We Volunteer

1585 Words
“And according to Amara, the only way to save grandma and our entire bloodline is to go back in time, find the witch and kill her before she kills grandma.”Zari said. “That’s the solution, why are you all looking so glum?”Lysandra asked. “You know how many attacks the packs are getting. What if our parents are there and the rogues went an all out attack? The Queen is indispose.”Shanaia said. “That’s not really a problem.”Lysandra said, and her brother and cousins looked at her like she grew another head.      “We’ll go instead.”     They looked at like she’s some psycho. “Are you mental?!”Fiero exclaimed.   Lysandra glared at her twin brother. “If there is someone mental between the two of us, I’m pretty sure it’s not me. I wasn’t the one that made the Oceana High Alpha looked like a troll.”Lysandra hissed, and Fiero made faces. “Lysandra, why do you think we are more qualified to go on that mission?”Shanaia asked.   Lysandra looked at her blonde, werecat cousin. “We are our parents’ children. We are the Queen’s grandchildren. We are hybrids, and if we don’t do this we won’t exist if the enemy succeeded.”Lysandra told them.  “I am with Lysandra in this. We haven’t taken over our parents’ position yet. And the Alphas and the packs won’t follow our commands. So we are the one that needs to go.”Crane said. “Bless Uncle Creon’s brain in you.”Lysandra said. “But can we do it?”Seb asked. “Sebastian, we are not going there unprepared. Duh. Stop being so negative.”Lysandra said. “Are our gifts enough to embark in that dangerous mission? Are our age enough to learn everything our parents know?”Zari asked.   Lysandra sighed and patted Zari’s shoulder. “You are the eldest among us Zari. You’ve been around even before our parents met. You see the future, you‘ll know if there is danger coming our way.”Lysandra said. “Don’t worry Zari. I believe whatever gifts we have is enough. Plus, we have the modern wits and cunning minds. We can strategize better than them... I think.”Zander said, scratching the back of his neck. “And Zari, you are likely the one to inherit the throne. Don’t you want to protect it until it is your turn to sit?”Lysandra asked.   Zari heaved a long sigh before she nodded. “I guess you are right. I need to be like my mom. Strong and has no inhibitions.”Zari said. “I have a feeling this is going to be fun. More fun than my video games.”Zander said. “Are we all going? How about Ivan?”Crane asked. “Leave Ivan out of this mission. Aunt Calie needed him there.”Fiero said. “So we’re all in this together now.”Shanaia said. “For the kingdom.”Fiero said. “For our family.”Zander said.   They all looked at each other and nodded. “We should tell them.”Lysandra started. “Yeah, let’s get this over and done with. When?”Zander said. “Like right now. They have a meeting in Queen’s office.”Lysandra said, and then she stood up and left the library.   Zari and the others stood up and followed Lysandra. They navigated the corridors of the castle until they came outside a wooden door. “Are they inside?”Seb asked?”   “Yep, I can hear them.”Shanaia said. “Let’s go in then.”Lysandra said, and then she pushed the door open and they all walked inside.   Everyone inside the office was surprised to see them inside. “Lysandra? What’s the meaning of this?”Philip asked. “Later honey, everyone needs to hear us out first.”Lysandra said, dismissing her mate. “Zarina, what is the meaning of this?”Zab asked. “Mom...”Zari trailed. “We have decided to do the mission.”Lysandra said, and everyone looked at her confused. “What mission?”The twins asked in unison. “Oh dad please. We know about what really is happening, about grandma, the black witch and the time travel thingy.”Fiero said.   Zab sighed and rubbed her forehead. “How many times do I have to tell you not to eavesdrop?”Zab hissed. “It just happened that we heard it mom.”Zander said.   Zab groaned. “So we volunteer.”Crane said, grinning.   Everyone looked at their children like they grew another head. “Kids, you do realize that this mission is very dangerous.”Amara said. “Lady Amara, even if we stay here it’s still dangerous.”Seb said. “And besides, it’s not like everyone in this Kingdom will follow our every command. We are not in position yet.”Lysandra said. “Kids, now is not the time for –“ “Then when? When are we going to take stand mom? We are your children, aren’t we worthy of such mission that can affect us too?”Zari cut off Calie.   Zab stared at her daughter after hearing her. “And besides Aunt Zab, Zari will inherit the throne someday. She is, no, we are just protecting and fighting for this kingdom; for this family.”Lysandra said.   Liam looked at his grandchildren, and smiled. “Looking at you reminds me of your grandmother; courageous, driven and stubborn. That kind of person that will do anything for the family, I am proud of you. But the final decision lies within your parents’ hands.”Liam said.   Zari and the others looked at their parents, feeling hopeful. There were a few seconds of silence before Roe broke that silence. “I believe in my children’s ability. I am letting them do this mission.”Roe said, and the twins looked at their wife with surprise. “Love, are you sure? They could get hurt there?”Lyjkos asked Roe. “Darling, it’s a foreign time. How are they going to survive that Stone Age?”Lynox asked.   Roe looked, more like glared at her mates. “They could get hurt here too. In fact, they could hurt anywhere they go, and Stone Age? Really? I’ve been alive longer than Stone Age so shut the hell  up!”Roe growled, and the twins pursed their lips.   Creon heaved a deep audible sigh. “I’m not really sure about this.”Creom mumbled and then he shook his head. Then he looked at his children. “The three of you never left the pack house, or the territory. Now you want to travel through time and mingle with ancient creatures.”Creon stressed. “They are our ancestors dad. I think it’s just right about time that we meet our ancestors, the people that once ruled this kingdom.”Crane said.   Creon sighed again and Sahara squeezed her husband’s hand and then she looked at her three children. “I am actually confident that you’d fit in. I think you have read enough books about this town’s history. You held knowledge of that time and place.”Sahara said.   Creon turned to his wife. “Are you sure about this?”He asked.   Sahara smiled and nodded. “Let us let our children have their own adventure.”Sahara said.   Alex and Zab both sighed and rubbed their foreheads. “I am freaking against this, but what choice do we have?”Zab grumbled, and then she slammed her hand on the table. “Is this our only solution?”Zab hissed and leaned back on her chair. “Are you certain about this?”Alex asked them. “Yes dad. You want me away from computer games right? Maybe this is a good chance for that. I think this is more exciting than playing.”Zander said. “Lysandra honey...”Philip started but Lysandra raised her hand. “Philip, I am going.”She said. “But you are my mate. Do you think I can sit here and let you embark such dangerous mission?”Philip whined.   Lysandra looked at her mate and smiled. “My parents gave it a go, so you’ll just have to suck it up honey.”Lysandra said. “We are still against it.” “We just trust your mother’s instincts.”     The twins grumbled in unison, and Lysandra and Fiero rolled their eyes. “Okay, looks like everyone is in favour.”Liam paused and then he turned towards Amara. “Lady Amara, how is this going to be?”Liam asked.   Amara looked at the young hybrids, and then she turned towards Liam. “They are ready Alpha. But don’t worry everyone.”Amara said, looking at Zab and her siblings. “They are not going to travel unarmed.”  
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