Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV "No but seriously Ev, you should totally flirt with him today!" Liam says. I smack his head. "Ouch! But I meant it!" He says again. Before I smack him again, he blocks my move. I roll my eyes. I stomp his foot with mine adding much force to it I am afraid it might leave a bruise. "Seriously Ev!!!" He groans in pain. For a moment I feel bad but then nothing again. My heart is literally pounding as we reach closer and closer to RedMoon Pack. I don't know if he loves someone. The record says that the Alpha of Redmoon pack is yet to find his mate. I don't even know if I am his mate. I don't even know if I even have a mate out there. I am not even sure if he looks at me the way I look at him. Because all he can probably remember is the play date when we were kids! What if he does not even remember that? That would be such an embarrassment.! "Oh My God! My foot gets RED on the way to RED moon pack!" Liam's whine brings me back to where I was a few moments ago. I look at him who is examining his foot. "Where do you get such strength from,Ev?" He asks me. But before I answer he questions me again. "What if I can never walk again?" Is he being serious right now?! "Chill! Drama queen!!! I am nervous as it already is!" I scoff sinking deeper into my seat. I guess it has only been an hour since we started our journey to RedMoon pack. I am nervous as s**t! "What if he has already found his mate?" I finally ask Liam after few more minutes. He looks at me and smirks. I roll my eyes. Now I am kind of regretting.. asking this guy for an advice. I mean, he himself has not found his mate yet. He is nineteen but he still hasn't find her. "Ok but where do you think your mate is?" I ask him again. His smirk instantly vanishes. "I don't know" he whispers. "You are nineteen. You should be with her right now!" I tell him turning towards him completely. "And you are almost twenty one" he smirks again. Okay! Wrong button! I should have seen this coming! "Also, for your question earlier.. I don't think he did. The records says he is still single" he shrugs. "But.. but what if he found her yesterday? Or the day before yesterday? Because the records are from last week. The records get updated only once a week!" I tell him. He just smiles as he looks at me. "Ev!!!" He dramatically yells for my attention. "Whattt?" I yell back dramatic too. "Chill! It is going to be fine! You are going to rock it! If he is your mate, then it is a good day. If he is not, then maybe you should think about it before you confess that he is your mate" Liam says. I nod taking everything in. My father, Liam and Celia.. the only three people to who I am not just a princess but a girl who constantly looks up for advices. And these three people are my lifelines. I would keep my heart on the line for these people if I have to. "Because your mate might be anyone! Moreover I feel like your mate is someone from Red Moon Pack. Because you have visited almost all the packs the past few months. But you did not find your mate. So it is my high hunch that it is going to be someone from his pack, or himself!" He smiles again. I have my hopes high too! Because I felt the same!! I did not find my mate in other packs. So I guess the chances of me finding my mate in Red Moon Pack are way too high. I swear if that's William Brown himself, then I might faint right then and there. "Now now! My princess!! You gotta chill! We still have almost three hours of journey till our destination. So loosen up a little and try smiling!" Liam says throwing me a candy. I roll my eyes but still unwrap it and throw that in my mouth. Don't judge me but I am all down for candies! "What do you do to kill time? Today, is fine because this is just across the country. But what about the times you had to travel to other countries? Continents, even? What do you do?" Liam asks me again. "Magazines? Phone? Sleeeeeeepppp?" I exaggerate the last word. Because that is what I do most of the time. If you wonder why my skin is healthy. It is because I feed mostly on liquids and I sleep sis! Sleep! Do not waste your sleep for a man! Nope!! A big fat NO!!! "Or maybe we can do something else?" He smiles. "Like what?" I ask him again. But before he starts telling me what that something else is, our car stops abruptly. No one stops the King's car in this werewolf world. So Liam and I did not put on our seat belts. Especially me, since I was totally sitting turning towards Liam.. with a jerk I fall forward onto his lap. Liam's Beta instincts kicks in and he shields me. "What's the matter?" I ask the driver. "I don't know, princess! But please, do not step out of the vehicle!" He says and in an instant pulls up the protection layer around the backseats. This protection layer made of thick leather by a witch friend that gives an illusion that the backseat is completely empty. The button to it, will be at the driver's operational seat. I sit up. Get my back straight. I know that whatever it might be, they will not come in till here, absolutely. Because of this leather illusion and