Fizzle asks Andrew for a Contract

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Note: This occurred in the past around 3 years ago Fizzle asks Andrew for a Contract- Fizzle "I'm close. f**k!" Andrew moans, thrusting into me harder than before. I'm positioned on my hands and knees with him leaning over me. His arm is around my neck, cutting off my breathing every so often. He dips his head down occasionally to leave bite marks on the back of my shoulders. I fist my hands in the sheets and moan louder as my body shakes in pleasure. I tense my muscles to hold back until he gives me permission to c*m. He thrusts into me a few more times before releasing inside of me and giving me the command to do the same. I let out a soft shout while cumming into the sheets, panting as I slump into his bed. He pulls out and goes to the bathroom to get a cloth. He cleans me up when he gets back and starts to get dressed afterward. Our scene was pretty vanilla, so he doesn't bother much with aftercare. He always pays attention to my physical state after a scene, but from what I've gathered, he's still not very good with emotional aftercare. I think he's working on it. I think for a moment about what's been on my mind. We sleep together a lot and I really care about him. I know he doesn't feel the same way romantically, but I'm a good submissive. Maybe he'd say yes. "Master? Have you ever thought about signing a contract with me?" Andrew finished getting dressed before turning to me with an emotionless face. "No. I'm not sure what kind of dom you think I am, but I thought I made it pretty clear that this is nothing more than s*x. I'm not romantic and I don't do commitment. Signing a contract with you means that all of the other sexy subs that I like taking into this room would have to go." I frown and shift slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the idea of him having s*x with other submissives in this bed. "I just thought that you'd be okay with it. I mean, you said that you liked me more than other subs-" "Individually. If I had to pick one, it would be you, but I don't have to pick one. If it's a choice between one of you and all of them, then I'm picking them. Honestly it's kind of cocky for you to think that you're worth settling for." He comments, scoffing at the idea. I'm used to his harsh and degrading words when we're sleeping together, but this feels more personal than that. Maybe that's why I can feel my eyes starting to tear up already. "I-I didn't mean to sound cocky-" He glares at me and raises a brow as if to dare me to say anything else. "Well you did. With your annoying personality, it's hard enough to deal with you for a few hours, let alone all the time. You're not even that good in bed. I could find some other sub to f**k that's just as good as you." He laughs softly, making my stomach sink even more. I don't have much confidence, and this isn't exactly helping. I didn't expect him to react this way. You'd think he's threatened by the idea of signing a contract with me. Am I that terrible at being a sub? I thought I was good, but I guess not. "You really think you're special to me or something. You do realize that in my head you're nothing but a warm body to fill my bed with. One of hundreds to choose from. You think that just because you obey every little thing I say like a slave that it makes you better than everyone else I f**k? God, you must really be delusional." I bite my lip to keep it from quivering as a few tears start to fall down my cheeks. I don't even know what to say. I don't usually do these things. I never make suggestions or ask for anything because the thought of rejection is so terrifying to me. I've never seen him be so mean before either. I don't know why he's doing this. I really didn't mean to make him so upset. "I'm s-sorry for making you upset." I mumble, hiccuping softly while I try to stop my tears. "Either stop crying or get out. I can't stand emotional and needy subs." I nod obediently, deciding not to speak as I slip my shorts and shoes on. I quickly make my way out of the room, trying to get away from the awkward tension. I make my way to the bathroom, keeping my head down so nobody will see me crying. I bump into someone and whisper a 'sorry' under my breath before finally making it into the bathroom. I lean over the sink and finally let out a few sobs, doing what I can to steady my breathing and stop my tears. He hates me. I don't know what I did to make him hate me so much. It seemed like it was going well. Especially after that first night. He's played with me almost every night I've been here and he hardly even looks at other subs when I'm around, but he still doesn't think I'm worth it. He thinks I'm cocky for wanting to have more. He doesn't think I'm good enough. He doesn't think that I deserve to be anything more than just a warm body that he has s*x with occasionally. "Fizzle? What's wrong?" I sniffle and wipe my tears quickly before turning to face Dax. "Nothing. it's fine, Sir." "Don't lie to me. Tell me what's wrong. I saw you leaving