Preparing 2 of 2

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“How long have you been together anyway?”Fiero asked.   Henry smiled and wrapped his arm around Amara’s waist. Then he looked at Amara who was looking at him. “Since the day when I met her. The day I knew she’s my beloved.”   “She’s your what?!”They exclaimed in unison. “What? Didn’t you know?”Amara asked, and the royal grandchildren shook their heads. “We thought you’re just being flirty.”Shanaia said. “Well we thought you knew.”Henry said scratching the back of his head. “I just came back from an expedition when I first saw Amara. She was still young back then, and she would follow the Princess wherever she goes. And as the princess guard that time, I got to see and get to know Amara.”Henry said. “At first I didn’t know why this hot vampire would be so protective of me. But when I came of age, my mother explained to me who Henry was in my life.”Amara said. “Awwwww.”They cooed. “Enough about us.”Amara waved them off, and put her hands on her waist. “When you find your mate, your beloved, your match, your other half; treasure him or her. It’s a gift.”Amara said, and everyone nodded. **************************.   The next day while they are having breakfast, Zari noticed that her father was not with them, as well as his Uncle Creon. “Mom, where’s dad and Uncle Creon?”Zari asked. “They went to Hobart for an urgent issue.”Zab said. “Why? What happened?”Shanaia asked. “River Ash pack was attacked, and your Aunt Calie’s mate was severely injured.”Zab answered. “Aunt Calie has a mate?!”Zander and Seb asked in unison. “So the obnoxious Alpha finally knew how to treat Aunt Calie properly.”Fiero said. “Is Aunt Calie okay?”Lysandra asked. “Yes she’s fine but she has a lot of things to take care of.”Zab said, and then she turned towards her father. “Dad, aren’t you going to eat more?”Zab asked her father when she noticed that Liam was just moving his food around his plate. “I am not really hungry.”Liam answered. “You should eat Alpha.”   They all looked up and saw Lucas and Colt came in. “Why are you guys here?”Liam asked. “As the Queens guards we will be taking over guarding her. You should rest and sleep Alpha Liam.”Lucas said. “Uncle Lucas is right dad. Eat then you rest.”Zab said.   Liam let out a sigh of defeat and nodded. “Fine.”He said and then he began eating his food, and once he’s done Colt escorted him back to their room. “I heard Lady Amara and Henry gave you some pointers for your mission.”Zab said. “Yep, it’s really helpful.”Crane said. “Anyway, Uncle Lucas here will give you some gadgets and weapons that you’ll use for the mission.”Zab said, and then everyone looked at Lucas. “I’ll see you in my work station.”Lucas said, and then left. “Finish your food everyone.”Zab said.   ******************************.    After their breakfast they all went towards Lucas’ work station. They immediately gathered around a table filled with different items. “Are you guys excited for your mission?”Lucas asked, but they just shrugged.   Lucas sighed. “You are going to the past where it is very dangerous. You have to be equipped. I believe you were already given your marks by Lady Amara.”Lucas started and everyone nodded.   The mark Lucas was talking about was the tattoos on their wrists that gave then their swords, that they transform into different weapons. “Whatever I am giving you now is just an additional help.”Lucas said and then he pointed at the items on the table.   Lucas first grabbed a modern and high-tech pistol. “This is the new version of the UV magnum that I developed a decade ago; you just have to use this small solar panel to recharge the pistol.”Lucas said showing them the item.   Then Lucas grabbed the next item. It was a small hexagon shaped gadget, and when Lucas pulled something it showed a glowing string. “UV string. Like the pistol, you can charge it through the solar panel.”   Lucas put it down and grabbed the next one. It was a tranquilizer gun. “This tranquilizer can put any vampire and lycan to sleep for a good five hours. This gun can be used in close encounter or in distance.”   Then Lucas grabbed five metal balls. “Smoke bombs. Just threw it on the ground and it’ll help you escape.   He grabbed a metal capsule. “This is a capsule pod. You can use it as a tent, but this has state of the art security system, stealth mode and it has a built in bathroom.” “And last but not the least.”Lucas said, and then he grabbed a small satchel. “This satchel was enchanted by lady Amara to help you store your personal belongings and your weapons. As you can see it looks really old so it can blend in the era.”He explained.   Zari and the others inspected the items laid out to them. “This is so cool.”Zander said, looking at the smoke bombs and capsule pod. “I know right.”Seb said.      Zander and Seb are both gamers, so seeing the items excites them. The girls began stuffing the items into their satchel, while the boys are still marvelling the said items.   Then Amara came in Lucas’ work station with Zab. “There is some development.”Zab started. “What’s up?”Zander asked. “Some of our spies reported that they saw black witches in the Stonehenge. They are already preparing for Rowena to jump through time.”Zab said. “In exact full moon she will make her jump. You should jump on that time too.”Amara said. “But full moon is the day after tomorrow. Are we even prepared?”Seb asked. “Well you have to be since you volunteered for this mission. I suggest you hit the training grounds and train with the former Elites. Like right now.”Zab sneered.   Just like what Zab told them, they went towards the training grounds where they had short course training with the former Elites like Econ, Brex, Migo, Macy, and Kareem. But Zab would occasionally join them to train them with their powers.   Their training lasted until the next day. It was an intense training for them, but they had to push themselves so they can survive the said mission. Zab also pushed them to learn and control all their gifts, especially those offensive gifts that they inherited from their parents.   In the afternoon, Creon and Alex came and they too joined the training. Alex knew his children is very powerful given they have both nephilim blood. But he still cannot tell who inherit the demon side or the angel side.   Creon would also worry for his children especially if one or all of them inherited the unfortunate chance of having an uncontrollable supreme lycan like him. All he can do at the moment was to guide them and teach them techniques. Creon also gave their kids some of the serum he made. The twins also sent a few more weapons and security gadgets that they can use.   When the evening came and the training was done, Zari and the others gathered into their common room. They are all packing their personal stuff that they will use in the mission.   Fiero was done packing when he noticed his sister packing blankets and pillow into the enchanted satchel. “What’s with that?”He asked. “I need to be prepared. I don’t like to use old blankets in that time. Who knows how many bed bugs were there.”Lysandra said.   Fiero gave his sister a deadpan look. “Well might as well bring an airbed.”Fiero sneered, and then Lysandra looked at him. “Now that you mention that, I might as well bring one.”Lysandra said and went back to her room.   Their other cousins looked at each other and went back to their rooms to get pillows, blankets and airbeds. When they get back, they all stuffed it inside the satchel. And when Zander and Seb came in their common room, they have paper bags in their hands. “What do you have there?”Zari asked. “Seb and I went out to buy some stuff we can use in the mission.”Zander answered. “What did you buy?”Fiero asked and began rummaging inside the paper bag.   Then Fiero pulled out several flashlights, bottled water, candies, chocolates, canned goods and chips.   Everyone looked at the stuff that Fiero pulled out of the paper bags. “Now we are ready to jump through time.”Zander said grinning.
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