crossing the King's army is impossible. But if they do, I don't want to be a princess who hid in the lap of her Beta. Even if I die today, I will freaking die as a princess! As a King's daughter!! Liam slides the window bar just a little enough for him to see what is happening outside. The outer layer of it is tinted so no one really can see who is inside. But in that little space, through what I can see what is happening outside.. I see chaos. I see my army fighting men. I also see few women fighting the King's army. And it pretty much shook me. I jump to the other side and slide the window bar to see what exactly is happening. I look around and notice that this is not a pack's land. This is still somewhere in the woods. The no man's land it might be. My eyes particularly on one man. He stands tall of the bunch. His eyes frantically searching all over the place. The horses before my car. And then the car before mine , the one I am in, and the one behind me. I am the only King's daughter. So the security when I go out to visit is no joke. And unlike others, horses at the capital pack are trained. When in human form, our army rides them to places or step into battles. And once the army shifts into the wolf form, the horses recognise it as threat and fights for life. "Close it!" Liam exclaims "He cannot see us, Liam!" I tell him back but my eyes are still on that man. That man is staring at our car. Trying to notice even a tiny movement. So he can know if I am in here or not. But too bad, he will not know. But it looks as if this man is staring at me. Staring right into my eyes. Trying to read me. Trying to take a little peek into my soul so he can make out what kind of a person I am. His eyes absolutely says that. Those green eyes. Even from a fair distance I can still notice his eye colour. Because it is so vibrant I have never seen that on someone before. And his blonde hair. So thick. He might be like.. definitely 6 feet or taller. Because like I said, he is the tallest of the bunch. I am pretty positive that he cannot see me. He definitely cannot see me. But the moment he smiles at me. And winks at me, my eyes go wide. What the f**k!! How is he able to see? He cannot! "Liam! I am getting down" I tell him. But Liam stops me from doing so. And when I turn around he is already ready to jump out as the Beta and stop that. "I have waited just enough. But the other troop is no joke, man!!" Liam says unbuckling the seat belt. "No! Let me join!" I tell him. "Calm down, Ev!! I will take care of it. But I just want you to stay in here. No matter what, don't step out! Do you understand me?" Liam asks. I nod. As if I will listen to you! I turn around and look at the same man fighting king's army. He looks like he is very well trained in war skills. But he is not an Alpha. Because I have met all the Alphas in past few months, and I have not come across him. He is not in the records too. I haven't seen him. Not in the records. Fighting King's army. All of the needles point to only one absolute target. Rogues! I don't waste another second and unbuckle my seat belt. I break the tinted glass and surprise everyone. I jump out with the help of it and the King's army bows. Not only do they bow but the quickly run towards me. Shielding me. They are around me. And everyone else doesn't even look at me in the eye. Because I am the princess of werewolf world. And no one who belongs to the race and look at me in the eye. But this man straight up looks at me and winks again. Damn! The audacity!! "Who are you?" I shout at him. And he does not answer. "So you don't have a name?" I ask him again. Silence meets me once again. This man is really getting on my nerves now. He might not be any older than twenty five. Well built I wonder who he is now. I am at least curious to know what he sounds like. "I have a name," he pauses but damn his voice.! He looks masculine and sounds masculine too. I have not come across anyone this way. But I like William better. He is so soft spoken and mannered. Okay. Why am I comparing these two right now? "And my people call me Alpha!" He says. Alpha? I have not seen him. "Bullshit! What are you Alpha to?" I question him. I look around and spot no wolf. Everyone is fighting in their own human forms. I wonder why. "What are you Alpha to?" The man mimics my actions and words. "What are you Alpha to?" He questions again. He smiles at me and winks once again. Maybe I should just rip his eyeballs out! "Noah!" He shouts and a guy who is well built too runs to this man. He bows once and before I know, he shifts right before me. He stinks. Like really stinks. Giving their identity again. And this time, I am the one who smirks and winks at him. They are all Rogues. And this man is their Alpha. He might be Alpha Cole if I am not wrong. I have heard stories of this man but never really saw him. People say he fights for Rogues. That he believes rogues can have their identity as well. That not all the rogues are evil and brainless. But only I know it otherwise. There must surely be some face behind this rebel. "Oh! So you..." I trail as