Chapter 2- 'Apple Juice'

1096 Words
He was going to urge me to drink. I predicted this very scenario. It was a cliché to not be the result. Too predictable. I don’t want to drink. But I wanted to forget the scene of two of my best friends’ lip- locking each other in a half filled corridor. It’s not like I don’t want them to be together, it just made me sick since I knew Orifiel only met Erelah like a week, or so. Questions bottle up in my mind. When this did even started? Why didn’t I noticed it sooner? As the replay of them getting it on, stayed in my head. I was distracted. Too out of it, as they say. What’s going on? I can feel myself slipping from the noise, the pressure. Everything. It was closing down on me. The sound system blasting its EDM. My god. It was deafening. I’m practically deaf by now.   As the same strange guy that slid his arm, invited me over to his peers, he hung into my shoulder and I throttled into walking in his direction. His arm was tight not wanting me to escape. “Our friend here wants to have a good time?” “Why don’t we show her how to have fun around here?” His tone and the way he said it made me want to run away. But his hand shifted from my shoulder to my waist. Gripping me harder. This brute. Trapped in this situation, as the elites were up close to my face. The heavy fresh bottle of concoction in a tub. Filled with ice. “What is that?” My disgust was obvious as a cup of it was offered to me. “Our special ‘apple juice” he replied  Apple juice? My ass. There was no way that smelled or even looked like apple juice. A whiff of that aroma was enough for me to get knock-up drunk.    It was alcohol. No doubt about it. I dread just taking a sip out of it.   At the corner of my eye, I see Kafziel drinking the red plastic cup to calm himself. I doubt it was the same thing as I was as he was surrounded by topless girls. Parading themselves for his attention Well. I thought it was since I couldn’t smell it since the place overpowered my senses. "Come on just a sip." A sip? They handed me a cup and they want me to shot it in one go. "I can’t” "Why not" “Because I get drunk easily"   "Don't worry. We will take you’ home’." The guy replied in a soothing manner. Coaxing. His friends giving shooting him looks with malicious eyes. A harboring lustful intent. Other holding their glee behind their clapped hand on their mouths. "Just one drink. Then we'll go’ home’ afterwards." Home? Their home? No way in hell. But I can only get out of this. If I ride along on what they want. I stare at my friends finally taking the time to look at me. As they eyed me, shocking both their heads in disapproval in the actions that I was about to commit. I shut down all sense. "Fine" I felt defeated at that moment. A stupid decision that I will soon regret.   I didn't know where I got the guts to Bogart the whole cup. But I see faces smirking from the corner of my blurred vision. Laughing at the stupidity I acted upon like a champ? More like a moron. The shame settled in, as I feel myself gulping the bitter aftertaste that dulled my taste buds. Bad idea. Orifiel and Erelah came running to rescue. "Move aside!!" "We are taking her home!" Orifiel was piping furious with the guys. That he lunged the guy that invited me over, to the wall behind him. Lifting him in fury. “YOU! She’s the only heiress of The Angelus Empire!” Gasps and dumbfounded faces followed. He was trembling. He punched him across knocking him down with a missing tooth. His mouth bleeding. "I'm sorry. I didn't knew... “The guy was guilty of taking advantage of me. I can feel my chest tightening and the whole ceiling turning and circling over me like a kaleidoscope. The alcohol numbing my mind.  Words spill out in continuous hiccups. "It's al-rig...” (Bleurgh) I projectile vomited on the people that made me drink. I heard on of them scream in disgust. As my friends snorted and looked at me and whispered. "Nice one." "You think it's FUNNY?" She was one ones laughing at me when I drank my sanity to their ‘apple juice’. Oh, how the tables turned. "GET OUT!!" The dramatic bimbo in her panties dowsed in my ‘apple juice’ that owned the party, AS they carried me outside to the car. Orifiel and Erelah were still laughing hard and mimicking the drama queen’s reaction.   My male friend, Orifiel ran forward to the car. He headed first, our pace was too slow. Getting the car ready will be better. Than dragging me like a ragdoll. I was brain dead at this moment. Everything was spinning to me. “It okay, Orifiel is going to get the car.” I looked at her. “Whan ded yu too saterted goin aouuttt with Orifell” My words in jumble to what I wanted to say. Her eyes averted from me. She knew what I was trying to say. But her answer went quiet. Suffocating silence. I was still walking like a limp man. The hedge of the gate was in our vicinity. I had to let it out. The vomit. I need to do it pronto. My body was rejecting the ‘apple juice’ that I was digesting. I about to vomit again. I halted my steps and my face ballooned up the vomit that was about to splurged out of me. "There. There. I need to hurl" I pointed out the location of my gag. Those were my last words as I vomited. She patted my back to further release the pent up alcohol in my system. "Wait here. I'll get my backpack. I have a water bottle there" My female friend, Erelah Williams went to the Orifiel’s car to get me some water. I heard a snap. So crisp. Like it was near me.
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