
Finding Alexia


Tony “Minnow” Baitcaster loves nothing more than being a Delta Force Operative. An unfortunate accident while camping and attempting to overcome PTSD leads Tony back to the only woman he’s ever loved.

Alexia Monroe isn’t happy to see Tony in her ER. She can’t forgive the way he ended this between them. Now that Tony sees her again old feelings flare up. Will they give their love a second chance or will Tony push her away again?

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Chapter Two
Chapter Two Tony turned to address TJ but saw the man still staring at the woman. Tony had never seen him so speechless before. He never thought he would see the day when TJ was awestruck. And the man was. He stared at the woman as if she were an angel come down to earth. The woman broke eye contact first, wiping sweat from her brow and lifted her shirt sleeve to her elbows. Tony saw dark markings on her arms that looked like fingerprints. The woman quickly covered her arms back up and looked at the woman with her, but the other woman was focused on cooking. At least that’s what Tony assumed she was doing. Butchering whatever was in front of her was more accurate. The woman swung the knife down and cringing as she cut whatever was in front of her. It was almost scary watching her butcher their meal. “Now who's the one staring?” Tony teased, thinking he could break whatever spell fell over his friend. His hope had been in vain. TJ was awestruck. That was the only thing he could think of. Suddenly he had an idea. Tony went into the tent and pulled out his guitar. Music always brought people together. He started strumming a random tune as he retook his seat. Now, what to play? He started playing the Beatles “Blackbird” and sung it quietly. Dale nodded to Tony then got up to get his own guitar. As they finished playing, someone started clapping as they approached them. The two ladies across from them had come over, and one was carrying a pot of food. “Damn, I need to learn to play an instrument,” TJ announced standing up to face the woman who held his attention. “It’s like a tractor beam. Just sucks ‘em right in.” “Women do love musicians.” Dale chuckled setting his guitar down and standing up. “I hope you don’t mind we came over. We heard your wonderful music and wanted to come say hello.” The oldest woman said, looking at Dale then blushing. Dale rushed over and took the pot of stew from her. “This smells great. Thank you.” Dale smiled broadly at her as he guided her to the table. “I’m Marybeth, and this is my sister Sabrina.” Sabrina glanced at TJ then back down at her feet. “It’s nice to meet you,” TJ said warming, guiding Sabrina to a seat. ~ “When did you guys get here?” Marybeth asked in between bites. “Just this afternoon,” Dale answered. “Will you be here long?” “Marybeth,” Sabrina groaned quietly, staring down at her plate, and pushing the food around. “Leave them be to eat.” “What? I’m just making conversation,” her sister said innocently. “It’s fine,” TJ assured Sabrina before addressing Marybeth. “We are only here through the weekend.” “Well, that’s not very long at all.” “We have to get back to work Monday. It was a spontaneously planned trip.” “And what is it that you do?” “Marybeth!” Sabrina snapped, but her sister ignored her. “I’m a firefighter, Dale is a policeman and Tony is in the Army.” “Oh my.” Marybeth’s eyes fluttered. Sabrina rolled her eyes in disgust before turning to Tony. “What do you do in the Army?” Sabrina asked. Tony was startled at first that she asked him a question. She had been trying to get her sister to stop for the past few minutes, and now suddenly she was inquisitive. He wondered what had changed. “I do clerical work.” It was a lie he had been telling for years. It sounded boring enough that no one ever pushed him for more details. “What sort?” She pushed. Tony fiddled with his fork trying to think of a response. This was normally when people moved on from the conversation. He’d never really thought of an actual job when he began telling this lie. “Financial. I go over budgets for things that need to be done around the base.” There that sounded good. As he hoped, the subject was dropped. If a subject sounded boring, no one wanted to talk about it. The rest of dinner was a quiet affair. Dale helped Marybeth clean up the dishes, and TJ saw to the fire with Sabrina’s supervision. Tony threw the trash away and watched his friends. Marybeth was attached to Dale while TJ tried to get to know Sabrina better. Sabrina seemed more at ease now. She sat near TJ but not to close. She made sure there was space between them. Tony wondered if it had something to do with her clingy sister or the bruises on her arms. “So, where are you from Sabrina?” Tony asked, taking a seat across from her. The glow from the fire helped him see her features perfectly. “Las Vegas,” she said quietly. “Ah, sin city.” Sabrina seemed to pale at that statement. TJ noticed too and sent a withering look at Tony which he ignored. “It must be a nice change of pace here for you then.” “I-It is. I never cared much for it there.” Sabrina fidgeted in her chair, before sitting back. She seemed