Andrew's room." "It's just... I asked him about signing a contract with me, and he... he said 'no'." "What else?" Dax asks. They're best friends. I don't want to make Dax mad at him. I stay quiet, but Dax reaches out to wipe more of my tears with an encouraging smile. "What else happened?" "I don't want to get him in trouble." "He's already in trouble. Now, tell me what he did." "H-He said that I'm cocky for thinking that I'm worth settling for. He said that I-I'm not special and that he could find another sub that's just as good as me and less annoying." I cry more and continue. "He said that I'm delusional for thinking that I was anything more than a w-warm body to fill his bed." "Hey, Shh. It's okay." Dax wraps his arms around me to pull me close, and I return the hug, feeling stupid for crying so much, but I can't stop. We stand like that for a while, just me crying on his chest while he pets my hair and tells me that everything will be fine. Eventually my tears stop and I reach my hands up to dry my face. Dax takes my hand and walks me out of the bathroom. I falter when we get closer to Andrew's playroom. "I don't want to go back in there, Sir." Dax nods. "That's okay. You can stay out here." We stop at the door, and he drops my hand to walk inside, leaving me standing awkwardly, listening in. I hear a loud thud sound and a moment later, Andrew shouts, "What the f**k is wrong with you?" "Hurt one of my subs again and I'll do a hell of a lot more than punch you." "He's not your sub." "Every submissive in this club is my responsibility. I interview them and keep up with their lives and relationships so that I know how to help them when they need it. You hurt him." "In case you missed the memo, he likes being hurt." "Not like that. When I started this club, I only made a few f*****g rules, Andrew. What's the first one?" "Respect-" "Exactly, so what the f**k makes you think you have the right to say that s**t to him. All he wants is to be with you and that's how you react?" "I don't do commitment." "Then you should've said no." "I did." "You should've only said no." "You know I have a habit of running my mouth." "I don't care. You have some f*****g audacity to say all of that to him. You should be treating every sub with respect, so calling them 'warm bodies' is completely unacceptable. You called him delusional and cocky for thinking that he deserves someone like you? If anything, you're the one that doesn't deserve him." "f**k you, Dax." "That kid is the kindest person I've ever met, and you thought you had the right to treat him like that? He deserves way f*****g better than a useless piece of s**t like you." I frown and shift back and forth on my feet. Andrew isn't a bad guy just because he snapped at me. "You think I don't know that? I don't want to sign a contract. He deserves someone who will if that's what he wants, but he can't meet anyone as long as he's following me around like a lost puppy." "That's not an excuse." "I know. So what's the punishment then?" "I'm giving you a physical punishment in front of all the doms to set an example. Nobody gets to mistreat the submissives and there's no excuses." Dax tells him. "You'll get 27 lashes from the whip. One for each minute I stood in the bathroom and comforted him after you made him cry." "I didn't think he'd cry so much. I thought he'd get mad and yell and storm out. I just wanted him to think I'm a terrible guy so he'll get over me." My eyes widen slightly as I continue to look down and stand close to the door. I could never think that he's a bad guy. "I don't care. After that, you're suspended from the club for a month, and I don't want you to contact him at all." "He can decide if he wants to talk to me or not." "No because you know damn well that he can't say no to you. No texting, calling, late night booty calls. Nothing, do you understand me?" "Yeah, I get it." I jump slightly when the door opens, and Andrew is standing there. My heart starts racing as I wait to see his reaction to me being here, but it slows when he gives me an apologetic smile. "You didn't tell on me, did you?" "I didn't mean to make you look bad. It's just that he kept asking and I didn't want to lie so I-" Andrew leans down to kiss my lips. It's not romantic. It's hot and heavy. I feel his tongue dancing with my own as his teeth nip at my lips. his hand comes up to pull me closer and I move mine to gently put my hand in his curls. After a minute, he pulls away and smirks. "Sorry, I'm a d**k. I'll see you in a month?" I nod quickly, still feeling the tingling sensation on my lips. Honestly, he could do anything to me and I'd still be this devoted to him. I just wish he'd be more open to making this something more serious. "It's okay." I mumble softly as he walks past me. "Try not to be such a people pleaser, okay, Fizzle. Do what's best for you." Dax suggests. I nod. That's what this is. Andrew is best for me. I want to be with him. I'll stick around for however long it takes for him to want to be with me too.
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