1. I hate New York

1361 Words
This is the third book in the Undefeated Series.  Lily POV: LILIANA RUN! LILIANA RUN! I’m still running in the forest after all these years I cannot escape them. I can hear my mother's screams and the wolves ripping my father to pieces. No matter how fast I run the forest does not finish. I fall down and cut my legs on multiple branches. A trembling howl pierces through the night silence and I cannot help but whimper. The smell of blood fills my nostrils as I turn around to be met with those black eyes. The eyes that have hunted me for years. In an instant the wolf was there and then he was gone, but the fear stayed. All these years its still there. LILIANA RUN! “MOM!” I woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. Like every night the black eyes lingered around me. I used to recall the night my parents died before every mission and that night wasn’t different. Mother was sending me to New York to be a bodyguard for a new Alpha who was going to a meeting. I was going to meet my sisters there. New York was the one place in the whole world which I hated, it filled me with dread and the memories of my parents’ death would haunt me whenever I was there. Mother found me on the streets of New York when I was four and she brought me up as her own Daughter. Mother always sent me to this horrid place, she said I have to face my fears and live with my past. My past made me who I was, I was going because my father told me not to give up. My mother loved me so much she sacrificed herself for me, I would avenge their death. One day I would find that wolf and stab him in the eyes. I would kill his family like he killed mine. That was my own secret promise.  I was four when my parents died, I don’t remember what my parents looked like but I will never forget their voices. I loved my life as it was, I had my sisters with me and my bow on my back. It was my weapon and one where I could release most anger. Every time an arrow left my hands I knew I was making world a better place by killing some bastard. No one was as swift as me, not even Fury she left the bows and arrows to me. Fury was not only my Sister she was the First Daughter, she would be the next Mother. She hated wolves as much as I did. Yet we both swore to protect the supernatural world. I knew deep down we shared the same light, the same light which burnt within us . I got out of bed and had to change the sheets, if I was going to be gone for a week I didn’t want to leave sweaty sheets for the servants to clean up. I packed my bag and headed down to the kitchens to say goodbye to my sisters . “We will see you in 5 days Lily” Poppy said to me. Out of all my sisters she was the one that was the most organised. She always knew our clients and  knew where we would go. If Fury was going to be the Next Mother, Poppy would surely become the First Daughter. “Reya !” I called my dog from upstairs. “Reya come on we’re going” I saw my husky running down the stairs and run straight past me into my car. “Alright then I’ll see you in 5 days sisters”. My next mission was to protect an Alpha and escort him to New York, he thought he was being sworn in by the Elders which was partly true but the Elders also called a meeting. One which the Alphas didn’t know about yet, there had to be a feeling of urgency and they would tell them two days before. I would wait in New York and wait for my sisters. The drive to New York was boring but I kept listening to music and thinking about my training. I needed to practice more with a sword. I didn’t know why but I had a feeling I would need it soon. I parked up by the Hyatt Hotel in Uptown New York. Whoever this Alpha was he needed a bodyguard as his pack was relatively new. I opened the folder and saw his name, Maximilian . A dog’s name to suit a dog. I hated wolves and I didn’t care who he was, I wish he died, I would do my job but after I leave I wished he died. He had reddish hair and matching eyes. I sat in the lobby and waited for him to come down. I wore my black leather trousers and a denim top. I felt odd being out of my gear but I had to bear it. “I’m guessing you’re my security?” I saw Maximilian walk down. “Have the Elders sent you?” he asked. “Yes Alpha” the words sounded like poison coming out of my mouth. To speak to a wolf with respect that he thought he deserved was disgusting. “Come with me, I will take you to the Elders where you will swear your allegiance. After that some Alphas want to meet you”. I explained the order of the night as we walked back to the company car. He didn’t know about the Order of the Daughters’ he must have thought I was a servant for the Elders. In a way I guess I was but I only served the Mother. The Grand Palace was the first place I remember comfort. Mother Francesca found me on the streets when I was four and she was on her way here. She fed me and clothed me; I swore that I would never let her down. Even if it meant serving the wolves. She saved me. That was my second promise.  “High Elder, Alpha Maximilian is here” I introduced him to the Elder. “Call me Max” Max grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. He was a nice person and he was well mannered but he was a wolf and him kissing my hand only made me more disgusted. “Excuse me gentlemen” I walked out of the room and ran towards the washroom. I barged into the cubicle and I felt sick to my stomach. As my stomach emptied into the toilet I grabbed my hair and tied into a ponytail. “f*****g wolves” I swore to myself in the mirror. I picked myself up and got rid of the tears in my eyes. I slushed my mouth out as I knew wolves had incredible sense of smell and I didn’t want them to look at me thinking I was covered in vomit. After Max was welcomed as an Alpha I was ready to leave. My missions was only to get him into the Palace. “Daughter wait” the High Elder called after me. “There is an Alpha meeting in 5 days, there is no point in Alpha Max going back to his pack just to come back. He might as well stay here” the explained. I couldn’t help but be confused, the meeting had nothing to do with me Fury would attend and speak on our behalf. “What does that have to do with me?” I asked. “He is still under the Elder protection, meaning under your protection” the high Elder raised one of his eyebrows and nodded. "You might as well join your sisters for the meeting". “So where shall we go then? It’s getting dark so the clubs will be opening soon” “We are not going to a club” “Wherever I go, you must follow” he winked at me and headed for the door. 
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