Be Prepared

1572 Words
“Lady Amara, how is this going to be?”Liam asked.   Amara looked at the young hybrids, and then she turned towards Liam. “They are ready Alpha. But don’t worry everyone.”Amara said, looking at Zab and her siblings. “They are not going to travel unarmed.”       After Zari and her cousins were dismissed from the meeting in the castle’s meeting room, Lysandra immediately went to the room she occupies. She sighed in relief as soon as she was out of her stilettos. Then she took off her clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.   All the while she was lathering the shampoo on her hair, she thought of all the possibility that can happen during their mission in the past. They can get busted and get killed by their great grandparents’ warriors. They can also be accused of lunacy since who will believe them when they say they are their great grandchildren.   Then she scolded herself for suggesting that they should go. She’s scared now, and she’s scared of what’s going to happen.   After she finished shower, she dried herself with a towel and wrapped it around her naked body. Then she blow dried her hair and applied lotion all over her body. She combed her hair and then she went out of the bathroom, only to be slammed on the door, and hot lips kissed her.   Philip’s kisses always makes her weak on her knees. Whatever she feels for Philip only intensifies every day since the day she first met him. The grumpy werewolf Elder is her mate, her one and only love.    Philip pulled away and caged her with his arms. “Are you really adamant on making me lose my mind? Do you want to kill me with worry?”Philip asked.     Lysandra leaned her head back on the door and look into Philip’s eyes. “I had to Philip. It’s my family we’re talking about.”She told him. “Lyz, the past is not an easy era. Equality is not a thing back then, what if you get hurt?”He asked. “Philip, I can heal faster than anyone. I can take care of myself.”She told him, and then she pushed passed him and went towards her wardrobe to get clothes.   Philip sighed in defeat and sat on the edge of the bed. “Can you at least tell me what you really feel about this mission?”Philip asked.   Lysandra stopped rummaging from her closet and turned towards Philip. “The truth? I’m scared Philip.”She said.   Philip and stood up and pulled Lysandra to sit beside him on the bed. “Baby, you know you don’t need to do it if you are really scared.”He told her. “Yes I am scared, but I want to do it for the family.”She said, and then she cupped his cheek. “I need to do this so I can come back to you. So I can make sure that all your waiting was worth it.”She told him and pecked his lips. “I’ve waited for you for a long time; I don’t want to lose you.”Philip said, and it made Lysandra smile. “Is the big bad werewolf elder scared?”She teased.   Philip looks into her eyes. “When it comes to you my love, I always get scared.”He said, and then he kissed her.   Lysandra kissed him back and he just let him lay her down on the bed. Philip hover above her and his lips went from her lips down to the crook of her neck where her mark was. She shivered in delight when Philip traced the mark with his tongue. “If you are going to do that make sure you are going to finish what you’ve started.”Lysandra moaned.   Then Philip halted his movement and chuckled. Lysandra sneered and pushed Philip off her. “I hate you.”She hissed and climbed down her bed. Then she grabbed her clothes and went inside the bathroom, slamming the door shut.   Philip chuckled at her. It took him a lot of control not to take her especially when all she had on was her towel. But he wants their first mating to be special. He’s an old soul, an old fashioned man. He wants to marry her first, and he just reminds himself that his mark is already on her neck.   Philip stood up and took several deep breaths to calm himself down. He’s done it several times but lately calming his raging hard on takes him just more than calming breaths. So he began pacing back and forth, ignoring the pain between his thighs. “Honey, save yourself all this trouble and just give in.”   Philip turned around and saw Lysandra wearing his shirt and boxers. He narrowed his eyes on her and crossed his arms over his chest. “So I was right that you were the one who took my clothes.”He said. “Of course, who else do you think it was? Are you taking other girls into your home while I’m in Russia?”Lysandra hissed.   Philip rolled his eyes. “Can you stop with your jealousy? I never took anyone in my home, even Henry.”He said. “If you don’t want me jealous, let’s mate.”Lysandra said pouting.   Philip chuckled and then he approached Lysandra and kissed her forehead. “Not today my love.”He whispered and then he walked towards the door and went out.   Lysandra shrieked in frustration as soon as Philip was gone. *******************************.   The next day, Amara called in Lysandra and her cousins in her office. “I called all of you here for a little orientation. I’ve talked with your parents and we sort of formulated a plan for you when you get to the past.”Amara told them. “What did they really think about us going in this mission?”Zander asked. “Of course they are worried for your safety, but we are in a very tight situation. So to ease that, we did a little planning.”Amara told them. “So how is this mission going to go?”Seb asked. “First, what was the witch said again?” “Under the darkened moon, the past will be rewritten. A Queen will fall, and a new Queen will rise.”Zari said. “What does that mean?”Crane asked. “In just three weeks on the night of an eclipse, Queen Camilla IX and King Lucian will both celebrate their birthdays. It was on that day that the Queen announces that she is having a child with the Lycan King. And that is the night the black witch Rowena tried to kill her.”Amara paused, making them gasped. “That is also the time when she was locked up in something by my mother and the Queen herself. Rowena will use that day to try and kill her again, if my interpretation is correct.”Amara said. “If she went back to the past to kill her again, I’m pretty sure she will make sure to kill great grandma before the day that she used to attacked her.”Shanaia said. “That is right. That’s why you have to be observant, and be on guard in case something happen. And you will be divided into two groups.” “What? Why?”Zander whined. “During that time, only female vampires are allowed to go near the Queen. So the girls will be posing as Queen Camilla’s personal servants. While the boys.”Amara paused and looked at the boys who were staring at her. “You’ll be entering the Howling Blood pack, the pack of the great Lycans.”Amara told them. “Are we going to be servants too?”Zander asked. “No, you’re going to pose as young warriors in training.”Amara paused and looked at all of them. “Everyone, the past is cruel. They won’t be lenient to you, so make sure you play your part well and be careful. Girls, you’ll be in a vampire lair so be more vampire. Boys, you’ll be mingling with the ferocious lycans of that time, so act tough and make sure the scent of lycan is more prominent.”Amara told them. “So what are we going to do then?”Fiero asked. “You have to earn your great grandparents’ trust. Make them treat you like you’re they’re favourite. Get to know them and you need to be next to them all the time so you can watch out for Rowena all the time.” “That’s easy. We’re lovable.”Crane said, smirking. “And most of all make sure that Queen Camilla and Alpha King Lucian will meet in the underground garden, by hook or by crook.”  
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