to pull away farther from TJ and the group. She was protecting herself. From them? So, Tony kept pushing her. “Why’s that? I hear a lot of people like it out there. Gambling and shows.” TJ sent him another warning look to back off, but Tony kept pressing her. There was something off about her. He wanted to know what. This was what he did for a living. Forewarned is forearmed. Just because he was on leave didn’t mean he could just turn all his training off. Sabrina licked her lips nervously and Tony could see her pulse hammering on the side of her neck. “The shows are great. I never cared much for the gambling. It’s very easy to get into trouble.” A shadow crossed over her eyes. Tony felt a pinch of guilt for putting it there. “Well, you’ve come to the right place to get away from it all.” He gestured to the woods around them in a jovial tone. It had the desired effect. Sabrina relaxed again. He’d pushed her enough for the moment. Any more and he knew TJ would attempt to break him in half. Tony excused himself to assist Dale and Marybeth and give the budding love birds a chance to talk. ~ “Where’s Sabrina?” Marybeth asked as she finished cleaning out the dishes. Tony pointed with his thumb over his shoulder at Sabrina and TJ making goo-goo eyes at each other and holding hands in front of the fire. Marybeth’s brows furrowed then she looked away. “Everything okay?” he asked her. “Fine,” she said briskly, wiping her hands on a dish cloth and took a seat at the fire. Tony looked at Dale questionably, but Dale just shrugged. Marybeth kept sending Sabrina withering death glares, but either Sabrina was ignoring them or unaware of them. Tony was willing to bet on the later. Tony was happy for his friend even though he worried about him. Something was bothering Sabrina, which could affect TJ. The man was so smitten right now he only had eyes for her. Tony sipped his beer and watched her. On the outside, Sabrina appeared happy and focused on TJ. But he was trained to look for subtle differences in people. He noticed her clenched hands and how her eyes always kept moving around the woods. She was watching for someone. Maybe even thought staying close to TJ, who was big and scary looking, would protect her from what was in the dark. She was carrying secrets, and he just hoped it didn’t affect TJ. He had been hurt enough by those close to him. The last thing he needed was to have the first woman he had ever lusted for break his heart. When it was finally time to call it a night TJ looked less than thrilled. Sabrina didn’t look any happier, but that could be because of her sister. “Good night, Sabrina,” TJ said warmly, before kissing the back of Sabrina’s hand. He licked his lips and lowered his head like he was going to kiss her for real. Right before their lips would have touched Marybeth grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Both Sabrina and TJ looked startled. “What was that about?” He glared at Marybeth. “I’m only trying to save you two from making a mistake,” Marybeth growled. Tony didn’t know what was more startling her change in demeanor or her show of strength. “I don’t follow.” TJ’s brows crinkled in confusion. “Sabrina has a fiancé back in Las Vegas, and I don’t think he would appreciate you two kissing while he’s too far away to protect her honor.” TJ reared back as if slapped. “Fiancé?” he spits out the word as if he tasted something vile. “TJ, it’s not what you think.” Sabrina said panicked, she tried pulling from Marybeth’s grip, but her sister held firm. “I don’t care what you have to say,” he spat before storming off. The darkness swallowing him whole. Sabrina turned on her sister. “Why did you do that?” Marybeth wasn’t put off by her sister’s anger. “He had a right to know. You’ve been throwing yourself at him, and it was time to put a stop to it. What would Dennis think?” “I don’t care what he thinks since I left him. Why do you think I was moving here?” Marybeth rolled her eyes. “You’re just being dramatic. Dennis is the perfect man in every way. You’re just going through a phase that will pass. And when you get back together you’ll be thanking me I saved you from sleeping around.” Sabrina looked at her sister wide-eyed as if she had never seen her before. “Whom I choose to date is none of your business, Marybeth. There is a snowball chance in hell of Dennis and I getting back together.” Sabrina wrenched her arm free and took off after TJ. Marybeth turned her thunderous gaze upon Dale and Tony. “You’ll see. You’ll all see. When he comes for her, and they get back together, she’ll be glad she didn’t w***e herself out.” Marybeth spun on her heel and marched back to her tent. Dale and Tony exchanged looks. “What the hell was that about?” Dale shrugged. “Beats me. She seemed so normal until a short while ago.” “Think we should go after TJ?” Dale looked down the path TJ and Sabrina had gone. “Let them sort it out. You know how TJ can be when he’s upset. He needs some time to cool down. Hearing Sabrina has a fiancé was a blow for him.” Tony nodded. He would give TJ and Sabrina some time to talk before he went after him.

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