2. I love New York

1913 Words
Lucas POV: I was 20 and I still haven’t found my mate, my mother would tell me stories of the feeling you get when you meet “The One”. I guess the Castor family was unlucky,  both of my bothers who were over the age of eighteen still haven’t found theirs. No one was more pissed off about it than my older bother Kilian. He had a reputation to uphold, being the strongest Alpha in the country meant one thing but being one without a Luna meant another. I was glad to be away from home, I needed to file some paperwork with the Elders to start my own pack and I  had to discuss the land I could buy. I also needed to catch up on some reading of the laws that I would have to follow. My father was a great teacher but I always preferred reading from official books as my father always managed to put his own spin on every single law. I loved New York, the vibrant multicultural city which never failed to surprise me. The hotel which I was staying at was in the city centre and I would walk everywhere in the morning just to experience the city. The hustle and bustle was completely the opposite to the place where I grew up. The Marble Pack occupied acres and acres of peaceful woodlands. The library at the Grand Palace was something out of the world, however you could tell the books that were mostly used. No one bothered to go to the back. I grabbed a few books and decided to go back into New York City and read them in Central Park. On my way out I saw a young Alpha coming through the Palace doors, the amazement on his face said it all, he was being sworn in. He was followed by a few of his bodyguards, but what surprised me was a human following closely behind. I walked past her and I could see that she was radiating anger, it was clear she didn’t want to be there. She had mousey blonde hair and small petite figure, yet I could tell she had muscles. Her lips were pink and plumped, for a second I could imagine myself kissing her. Her soft lips kissing mine. I didn’t know what came over me but my heart started thundering in my chest. Even Steelix couldn’t calm me down. After they walked past me I couldn’t help  but turn around and look at her. She had a bow and few arrows on her back. I didn’t get it, why would a human have weapons in the Grand Palace? For the rest of the day, I tried to focus on the book in my hand, I couldn’t get that girl out of my head. She was just a human and yet she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.   You need a drink. Steelix chipped in my mind and I knew he was right. At home I’m the brother that always does what is asked of him and the son that never disappoints but tonight I needed a drink. I know, I can’t focus on this book. Is it because of her? Don’t be stupid. She was hot. I didn’t say anything back, I needed a fresh start. Later that evening I got in the shower and tried to forget the events of the day, I spent it going to my favourite place in the city, somehow it felt empty. I put on my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. I had my mother’s brown eyes and born hair. I was a younger version of my brother, although I did try to focus on finding my mate more than he did. “Lucas mate, over here” some of my mates called me over.  I knew Matthew for years, at one point I thought he would be my Beta but he decided to work for the Elders as an advisor. He didn’t want to belong to a pack, he was over 6 foot but still shorter than me. “Why did you choose this club?” I asked as I looked at the shabby interior of the club and noticed half of the girls were already drunk and falling over as they tried to walk. “I bought it” he announced. “What?”  I didn’t know what to say. “What in the world persuaded you to buy this dump?” “Every other club in town for supernaturals has those judgemental Karens. Vampires can’t hook up with wolves or witches, not to mention the wolves. This club is where people can go wild, no guest lists just yet except for Alphas.”. “ Who’s a judgemental Karen now?” “Hey, lay off me will you, this is a work in progress”. As Matthew showed me his “baby” he genuinely looked proud. He was telling me all about his plans and what the Elders wanted from his work at the Palace. “Now my dear friend why don’t you sit yourself down whilst I greet an Alpha, just say my name behind the bar and order yourself a drink”. He left me to my own devices and my eyes trailed after him. He walked down the stairs and in the midst of the crowd I saw him greet a young man. I knew I saw him before but I didn’t know where from. They followed Matthew up the stairs and sat opposite my booth on the other side of the balcony. I had to clear my mind I needed to stop staring at strangers in a club and go get myself a drink. I walked down and moved between the drunk dancers. “Excuse me can I get a drink please. I’m a friend of Matthew's”. The young barmaid looked up at the balcony and received a small nod from Matthew” I kept looking at my dark whiskey and scratching the bar with my nail. I couldn’t focus on anything; my mood has changed since coming to New York and for the first time in my life I didn’t enjoy being here. I had to start plans for my new pack soon but today, I was not motivated. “Can I get a Virgin Mojito please” I heard a soft voice beside me. I didn’t register it at first as it was so quiet. I finished my drink and I was ready to go when I looked at the person beside me. She was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. She wasn’t here to impress anyone she just like me, wanted to forget the day. Then I saw them. Those green eyes. It was her. I was about to say something when she turned around and placed elbows on the bar. I followed her sight and I noticed where she was looking. The Alpha that Matthew welcomed was sitting upstairs talking to some men and she looked at all their movements, every single word and how close they were getting to him. “Take a picture it will last longer” she said as she turned around to face me. I was stunned, I was looking straight into her eyes. She must have caught be staring at her. “I could say the same thing about you”  I pointed to the balcony. “Hey mate, sorry I have to leave you again Elders called and I need to get them something. Call me if you need anything” Matthew said his goodbyes and ran towards the doors. “ Are you following me?” she went back to looking at the red headed Alpha sitting at the top. “What do you mean?” I asked  moving closer to her. “You were at the Palace this morning and now you are here. Your friend works for the Elders so I’m guessing you do as well”. “And you don’t, you haven’t taken your eyes off that Alpha. So, what is it? Either you love him and can’t see him with another woman or you’re waiting for him to be alone and kill him”. “Quite the opposite” the took a sip of her drink and looked at me. “I’m his bodyguard”. I didn't want to laugh; I knew she took her job seriously, but why would a wolf need a bodyguard in New York? A female human bodyguard as well when he was surrounded by his male wolf ones. She didn’t look pleased to be here. “You hate him don’t you?” I asked. I knew I was overstepping but I found her so intriguing and I needed to know more about her. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to reveal anything about herself. I wanted to get closer to her to smell her, to be in her presence. “He’s a wolf” that’s all she said. She didn’t realise that I was one as well, Matthew came and left, he said that he has to go and do some work for the Elders in front of her and when I was at the Palace I was carrying books. All the signs pointed to me being a servant to the Elders. If it meant I would be close to her I was willing lie. She hates us. Steelix seemed disappointed. She hates you . I pointed it out to him. “Do you want to get out of here?” I asked politely. “If you think I’m leaving with you so you can f**k me in an alley you can forget it” she was so blunt about it, it took me by surprise. “Wow do you really think that low of me”. “You are a sleezy guy in a club aren’t you?”. I bowed my head and headed back up the stairs towards the balcony. I wanted to give her some privacy. For the reminder of the night, she didn’t look at me once, she kept looking at the redhead. In a way I felt jealous, I wanted my mate to look at me the way this girl was looking at the Alpha. f**k it I wanted her to look at me that way. Nearly an hour later and a few Virgin Mojitos later she was still standing there looking up at him. I stood up multiple times but each time I went back to my booth, I didn’t have a reason to talk to her. One of the wolf bodyguards went up to her and I could tell she was disgusted; not once did she look at him. When his arms reached her hips in was a breaking point for me. Steelix took control of  my legs and lead me down the stairs. “If you want to hang onto your balls I suggest you move” she had a silver tongue on her. I approached the bar and ordered another drink, I wanted to hear how this girl was going to defend herself against a male wolf. “Don’t play hard to get. You’re just a human, bet you never had a wolf like me”. “Fine, follow me” she grabbed his tie and lead him to the emergency exit. WHAT!? WHAT?!
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