.  "Stop being rude!" Kaitlyn scolded her brother as he kept his back turned while clenching his jaw.  "You can stay…" Kaitlyn offered as he accepted as if it was bringing up the weather. Another strike on the board of the reasons Dean didn't like him.  Dean placed the plates upon the table and purposely neglected one, although it was addressed by Kara.  "I can just eat off hers…" he spoke to Dean as he learned his plan had backfired. Pulling another plate from the cabinet, he set it on the surface of the bar before it was taken into Colby's fingers. He wedged the plate between Kaitlyn and Kara's plates before being brought a chair by Kara. He sat beside her as Kaitlyn allowed the duo some time alone while she helped bring the food items to the table.  Small tall consisting of how she was adjusting to the city and what she thought of her first day had set between them until dinner was served by everyone taking their seats.  As host, Dean offered Kara food first to try and appear gracious, but this had only made him appear stuck up. It showed and Kaitlyn elbowed him before making him groan. The other two looked at them curiously before they verified being okay with overly forced smiles.  "What is it you do?" Colby asked Dean while taking in a fork of string beans lathered with bacon.  "I'm an architect." "Nice...and you?" He asked upon looking to Kaitlyn.  "Currently a nail assistant." Colby nodded as Kara could feel the sensation of his fingers upon her knee. As if claiming private dominance, it remained for a short while before she became distracted with Dean's words.  "And what exactly is it you do at that spa?" Dean asked, knowing very well but testing his honestly along with how talented he was at speaking fluent bullshit.  "Attend to the needs of guests." Kaitlyn nearly choked upon her wine with his choice of words before Kara delivered a glare and Dean began to poorly hold back a smile.  Polite conversation continued until Kara began to feel the tips of Colby's fingers begin to move higher and higher past the hem of her dress. Her consciousness yelled at her for being so available to him, but her legs began to part before she could find a valid reason to keep him away. Although it had only been a week since his touch, she craved it more than anything.  She playfully bit her bottom lip and giggled beneath her hand that was positioned as if wiping her mouth. The pads of his fingers had reached the lace of her panties as his brow shot up in approval, accompanied by a smirk. He pulled them to the side and began to tease her bud, rubbing in slow circles as she did everything she could in an attempt to remain still. While feeling her grow sodden with his attempt to pleasure her, he took this as a green light to continue, and so he did.  His fingers entered her slowly, taking in every contour of her interior and the way she had been so willing for him. She knew it was unlike her, but for some reason when it came to him, she didn't care of what was right and wrong. Instead of stopping him, she gripped onto his wrist and kept him active between her thighs. However, as she began to grow on the cusp of an orgasm, Colby excused himself into the bathroom.  During this time, Kara was hit with the reality of what she had just done. She blushed in thinking of it and even had a daydream of her own where she would meet him in the bathroom and they would reenact the night they first met. However, her body remained in place as she feared if she  attempted to stand, that she would collapse upon the ground. Due to this, she remained in put while Kaitlyn finished the bottle of wine into her glass and leaned back in the chair to savor its contents.  By now, Colby returned to the kitchen area before then moving towards the door. "Thanks Dean…" he spoke without much of an impression either good or bad coming across his face as he paid most of his attention to Kara.  "I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded and closed the door before rushing to Kaitlyn. After filling her in and giggling like school girls, Kaitlyn began to grow too tired to stay awake while Dean focused on the dishes. At least three pans, one pot, and eight dishes were used for just the preparation alone which meant he would be forced to handwash most of it. Feeling guilty, Kara rolled up the sleeves of her dress and wormed her way to the washing end of the sink as she forced the faucet to move towards her. Using a brillo pad and a scrub brush, she managed to work up a sweat, while making him chuckle at her misfortune.  "You think its funny?" She teased while taking a small handful of bubbles from his side of the sink and blowing them at him. He responded identical to her as she scoffed and a bubble war had begun. It only ended when Kara took the sprayer upon the sink and doused his shirt, causing it to cling onto his muscles. She apologized before placing it back in its holder and picking up a towel to help dry him off.  "Just remember what they say about karma." He teased while moving into his room. She began to dry the dishes and set them into the cabinet set over the island as her eyes came to Dean's door left ajar. By fate or coincidence, his mirror was placed in such a way that she was able to see his bare chest while he changed into dry clothes. For a moment, she analyzed his sculpted figure as it had changed drastically from when she had last seen him. He was always attractive, but always as a Clark Kent. Now, he made her blush when seeing his tattoos staining his skin with permanent ink. She was able to tell what one of them had been, a wolf on the back left shoulder, but the mirror distorted the others too much to be recognized.  She shook off the thought as she knew there wouldn't be any reality current or in the future where that would constitute as a good idea. She tried to focus upon the dishes and managed to look away, doing so caused her to lose sight of him in the reflection. While laying in bed upon her phone, Kara began to scroll through her social media before coming upon Colby's personal page. She learned his last name had been Marshall and that he was a fan of the New England Patriots. He spent a lot of time at a gym right around the corner from her apartment and went to a club called "The Sticks" somewhere downtown. He had a few photos with friends or possibly family but no grand events like weddings or graduations to show a life before The Fantasy Club.  While social media stalking him, Kara found an instant message to pop up upon the bottom of her screen, from Colby. For some unknown reason aside from nerves, she began to pull her hair into place on one side and even moisten her lips with her tongue as she typed back to his response with a casual "hey". She struggled if adding an emoticon would be acceptable but felt it had been too highschool, and so she kept it simple. Within seconds he responded with how he had had a nice time and she thanked him once more for finding and returning her purse. This conversation had continued until he asked if she thought about him. Knowing where this was leading, she played coy and said maybe before he returned with how he was rock hard from thinking about her. The thought of him being aroused by her when he could have any other woman was uplifting, so much so that she bought into his tantalizing words while bringing her fingers between her legs.
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