I walk out of the shield circle my army formed. "are the Cole guy everyone were curious about" I smirk. What a jackpot today is! Trying to meet my crush. And coming across the Rogue Alpha. Maybe I will just kill him and then take up the title of Queen of Werewolf World. Because then, maybe I will be happy because I at least did something to be eligible of the title. And then, when I finally have power in my hand.. I will make sure to wipe out the whole Rogue existence from this world. I expected him to stay still. Because he very well knows I am the princess. And I am smirking at him. In fact, only I should be the one smirking at him. But he amuses everyone around us by smirking back. And then he says, "Judging the way the Princess recognises me, I am flattered!" He sure has a lot of head weight. And I don't mind chopping that head off. Filthy rogue! The monster button in me instantly gets activated just by that stinky scent of these Rogues. Oh! How I hate these Rogues with passion!!! "So, Rogue.! What is your motto behind this attack?" I ask him. He smiles. He genuinely smiles. And now I wonder why he takes pride in being a Rogue. Because that smile says it all! "Because I want the princess, to acknowledge!" He says. Acknowledge what? "That Rogue is an identity!" He says. The word Rogue itself is way too much to handle. I can already taste the feel of hatred in my throat. The taste of hatred is bitter. "Yes yes yes. I acknowledge that being a rogue is an identity. An identity that is meant to be doomed. An identity that only runs towards death and never the growth! That freaking death that killed my mother!" I yell the last sentence. Something in that man's face changes. His facial features soften only for a second. Then his face hardens. Once again. "So you.. Rogue Alpha... Bullshit you cannot even call yourself an Alpha! You rogue, remember that the Princess of Werewolf World, Evelyn King is going to kill you. Fight me if you want to!" I tell him and in an instant I charge towards him. I run to him and jump onto him but he moves just in time so I fall down. I expected this move. I look at him and yell. I then swing my right arm to punch him but he successfully blocks my move again. He is now holding my right hand in his and he is smirking at me again! So in frustration I try to kick him with my left leg but he blocks that with his own leg. When I realise he is holding me tight as he blocks my moves, I bite into his arm. He instantly releases me. And I smirk. "Uhhh.. is she really the princess?" I hear someone out there say. Well well well, if you thought I am weak at strategic fight skills, then I am sorry but I am about to blow your mind! "Take this!" I whisper and run towards the Rogue. He looks like he is expecting me to punch. Because I swing my arm once again but then, out of blue I jump and throw a punch straight into his stomach. He stumbles back. "Oooooooh!" I hear the crowd say. Now.! Tell em who the princess is!!! "I thought to go easy on you. Because you are a-" "Do not treat me as a princess once you enter the fight with me" my voice comes off stern. "A girl" he finishes his sentence despite my warning. A girl.! Another wrong switch. What is with being a girl? Being a girl means what? Sitting at home and playing dress up.? Serve their mates from dusk till dawn and be an obedient wife? Give the men the kids they want and literally live in the kitchen forever? Such a stereotype this world has about girls and women! "You pressed the wrong button, Mr. Rogue! And now no one can save you!" I tell him through my gritted teeth. I run to him. And he opens his arms as if he just imagined I would come and hug him. I would be stupid if I underestimate him. Because the block moves from him earlier, they were strong as heck. I take his arm and when I am about to twist his arm, he turns me around and twists mine. I kick him with my leg and he turns me around again but this time, when I put a little more force.. we both are sitting on ground holding hands. I have never fought this way with anyone. I don't even understand if this man is trying to fight me or make love to me. Ok! Where did that come from.? "Liam!" I mindlink him. "Silver handcuffs!" I tell him and block the mindlink again before this man understands I am plotting something. I don't want to fight against him. Because I don't even want this rogue scent on me. I bet with all the fight with this man earlier, I might be rubbing his scent on me. Liam throws the handcuffs near me. The Rogue and I eye it at the same time, and we both look at each other. Before I realise, we both are running for the handcuffs. He is fast. I don't even understand how he is able to run as fast as me. This man is trained very well I wonder if he was a normal Alpha once but turned Rogue when he lost his pack. I highly doubt it. Before he reaches it, I push him so he can stumble a bit and I can grab those handcuffs. But to my surprise he doesn't even stumble. This man is giving me such a competition I am not enjoying this. Not even a bit.
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