Chapter 22

2234 Words

I am woken by a ringing coming from my phone. It’s Xavier. I check the time, it’s 9am. What does this man want so early in the morning? I yawn and stretch before answering the call. “Hello,” I say in a sleepy voice. “Good morning beautiful,” says Xavier’s voice. He sounds fresh and happy this morning. I wonder what put him in such a good mood. “Did I wake you?” he asks me. “Yuh,” I answer. This makes him chuckle. “Early bird gets the worm,” he tells me. “Why are you calling me?” I ask and laugh. “I wanted to invite you to an event. I have a few important people coming to the club tonight for some business. I would love for you to join me and be by my side,” he explains. I think about it for a moment. This seems like a big deal. I don’t know if I am good enough to be by his side while he is

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