It's Time

1407 Words
  All their stuff was packed and they are all ready for the mission. But somehow they are really nervous. On their dinner, everyone looks on edge. So after dinner, tea was served in the meeting room so they can calm down a bit before they travel back in time. “Tonight is the night when the full moon will rise on its highest. The only time you can jump through time.”Amara told them.  “What are we going to do to make the jump?”Zari asked.   Then Amara pulled something from her pocket. It was a gold medallion; it was round by the size of a pocket watch. It has the phases of the moon engraved around the red gem which is in the middle of the medallion. “Wow.”   Amara pressed small button beside its bale, and it revealed a watch. “This medallion will take you back in time. This has been in my family from the very start and we only use it when in grave need.”Amara told them. “How are we going to use it?”Shanaia asked. “Press the button at exact midnight and it will take you to the time that you needed to go.”Amara said. “How will we know if we landed in the right time? How did that medallion know which time?”Crane asked. “This is an enchanted item. It knows what it’s user need, you just need to trust it.”Amara answered. “Let’s say we did land on the correct time. How about the place?”Fiero asked. “Don’t worry. Only the time will change. So if you stand here when you do the time jump, you will land on the very same place. Only it’ll be a bit different due to the time difference.”Amara explained. “You still have time to change your mind.”Liam told them. “We’ll do this gramps.”Crane said. “We’ll come back victorious.”Seb said. “For grandma.”Zander said. “For our family.”Fiero said. “For the Kingdom.”The girls said in unison.   Liam smiled. “Thank you children. May the Moon Goddess guide you in your journey.”Liam told them.   While waiting for the right time to jump through time, Zari and the others spent time with their parents. Fiero and Lysandra received a video call from their parents. Roe gave them some pointers on what to do in the past.   After talking to her parents, Lysandra went towards Philip who was standing on the meeting room’s balcony. Lysandra immediately hugged him. “I will miss you. Please, take care Philip.”Lysandra said.   Philip pulled away and cupped Lysandra’s cheek. “I’ll be fine. It’s you I want to take care. I still can’t cope with the fact that you will be leaving.”Philip said, and then Lysandra leaned into Philip’s touch. “I love you Philip.”She said, looking into his eyes.   Philip smiled and them he pulled something from his pocket. And when Lysandra saw what it was, she gasped and took a step back. “I know it’s been a century, and I’ve kept you waiting. I thought that maybe if I give you more time you’d realize if you really want me despite our age difference –“ “Philip, you are my mate. I will choose to be with you no matter what. Even if you are centuries older than me, I don’t care. Even grandma and grandpa have centuries apart. I love you and I want you, Philip.”Lysandra told him, and then she looked at the ring between Philip’s fingers. “Are you proposing to me? If you are, then my answer is yes.”She said, and Philip smiled widely. “But.”Lysandra paused and Philip frowned. “I want you to keep that ring at the moment. I don’t want to misplace that precious thing in the past. Put it on my finger once I get back. Can you do that?”   Philip smiled and nodded, then he put the ring back into his pocket, and then he grabbed Lysandra’s face and kissed her. Their lips moved in synch, and when they pulled away Philip hugged her. “I’ve waited for you for a long time. A few days won’t hurt.”Philip said, and then he kissed her forehead. “I love you Lyz.” ****************************.   Five minutes before midnight, they gathered around castle’s great hall. Amara gave Lysandra and Fiero the enchanted compass each, to help them navigate the place. And then she asked them to stand in the middle of the great hall, and she gave the medallion to Zari. “When you get to that time, all of this will be gone. This castle is in the middle of the border between the Lycan territory and the vampire Kingdom, so you might land in the middle of the forest. And once you get there, split up according to what we discussed.”Amara said, and then in a flick of her hand, the girls’ clothes changed into old servant clothes while the boys’ clothes were leather pants with white cheese cloth shirt with leather armours.   They immediately frowned when they saw their clothes. “This look stupid.”Crane grumbled, looking at his clothes. “Remember, you need to blend in. Communicate through your mindlink as it still be intact. Inform each other of anything that you find out or whatever happened.”Zab told them. “If you get in trouble make sure you stay alive, but as much as possible, stay out of trouble.”Alex told them. “And if you find your mate there, I hope that mate survives to see you when you get back here.”Zab said, and Lysandra looked at Philip and mouthed the words ‘I love you’. “It’s time.”Amara said.   Zari and the other gathered together and then when the grandfather clock chimed, she pressed the button on the medallion.   At first nothing happened, and then suddenly it felt like they were sucked into a vortex that spins them around in a very fast manner. They screamed loudly hoping for the spinning to stop. All they see is pure darkness, and as the spinning continued small lights began to appear and fly around them.   When the spinning stopped, they all fell on the cold and dirty ground, groaning. Shanaia and Seb immediately stood and tan towards the nearest bush and began heaving. “Are you guys okay?”Zari asked everyone as soon as she stands up. She clutched her head to ease the nauseous feeling. “I feel like I’ve been in a freaking washing machine.”Zander groaned.   Lysandra shook her head and began looking around. “Where are we?”She asked.   Everyone else looked around. “We’re in a freaking forest.”Seb said, wiping his mouth. “Which forest?”Shanaia asked wiping her face.   Fiero crouched down and touched the ground. “We’re still in Stone castle, but the ground felt different. It’s more organic.”Fiero said and stood up, wiping his hand on his pants. “What do you mean more organic?”Seb asked. “It means the ground hasn’t been contaminated by modern chemicals.”Fiero answered. “Wait, what time is it here?”Shanaia asked.   Seb then opened his satchel and pulled out his phone. “Ten past midnight. It’s like the same time in our era.”Seb said, looking at his phone. “You really did bring your phone?”Zari asked. “Yep, I also brought about five powerbanks so I’m all good.”Seb said, looking smug.   The girls shook their heads  “So what are we going to do now?”Crane asked.   Zari sighed and looked at her cousins. “Easy, do what Lady Amara told us to do.”    
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