This is not Men in Black...

730 Words
Amelia felt nothing when she died in the Earthquake. Her soul, memories, hopes, fears and dreams were neatly taken out of her body and for an instant, she could see how the little house were she had just resided crumbled and fell along with many others. That instant passed and then she was... floating away? Something like that but she could be sure that the speed involved was beyond what any a rocket or a plane could achieve. In a moment, she was no longer seeing her village but the whole planet in its inmensity, and passing the Moon and beyond. After a little while, Jupiter was left behind and the sun became a distant light dot in the unending expanse of the universe. When she passed Saturn and its rings, she began to feel afraid but right then, with a whimper, her being was suddenly stopped and dumped into what seemed a chair and an office. -We are sorry for the sudden fright-said a voice coming from her front. Amelia´s long chocolate hair had somehow obscured her eyes and as she tried to take the strands out of her face, she saw 3 different... beings. All three wore gray robes that obscured her view as to their real shapes. -I died right?-she blurted -In the Earth sense, yes you did-answered the being in the center- We regret to say your life on your planet is over. -Ok... so where is this?- The beings seemed to pause and conveyed that they were trying to choose their words to set the ocassion as best as they could. -This is an office at the Intergalactic Market Branch nearest from Earth. We are part of the council ruling it and would like to welcome you as the first sentient person from Earth that we have had contact with. It is a honor Amelia. We know you have thousands of questions and they will be anwered, just do not rush and do not be afraid. Whatever happens from now on will only happen because you willingly decide it-said the being in the left. Amelia breathed audibly and smiled a little. She was terrified out of her mind but the fact that these beings were slowly reassuring her did help a lot. Also, she seemed to have some sort of body and the sensation of being still having flesh eased her nerves. -Can you guys read my mind? Why are you covered up?-She saw then her body was covered with formless some cloth that felt real and not real at the same time- Oh, Thanks for the outfit, this is hard enough without feeling naked... Are you guys Men in Black?- One of the beings seemed to be taken aback at that. -No. at least amongst us present today, there is no one able to read minds. We are also not what you call the Men in Black neither the Guardians of the Galaxy or any of the space equivalents of Earth Lore-The being in the right explained- If it helps, think of the Intergalactic Market in terms of the Star Trek Federation but we focus in Trade and not in Science or Exploration- -Amelia-said the being in the center- You were chosen as the first contact within a planned program the Market is going to implement in order to reach and include Earth into the Galactic Sector- -So you guys are not going to invade Earth?- -No, invasions and wars tend to be quite detrimental for both business and civilizations-said the being in the right. -Your first choice is between these options Amelia- said the one in the left- We can let the normal death process that your species goes through take place and your escense will keep going on its natural way. The other choice is to accept a transmigration deal in which you would be given a new body and set to interact within the Intergalactic Market as a representative from your planet so that when the time comes for your Earth to be fully linked with the Intergalactic Market, both other civilizations and yours will be able to bear the change in a better way- -And as to facilitate your representative position, you would be required to be engaged on a relationship with another representative from one of the civilizations that are part already of the Market Network- -Say again?-protested Amelia.
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