Chapter Five- A Leopard's Spots

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Kara stood before the mirror and analyzed this outfit as well before removing it and having it join the pile of other attire rejects. She sat on the edge of her bed, a bit defeated as she realized everything she owned had made her appear like a goodie-two-shoes. She wanted Colby to look and see a confident and s****l young woman, not one who still slept with a nightlight. Growing desperate and without her first paycheck, Kara brought her feet to Kaitlyn's bed and gently waking her up by a careful shove.  "Unless you are here to tell me we won the lottery or that Richard Madden is at the door...go away!" Her sleep mask that concealed her evergreen eyes hid away as Kara repeated the process until Kaitlyn was half awake.  "This better be life or death." "It is…" Kaitlyn focused upon her friend, wanting to be there in everyday she could as she listened to her conundrum. The thought of being the 'savior' to her fashion crisis was enough to make her get out of bed and assist. With her 'I Love NJ" mask now set upon her head, she began to rummage through her clothes for the perfect outfit for Kara.  After a handful of minutes, a leopard print dress was pulled out and a pair of bright red heels. "Too Peggy Bundy…" and so that outfit was set back in the wardrobe. Next had been a hot pink skin tight dress with cut outs along the side appearing almost as gills. "Too Nicki Minaj…" "What did you have in mind?" "Elegant." Kaitlyn looked at her closet and realized it appeared more as a closet of sexy costumes than anything presentable for Kara. Due to this, she chose the most conservative thing she owned and handed it to Kara. It was a beautiful yet tight black dress that shimmered with a sort of tinsel embedded in the fabric to appear as diamonds. It gave just enough cleavage and just enough appropriation to cause a smile upon her face. "You have to pair that with a smokey eye...and a pair of solid black heels...then he will be putty-" "This isn't about Colby." Kara spoke, her cheeks beginning to burn from the lie she spoke.  " were given assets...use them." "I still don't know how I feel about the job-" "This is the world's way of having forced you to have a little fun." "Then why does it feel like I'm walking into court or something?" "Because guys like him always cause trouble. But they are so much fun." Both girls squealed at the thought before Kara rushed to the Uber waiting down the steps. She was careful upon not causing a stain or tear on her dress as she made her way to the second day of work.  Having entered, she found a mess of post it notes having been set upon her computer. There had been so many hot pink slips that it appeared almost as a frame for her monitor. She saw how they had been from Valerie as they were what would be expected of her, and so she began her day while being already behind. With her duties beginning with calling clients to take short surveys, she found many of them to have no time for her as she was meant to record and stay pleasant the entire time. This was enough to make her nearly pull her hair out as she quickly made it to the next topic. This one would lead her into the employee showers near the laundry room.  Without a thought as everyone was believed to be on lunch, Kara descended down the steps with her earbuds set in her ears listening to Bea Miller's "Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing". Her body began to move upon the steps, setting her into the correct mindset before she began to clean the area as requested.  Wet towels littered the floor as she dropped down as if reenacting the bend and snap from Legally Blonde and threw her neck back, allowing for a Flashdance moment-minus the water.  This continued as she navigated around the vacant room while swaying her hips through the chorus and mouthing the words-unaware that she hadn't been alone. Colby had been unaware of her at first but emerged upon hearing her begin to shuffle outside of his shower. He then wrapped a towel loose around his hips, showing off the "v" of his waist while leaning against the tile wall and enjoying the show.  His eyes remained upon her as she then brought the mop to view, using it upon the scummy ground until he found her to be too adorable to allow it for another second. As he went to gain her attention, she had used the back of her elbow in self defense and forced it hard behind her-causing his nose to begin to bleed. She quickly tried to find something to help him, having now taken the earbuds off, and being racked with guilt. Her search ended when realizing the only clean towel had been that which was around his waist. He sensed her apprehension and quickly yanked it free, offering just enough of him as a tease. The thought nearly drive her wild as her gaze continued to fall to the lines of his pubic area, finding it difficult to explain her attraction, but finding it incredibly erotic. She bit her bottom lip as he held the towel to his bloodied nose, the tips of the towel hanging just past length of his manhood but too skinny to cover everything-not that he had tried.  "You know...if you wanted me...all you have to do is say so...I'll be nice and won't even make you beg." "Would you stop it so I can help you?" She asked as he smirked while being led to a shower bench and she pulled up a chair while bringing a first aid kit from the cabinet nearby. She began to look through the items, oblivious as to what to out on first but went with her gut and hoped she wouldn't make the pain worse.  "Sorry…" she apologized as he nodded while she stuffed a cotton swabs of antibacterial gel within his nasal cavity. She was then able to see how the towel was stained heavily with blood as it had remnants of his DNA present. Guilt washed heavily over her as she brought an instant ice pack to view and set it upon the bridge of his nose very carefully. Their fingers touched during the transition, making their eyes locked before a woman of enviable beauty entered the room. Her eyes felt weighted down to look upon his nude lower extremities, curious if he was aroused in the moment as she was. Confidence grew within her to take him within her grasp and please him, to be able to control him. The thought continued as her hand slowly retracted from his touch. "What the hell, Colby!" She moved to him, anger filling her eyes as Kara took this as a queue to leave. She returned to the main desk to see a woman incredibly impatient who had been tapping the tip of her shoe to show this.  "Where have you been? Doesn't matter...I need you to run to Fitzgerald's and get our coffee orders, pick up the uniforms from the dry cleaner, and-" The woman's phone began to beep, having forced her to walk away and leave Kara to be stretched thin with the other duties required of her on her second day. By the time she returned with the items requested by the woman who she now recognized to be the woman in the room with Colby, Colby had been leaning upon her desk.  "I need to speak to you…" he spoke without a single hint of humor behind his usual comical gaze. However, with so much to do, she ignored him and continued to her last five sticky notes. "Do I have to write on those pink notes to get your attention-". "I am just trying to get my work done-" "I thought you were doing a job back there…" he spoke, his lips flickering with his sinister smirk.  "I don't think that woman would appreciate that…" he chuckled to himself.  "Monique will be fine. So tell me...what did you think?" "About what?" She did her best to focus upon her required activities, but found his presence to be too distracting. As she turned to face him, she found her eyes to be directly upon his inseam. She blushed before seeing him lean down to greet her.  "I don't date...I screw. Got that Alley Cat?" She looked to him with confusion.  "Alley cat?" "Well considering you and I met in the alleyway and you have good pus-" "Leave her alone, she is already behind today." Valerie spoke while rounding the corner. "She is too good for you." Colby smiled to himself before finally disappearing. Valerie then informed Kara that she would have to close up for the night, unintentionally placing her in danger. 
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